Big egos and small minds

Arborist Forum

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Old enough to know better.
. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Right in the middle, USA
This forum used to be one of my favorite places to hang out, but it seems to have degenerated into a forum for people with huge egos and no respect for anyone else to come in and throw poorly phrased insults at each other.

This is the forum for Commercial Tree Care, guys. It's purpose is not so that you can find someone else in your trade to insult, it is not here for you to work out your problems on your perceived competitors, it is presumably a site where like-minded individuals can find each other and share knowledge and experience common to our trade.

There is no reason for every thread to devolve into the invective, illogical rhetoric, and blathering drivel that so often occurs. Quit reading insult into every post, and ignore those posts that are openly intended to aggravate you. The rest of us really don't want to read about your opinion of some other participant in this forum.

I like a good squabble as well as the next guy, but I really am tired of seeing it in almost every thread.

PLEASE! At least TRY to keep it professional.

Thank you!
This forum used to be one of my favorite places to hang out, but it seems to have degenerated into a forum for people with huge egos and no respect for anyone else to come in and throw poorly phrased insults at each other.

This is the forum for Commercial Tree Care, guys. It's purpose is not so that you can find someone else in your trade to insult, it is not here for you to work out your problems on your perceived competitors, it is presumably a site where like-minded individuals can find each other and share knowledge and experience common to our trade.

There is no reason for every thread to devolve into the invective, illogical rhetoric, and blathering drivel that so often occurs. Quit reading insult into every post, and ignore those posts that are openly intended to aggravate you. The rest of us really don't want to read about your opinion of some other participant in this forum.

I like a good squabble as well as the next guy, but I really am tired of seeing it in almost every thread.

PLEASE! At least TRY to keep it professional.

Well said, lets keep to tree work, the odd slam ok, but keep it civil!
That's great. This is the kind of mind set that has inspired me work hard to earn and provide with integrity vs. ego.
This forum used to be one of my favorite places to hang out, but it seems to have degenerated into a forum for people with huge egos and no respect for anyone else to come in and throw poorly phrased insults at each other.

This is the forum for Commercial Tree Care, guys. It's purpose is not so that you can find someone else in your trade to insult, it is not here for you to work out your problems on your perceived competitors, it is presumably a site where like-minded individuals can find each other and share knowledge and experience common to our trade.

There is no reason for every thread to devolve into the invective, illogical rhetoric, and blathering drivel that so often occurs. Quit reading insult into every post, and ignore those posts that are openly intended to aggravate you. The rest of us really don't want to read about your opinion of some other participant in this forum.

I like a good squabble as well as the next guy, but I really am tired of seeing it in almost every thread.

PLEASE! At least TRY to keep it professional.

Thank you!

I heard that. I discovered this site while recovering from a bad fall and 2 subsequent surgeries. Really did me good to hear from people in the business. Back then I didnt know if I'd ever work again. I didnt post much as I had no fresh tales to tell. Luckily I was able to return to work but I still hardly ever post because of the very stuff you mentioned. If I wanted to fight I'd go to a bar or call my ex. This place has sure changed. Whatever happened to Clearance? I enjoyed his posts even if he was a little close-minded. I post a lot on hunting and paddling forums and it's totally different. I've made friends and connections for life on those sites. Here I pretty much get put down.
I heard that. I discovered this site while recovering from a bad fall and 2 subsequent surgeries. Really did me good to hear from people in the business. Back then I didnt know if I'd ever work again. I didnt post much as I had no fresh tales to tell. Luckily I was able to return to work but I still hardly ever post because of the very stuff you mentioned. If I wanted to fight I'd go to a bar or call my ex. This place has sure changed. Whatever happened to Clearance? I enjoyed his posts even if he was a little close-minded. I post a lot on hunting and paddling forums and it's totally different. I've made friends and connections for life on those sites. Here I pretty much get put down.

Stick around. You'll make friends here too. I've been busted on up and down these forums and it don't really matter. Some guys are cool. Some guys are ####s. Some guys who are ####s are also cool. Made some great friends and serious enhancements to my biz because of this site.
This site hasn't changed a bit in all the time I've been here. It ebbs and flows like a stormfront or something. Not trying to get poetic or anything:msp_w00t: There's some good stuff to learn from alot of different perspectives, people come and go. Even the jabs back and forth are useful against my friends sometimes:laugh:
I think some baiting goes on some times, don't feed the trolls and don't bite that baited hook. It's natural to have options and to sometimes argue over some point, That is what makes this interesting. I only learned how to use a computer about 5 years ago(give or take) I hardly knew any other climbers, or people who were interested in trees and tree work like I am. Finding out there are "others ", like my self has really been great. I have benefited, and learned and improved considerably being a member of this site. I have made some great friends, and business ventures through this site. There are many people here I have never meant, but feel I know them, and think would be friends if we were to meet.
Things have changed in this industry over the last 4 years or so, and not necessarily for the better. People are emotional, and angry. That being said we shouldn't let a few #### stirrers stir the pot. I'm sure all our Mom's told us as kids,"if you can't say something nice, don't say nothen at all", don't let our selfs get manipulated, into being something were not, by a_ _holes trying to get a raise out of us.
Don't get played, and don't react and the game players will get bored and go somewhere else. Easier said then done I know. Beastmaster
By the way dont expect me not to take up for myself at least once when called an "internet jackass, know nothing wannabe" out of the blue.

I expect you to ignore the idiots, unless it is a witty rejoinder that does not pull the thread down to their level.

This has been a crusade of mine for way too long now. Too often the discussions either devolve into flame wars or mutual admiration drivel.
By the way dont expect me not to take up for myself at least once when called an "internet jackass, know nothing wannabe" out of the blue.

I couldn't agree more.

But at the same time you are "taking up for yourself", I think it is only necessary to point out the error the offending poster was making, perhaps mentioning the need to be a bit more civil, and then letting it go.

Besides, it's a lot more satisfying to get a polite retraction with one post, than it is to attempt revenge with 20 posts in a never-ending flame war.

(BTW, I know what thread you are talking about. I thought that was out of line too. That was a very good example of a big ego and a small mind, taking cheap shots at someone else that didn't deserve it.)
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I couldn't agree more.

But at the same time you are "taking up for yourself", I think it is only necessary to point out the error the offending poster was making, perhaps mentioning the need to be a bit more civil, and then letting it go.

Besides, it's a lot more satisfying to get a polite retraction with one post, than it is to attempt revenge with 20 posts in a never-ending flame war.

(BTW, I know what thread you are talking about. I thought that was out of line too. That was a very good example of a big ego and a small mind, taking cheap shots at someone else that didn't deserve it.)

I pretty much thought that's what I did. If you had'nt started this thread I wouldnt have re-visited the scene. Thanks for bringing this up though, I think it needed said. JPS, I've always respected your posts. But wait till someone talks to you like that and see if you ignore it. Enough said.
I couldn't agree more.

But at the same time you are "taking up for yourself", I think it is only necessary to point out the error the offending poster was making, perhaps mentioning the need to be a bit more civil, and then letting it go.

Besides, it's a lot more satisfying to get a polite retraction with one post, than it is to attempt revenge with 20 posts in a never-ending flame war.

(BTW, I know what thread you are talking about. I thought that was out of line too. That was a very good example of a big ego and a small mind, taking cheap shots at someone else that didn't deserve it.)

FTR: I wasn't the only one taking shots at him.. mine was just a little cheaper! lol.

The whole thread just reeked of greenhorn... and with all the trolls around lately pissing everybody off, well who wouldn't be a little agrravated! Then FTA kicks in some with his dumb ass... well, was what it was.

I made a mistake by assuming you were a "know nothing internet troll wannabee" ripplerider, sorry again! Jesus..

I thought we made better and moved on. Get over it!
Shucks! Things are getting better right away. Even ol' tree MDS squared up rather nicely.

The flip side of this "acting professional" concept is that once someone has apologized, we should accept the apology and not keep picking at everything they post. Even I have been known to get thin skinned every now and then, so it's not like I am perfect, either.
Shucks! Things are getting better right away. Even ol' tree MDS squared up rather nicely.

The flip side of this "acting professional" concept is that once someone has apologized, we should accept the apology and not keep picking at everything they post. Even I have been known to get thin skinned every now and then, so it's not like I am perfect, either.

You're just as bad as the rest of us in your own right! Don't think you're fooling anybody here! You try and get your jabs in by using a more cerebral (questionably), less obvious means, is all.. IMO.

You good people though! :cheers:
I try very hard to stick to JPS's idea: "witty rejoinder", & there is no doubt that I play a pretty good game of one-upmanship when debating how something should be done. I would like to argue, however, that I try to never call folks names. I confess that sometimes I will shamelessly try to make them feel like idiots by pointing out their errors. I guess that isn't very nice, either, but I don't think I make a sport out of it.

Honestly though, except for one time, I have never gotten into a flame war. When somebody picks a name calling fight with me, I just tell them I don't argue with idiots. I usually post this well known quote:

"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
(Erroneously attributed to Mark Twain)
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I have learned alot from this site also! I am alot more safety minded than I was a couple years ago. I have the study guide for my certification and plan on testing this winter. Its the arborists on this site that have helped me make that decision. I dont chat much but i read alot of what every one says. I want to thank every one for what i have learned the last couple years.
Thank You!
Let me first off apologize to those that I have offended ............. For not offending you more so that you would get it and stop being a bunch of ####ies , I mean really ........ I am not sorry for offending anyone ... Except Jeff because after reading and learning alittle about him I realized he has two hobbies , lobbing strawberries at a turtle and hanging here ......

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