I hate low ballers

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Who is hiding? How am I hiding? There are a few people on here that know me. I will also be trying to make the CT GTG so come on up.

Just so you dont have a hard time finding him he is the one in the middle.

The only thing you have to do is look at weight limits for certain climbing gear. You will not climb as fast or as long as most of the smaller guys but you can do it if you want to do it.

from left to right Im 6' 280 Huskytree 6'5" 270 and Bomber 6'3" 230... all three climb. Even at 46 and 280 I can still rope climb (lard thrust) pretty well when I have to.
Who is hiding? How am I hiding? There are a few people on here that know me. I will also be trying to make the CT GTG so come on up.

I wasn't referring to you.

Are you trying to pick a fight or what? There's no other reason for you to being replying my posts, you and your buddies are just spoiling for a fight.

Everything you've said to me has been negative and uncalled for, so why don't you give a rest!

It's easy to judge people when you can hide behind the anonymity of the internet; Isn't it?

Are you positive you weren't referring to me? Because this is your quote above where you quoted my post. I am crystal clear you were referring to me.

I am not here to pick any fights. My fighting days are over.

Maybe if you posted like a normal person you wouldn't have so many issues on here.
I wasn't referring to you.

Are you trying to pick a fight or what? There's no other reason for you to being replying my posts, you and your buddies are just spoiling for a fight.

Everything you've said to me has been negative and uncalled for, so why don't you give a rest!

He's referring to me.......he didn't like common sense being told to him on the subjects of tree hackery and climbing gear which meets ansi standards. Apparently he believes anyone who disagrees with him is "flaming" him.

Hey carbie, have you noticed that your reception here is not being well received by many? Or any? Don't worry man, I'm sure it's all of us, and that you're just fine. Don't sweat it.......

You may now carry on with your tantrum.
Something I noticed is the house next door has a bunch of pines that are way bigger than that one and in terrible shape. I might end up doing it for her for less so I can get the business next door.:biggrin:

Just wanted to point out the irony of the OP being the same person who's now suggesting low balling the job this thread was started in regards to, in order to have an in to work the next door neighbors trees.

Funny huh?
He's referring to me......

Yes I was referring to you.

he didn't like common sense being told to him on the subjects of tree hackery and climbing gear which meets ansi standards. Apparently he believes anyone who disagrees with him is "flaming" him.

I don't recall there being any common sense in your reply to me, not picking at you or anything, it's just that if you did intend to be helpful all was lost in the rude manner in which you went about it.

I'm not your beer drinking buddy, I've never met you in my life, I no nothing about you; What am I supposed to think when you reply to my post like that???

Some guy asks if anyone knows anything new/different so I gave him something he might not know, and you decide that it's your duty to jump down my frigging throat over it????

Who the #### died and made you God?! Does your #### not stink?! Are you perfection in it ####ing finest?! Are the rest of us just peeons for you to #### with?!

I've got a #### load of ####ing problem to deal with in my life man, and you're not one of them, so #### off!
Yes I was referring to you.

I don't recall there being any common sense in your reply to me, not picking at you or anything, it's just that if you did intend to be helpful all was lost in the rude manner in which you went about it.

I'm not your beer drinking buddy, I've never met you in my life, I no nothing about you; What am I supposed to think when you reply to my post like that???

Some guy asks if anyone knows anything new/different so I gave him something he might not know, and you decide that it's your duty to jump down my frigging throat over it????

Who the #### died and made you God?! Does your #### not stink?! Are you perfection in it ####ing finest?! Are the rest of us just peeons for you to #### with?!

I've got a #### load of ####ing problem to deal with in my life man, and you're not one of them, so #### off!


My first post in response to you.....
I completely agree w/ Bomber, Del, and tree md.

I'd walk away every time before hacking that beauty.

Gutter helmets can prevent problems with the guttering with less expense than hacking it.

We don't even know which side of the house the tree is on, so roof shading may not be an issue at all. If shading is an issue (lichen or moss growing on the roof) then a light raise would allow enough air flow to keep the roof dry and safe from degradation via moisture.

If the roots are a potential problem to the foundation (which I doubt), then root barriers are a much better option than starting a new one farther away (because we all know that tree isn't gonna be moved without becoming firewood).

There are way too many people who use BS as the basis for selling unneeded work, or justifying work that the owner wants done, even though it's blatantly wrong.

I didn't single you out in any way......but if the shoe fits......we'll then wear it.

My second post in response you to, in another thread.....

Simply as an FYI, screw lock biners are not up to standards. All life support biners should be triple action, and for good reason. Not because the ANSI will arrest you, but because the ground will arrest you if your screw lock unexpectedly opens.

Sorry to have been so mean to you Carbie.
Oh well just glad to hear that you have so good where you are that you don't have to do what it takes pay the bills pal!

Good for you, why don't you have a laugh at the expense of the less fortunate! You ####ing prick!

Sorry for the sidetrack.....maybe now we can get back to the topic of this thread.

I've had 2 or 3 measly little jobs this month, and I'm hurting financially every bit as much as the next guy, BUT....

I'm not gonna get on here and whine about it, because it's January. It's always this way. Hopefully next year I'll have done a better job of putting aside enough cash to make it through the winter more smoothly.


I'm not gonna start working for less than it's worth, because that only further degrades the market, and makes things even worse on down the road for everyone who's in this biz.


I can sit home and go broke without wearing out my equipment by lowballing jobs. It's far better than bustin ass for a pittance, and ending up with worn out gear and a worn out body when the time rolls around to start making some decent money.


You go ahead and whine, and lowball, and rant and throw a tantrum. I'm sure all of those will help your situation lots.
Sorry for the sidetrack.....maybe now we can get back to the topic of this thread.

I've had 2 or 3 measly little jobs this month, and I'm hurting financially every bit as much as the next guy, BUT....

I'm not gonna get on here and whine about it, because it's January. It's always this way. Hopefully next year I'll have done a better job of putting aside enough cash to make it through the winter more smoothly.


I'm not gonna start working for less than it's worth, because that only further degrades the market, and makes things even worse on down the road for everyone who's in this biz.


I can sit home and go broke without wearing out my equipment by lowballing jobs. It's far better than bustin ass for a pittance, and ending up with worn out gear and a worn out body when the time rolls around to start making some decent money.


You go ahead and whine, and lowball, and rant and throw a tantrum. I'm sure all of those will help your situation lots.

Well there is one positive at least one D BAG HERE knows where to start his stupid idiotic thread .....:eek2:101
When I read threads like this I swear I wish I could invent a button that I could press that would have a spring loaded fist pop out and knock the taste outta the OP's mouth :eek2:
Sorry for the sidetrack.....maybe now we can get back to the topic of this thread.

I've had 2 or 3 measly little jobs this month, and I'm hurting financially every bit as much as the next guy, BUT....

I'm not gonna get on here and whine about it, because it's January. It's always this way. Hopefully next year I'll have done a better job of putting aside enough cash to make it through the winter more smoothly.


I'm not gonna start working for less than it's worth, because that only further degrades the market, and makes things even worse on down the road for everyone who's in this biz.


I can sit home and go broke without wearing out my equipment by lowballing jobs. It's far better than bustin ass for a pittance, and ending up with worn out gear and a worn out body when the time rolls around to start making some decent money.


You go ahead and whine, and lowball, and rant and throw a tantrum. I'm sure all of those will help your situation lots.

Him posting about low ballers tells a lot. I guarantee he is new to the business or at least being on his own in it. Maybe a groundman that thought hey that doesnt look too hard. First off if your whining about low ballers you have not been bidding jobs long because unless your a low baller hack then you get pretty use to getting under bid. He is also talking about low balling to get a neighbor. Granted in the right situation it can pay off to do a job cheap to get in a neighborhood. Storm damage work for instance can spread like wild fires. But if you have a good name then in them type situations you are usually turning people down not dropping your price to get work. Another tell tale sign that he has not done this long is that he is willing to lose money to get work period. This is hard and dangerous work and one time of losing your ass on a job is enough to tell you that its not worth killing yourself for peanuts. Last thought is he just doesnt have anything else to talk about because he is just starting out and thought "hey Ill look cool if I complain about low ballers"

Just my humble opinion.

What are you swimming and playing raquet ball? Hey there are a bunch of hotties there. :hmm3grin2orange:
Its been a while since I have been in the pool there

But I doubt you will fit in that pool, and I know there is no way that head is going to!:cheers:

I wouldn't call you fat. You are a big beast and as strong as two ox.

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