You guys want the bad news first?

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Oct 5, 2008
Reaction score
West kentucky
Well, looks like I'm not fooling with any more saws for a while. :(


That's a pic of my spinal cord and the disc that's nearly got it pinched shut.

Most of ya know I've been having back and neck problems for a couple years now, often dissapearing for a while, but coming back stronger each time. Well, we've found the culprit.

I meet with a neurosurgeon first thing tomorrow morning, and will most likely be in surgery before the weekend. The two doctors that looked the MRI over couldn't believe I was still able to walk....

Anyhoo, hopefully I'll be back in action soon. Doc said 6-8 weeks is the usual recovery time. I'll be sure to try to keep up with muh progress and such. The wife might post up a bit when I can't, so y'all be nice to her.

Ouch man that hurts. Hope you can recover quickly from it. :cheers:
Dang wiggles worth my prayers are with you man through this. I pray for you a speedy recovery after you come out take your time and not try to push your self.
Wow that's terrible. My thoughts go out to you. I have recently had some people who are close to me go through major back surgery. Good news is that the science behind back surgery has improved greatly, so I would bet that you will be back running saws again.
Holy ####! That is the worst one I've ever seen and I've seen a lot.

Good luck with the surgery. There are several new techniques that they will hopefully be able to use with you.

Keep in touch as best you can.
Man J, that's some brutal pressure that disc is putting on your spinal cord. I hope you get through it fast, but make sure you
do everything the docs tell you to do. Too many times I've seen people have the surgery and then start feeling good so
they go out and start heaving lifting and injure themselves all over again. Doing it right while you're young and strong is sure
a lot better than dealing with this again 25-30 years from now.
Been there

Don't move unless you have to the first 24hrs

I was stiff as could be for a few weeks

But eventually everything was good as new.

Good luck
Sorry to hear wigglesworth about the pinched spinalcord . keep us posted and i will be praying for you.
I reconized the MRI image right away. That is one really messed up disc and I am surprised that you can still walk. You need to be very careful until your surgery and not rupture that disc anymore than it is already. See in the MRI how all the others show up white and in that one spot nothing. It almost looks like it squished out both ends of the spine. I am no doctor but just happen to see alot of imaging of people is all. Take it easy and get better, you do not want any more swelling back there at this point.
Dang J, that kink don't look good! Don't know what I could do, but you got muh number if ya need anything!