Finally? My wood got wet

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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Finally… My wood got wet

Good ol’ fashion thunderstorm last night… lots of thunder, lightning, and rain, lots of rain. I walked out in the yard and let it pour down on me… Man, did that feel good! Everything is wet; puddles in the drive, the ground feels a bit “softer”, and both sides of the firewood stacks are “dark” all the way to the ground. It didn’t do much for cooling-it-off though… the air is still warm and heavy this morning. Likely too-little-too-late for the corn in this area, but it might bring some of the beans in.
Its headed our way. Supposed to rain here today and tomorrow..... torrential downpours at times. Too late to help my lawn, but the vegetables will like it.
Yeah, the lawn is the downside… for me at least.
Now I’ll probably haf’ta cut grass this weekend… Man, I really, really hate cuttin’ grass. I’ve been lovin’ this no-mowing thing; Every time I’d walk past the grass cuttin’ machine in the shop, I was just-a-grinnin’.
We needed rain in the worst way so I’ll take it like a man… but I’ve got enough seniority to justify grumbling like an old one when I haf’ta start cuttin’.
Glad to hear you are getting some rain!

Your title is a little misleading:laugh: Was worried to click on the thread:help:
Yes, Title was a wee bit scary :laugh: Hope you had your tarps on your wood last night with that rain!
I wish I could share some rain with you. There is a narrow band about 50 miles wide here in north central MN that has had way more than normal rain, flooded some homes in spots even!
Your title is a little misleading:laugh: Was worried to click on the thread:help:

I was waiting for a different kind of story! :laugh:

We got a little rain last night but the bigger storm supposed to roll through around 4pm here. Might even get a tornado they say.
I hope we get some rain really soon, it is getting pretty bad. We have two wagons with water tanks on them watering our pumpkins and sweet corn.

In the last two months, we have not seen much over an inch of rain. We are supposed to get some heavy rain tonight, so they are saying. It seems like everytime they call for rain, we always miss the most of it, maybe a few drops and that is it.
Literately got shook out bed and snapped awake this morning at 3:00 am, even my two springers took refuge in their training kennels due to the noise and shrudder of our abode. Not a deluge or downpour though, all over in about an hour or so.
It finally rained here yesterday and I also spent some time working in it just to make sure it wouldn't stop. I was installing a new door in our house and had just open up a 6x6' hole in the west wall when the rain started. I got a tarp up but got soaked doing it. We had heavy rains and high winds most of the night. It's been raining fairly steady all day today and you won't hear anybody complaining about it.
No-Money Fuel

I wish that firewood fueled the economy. It does not. However, this year I will collect and supply the best dry firewood that I have ever cut and split. Maybe a cold winter will wake some people up. Don't drop your price now! :msp_wink:
Rained here on and off for like 2 days and everything was soaked :( Very nice day today though, Sunny and hot too :) Everything is pretty much all dry out and no rain in forecast.
Yeah, the lawn is the downside… for me at least.
Now I’ll probably haf’ta cut grass this weekend… Man, I really, really hate cuttin’ grass. I’ve been lovin’ this no-mowing thing; Every time I’d walk past the grass cuttin’ machine in the shop, I was just-a-grinnin’.
We needed rain in the worst way so I’ll take it like a man… but I’ve got enough seniority to justify grumbling like an old one when I haf’ta start cuttin’.

The lawn is so much easier to maintain when it's held down by some nice thick wood stacks!
The last week or two it's finally been raining like it's supposed to. Every few days you can expect even a little something. Got a doozy last night about 6. Wind blew so hard that the rain gauge only measured 2/10 but I'll bet we got more than 1" in like 20 minutes.
Our nights have been cooling off more now also so maybe this heat wave is drawing to a close.

Cuttin wood still isn't in my near future though.
You guys need to get your minds out’a the gutter…. Geeezzzz :jester:

Possibly a little more rain today, or tonight... then back into the 90's on Monday.
We were placed under a burning ban first of the week, and "they're" talking it'll remain in effect at least until after harvest (what little harvest there is). Two miles north of me they didn't get a drop... the storms have been pretty "hit-n-miss". Only been two days since the rain here and everything is bone dry again... ground is rock-hard. The grass tried to "green-up" the day after, but it gave up trying the next day. 18-inches short of rain so far this year and the "experts" say it's gonna' get worse before it gets better. The undergrowth in my woodlot has fallen way back, looks more like early October than late July. I'm bettin' the standing-dead won't need any drying time this fall, probably be popcorn-fart dry all the way to the stump... If it wasn't so blasted hot I'd be taking advantage of the no bugs/weeds and cuttin' some now.

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