Awww, man? they gave me this??

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What's not to like???:msp_wink:
I use a tracfone. Text and calling. My son has one that is a smartphone, too, I guess. I priced out what 4 phones and the data plan would be and all 4 of my phones used for a year doesn't pay for one smartphone and a data plan. I would rather use that money for retirement than have it to check the internet. Many people in my local area have smartphones and complain about not having money, too much taxes, etc., and all I think of is want vs. need. If my boys want to use their phones more, then they earn money to buy the minutes. I ain't paying thousands of dollars so they can talk to friends. I had to pay the long distance bills when I called my girlfriends back in the 80's, so its the same deal. We put enough minutes on so they can call us after their sports/activity practice. the rest is up to them. One nice thing with the phone I have is it flips closed, so no butt dials!

If your work provides it then more power to them. It just seems like more of us think we need more than we really do. I don't mean to sound preachy to anyone out there. Sorry if I come off that way.
Agreed with the suggestions of a TracFone. Yup, you can still get a plain old LG cell phone without all the unnecessary extra stuff.

We were with Verizon for a few years... until the SheWolf set down one day and did the math. Suffice it to say we have saved a boatload of money since we switched to TracFones. We were paying a lot of dough for stuff we never used.

Use your company-supplied smartphone for the company. Take the TracFone with you in the woods. :)
The phone is a Motorola Defy XT, it's supposed to be water-"resistant" and dust-proof... and yes I put a rubber cover around it in hopes it would save it once or twice, we'll see.

I'll try the voice commands Marc... just as soon as I figure out how to turn them on! LOL

Motorola usually makes the best quality hardware around. I haven't seen a better communications hardware company yet. I've still got an old RAZR, the only thing that doesn't work on it anymore is the camera, which I couldn't care less 'cause I've got a real one, and a handheld GPS that takes good enough pics anyway.

go and look. they aren't hard to find. quite a few companies carry them, but don't give them the media atention of the others. you need to go in to a store and look. lots of phones out there with big enough buttons for the fat fingered people like us to use.

I'd consider a cheaper used Motorola flip phone with the external speaker, like they were making for contractors and stuff years ago. I'd try to find a used one and keep as a pay-go second phone. If I was looking for a new phone, that's what I'd get, no matter how bulky and internet-deficient it is. Tough and water proof.

Actually, any old phone should be able to call 911.

In fact, any cell phone with a good battery will still connect and dial 911. Ask my (then) 7 year old son how he knows .... We let him explain it to the OPP when they came knocking to verify the call .....
In fact, any cell phone with a good battery will still connect and dial 911. Ask my (then) 7 year old son how he knows .... We let him explain it to the OPP when they came knocking to verify the call .....

:laugh:that happened to my much younger sister when she had her friend over for a sleep over. they were playing with what was to be a disconnected older motorola that still had a bit of a charge left in it. scared the heck out of her when the 2 constables came to talk to her, mom and dad. she thought she was going to jail:biggrin:

What's not to like???:msp_wink:

See Republic! That's where I'm at!!!

Spidey. My old man is 62 now. He puts 3-500 miles on his truck every day putting in sattelite systems. He's on the phone constantly and I told him to upgrade to a touch screen phone! He said hell no, he needs a keyboard to text, look up stuff, etc. So he didn't. Then HTC came out with the EVO Shift. You can use keyboard or touch screen. You know what he told me the other day??? He said he hates using the keys now and wished he had gotten the EVO with only touch screen! LMAO

And BTW. My dad has the biggest fingers I've ever seen. He was born and raised on a farm in NW Iowa milking cows, field work, and chores.. So if his fat tree trunk fingers can do it, I know yours can. Quit #####ing and get with the program!
See Republic! That's where I'm at!!!

Spidey. My old man is 62 now. He puts 3-500 miles on his truck every day putting in sattelite systems. He's on the phone constantly and I told him to upgrade to a touch screen phone! He said hell no, he needs a keyboard to text, look up stuff, etc. So he didn't. Then HTC came out with the EVO Shift. You can use keyboard or touch screen. You know what he told me the other day??? He said he hates using the keys now and wished he had gotten the EVO with only touch screen! LMAO

And BTW. My dad has the biggest fingers I've ever seen. He was born and raised on a farm in NW Iowa milking cows, field work, and chores.. So if his fat tree trunk fingers can do it, I know yours can. Quit #####ing and get with the program!

And you need to load up them Dolmars Oct 20th and get yer butt from Republic to Jasper AR!!!
It's worth the trip, and the saws are AWESOME!!! The scenery ain't bad either...:rock:
My wife has one I don't. Guess I am not important enough to feel that I need to be in contact 100% of the time. (Yes I cut wood by myself with no cell phone. If I die cutting wood I will go out doing something I enjoy!) You can't go anywhere without some clown with his/her face buried in a cell phone trying to run you over. Can anyone on this board tell me how we got by back in the day when they were not sewn to everyones chest? I always hoped my generation would not fall victim to such a huge waste of time but you see just as many 50 year olds now days with then things stuck up their a$$ as you do kids. In case you have not deducted by now I have NO time for them or the people that live on them 24/7! JMHO.
Its just like those dang noisy smelly power "chain saw" thingies...we did alright back in the day with our hand saws! Who needs a more powerful saw anyway? :potstir:

I hope the chainsaw forum guys don't see this or I'm in big trouble...
Its just like those dang noisy smelly power "chain saw" thingies...we did alright back in the day with our hand saws! Who needs a more powerful saw anyway? :potstir:

I hope the chainsaw forum guys don't see this or I'm in big trouble...

Oh... Yeah you are... In deep now Brody..
God I'm getting old! My first cell was a motorola bag phone, about the size of a lap top computer case with a telescoping antenna. man that was a powerful setup and you needed it then because cell towers were not everywhere like today. I was traveling 7 western states, selling, and the bag phone was my only option to speak with customers when they wanted me.

My laptop was a Compac, about the size of an electric typewriter. It weighed in at about the same weight as my Stihl 390.

My point is that in the end, the technology keeps making me more productive at work..... and I get to carry less weight.
Spidey, you NEED to drag your butt over to the GTG south of DSM next weekend.

I know... I know... But i just don't see it happening.
I was in Nebraska most of last week... heading to Missouri on Monday.
When we're busy and on the road this much the only time I have at home with the family, and to get things done, is on the weekends. Fall is here and winter is just around the corner... too much to do this weekend, I can't spare the hours.

Don't fret, I'll make it to one of those GTG's one of these days.
Take some Matches with you..
If something goes sideways, light the da*& on fire and use it as a flare..
I have a "dumb" phone. It makes calls and texts. That's ALL it does. No camera, no internet, no "big screen". It even has a "wired" headset. You get my drift.

I have a dumb one too, I dont even text god I can call 5 people to one dumb text!
Get a C.B. If you amputate somthin' you can dial it with your elbows. And the more people who here ya in an emergengy, the better. Unless you're drunk and it's the cops.
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