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I had quite a collection of Rep in my youngers days.
I felt bullet proof and decided to enter a poker tournament.

I bet the entire Rep on a pair of Aces.
I lost that hand and all my Rep with it and now i play semi professional tiddley winks.

Some people say i should become a tiddle pro but i just keep it as a hobby.
With the new tiddle CBA in doubt this year i might even have to tiddle in Europe. :)
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What does it do when you rep someone and what are the credits for under post. Can you rep people as much as you want. I here people talking about rep from time to time.:dizzy:

I have no idea, but you just got repped :big_smile:

Just slapped you with a like, and smacked ya with a rep. How do ya like me now!

I don't know what there for, but I do like seeing a notification with some likes in there. Kinda like an atta boy.

I couldn't rep ya, but I dropped an "atta boy" like on ya.

Liked you and repped you!
What will it get you?..............:confused:

More rep for everyone!

I still don't get it. I don't see where or how you rep someone? I have no reps...or friends :ices_rofl:

You have rep, that's the collection of novas under you user name. Click on settings and under your list of subscribed threads with new posts you will see a total of rep points and who repped you recently. You are allowed to give 10 reps a day then you have to wait 24 hours.

Repped as many as I could til I ran out of bullets!
What is the significance of being a "friend" or having a "friend"?....:confused:

Not much. being implies an existent relationship with a person, where having implies a standing relationship with a person at the moment.

In another culture, the word friend implies, he who is the enemy of my enemy.
I can't even find a rep... but it took me a while to find the normal reply button too.


Just follow what an earlier poster said. Click 'Settings', and scroll down below your subscribed threads, and there they are, all single file by date and username given.:yoyo:
Not much. being implies an existent relationship with a person, where having implies a standing relationship with a person at the moment.

In another culture, the word friend implies, he who is the enemy of my enemy.

Someone rep him for me.. i ran out last night and still cant rep..:msp_smile:
Hello tld400: Credits are your Currency. Click Currency and it will show you how much currency you have earned. To earn credits you can make a post, start a post, rep other AS members that post.

What can you purchase with your Credits? Click Market at the top of the screen, then click 'Purchases'. You will see how much currency you have, and several options to choose from concerning your Avatar, and a few other items. Click on one of those for information as to what you can do. Hope this helps. :msp_wink:

thanks. REP
I just ran out of bullets in my rep gun in this thread. It is either this or go outside into the skating rink. The whole world is covered in ice up here.:censored:
I got a bunch of rep outta this thread, and maybe a couple new friends, though none of them would admit to it. Thanks to all that repped me, even if I didn't respond. :msp_thumbup:
Just a note to confirm I am the 15th response to the original question, and still, including me, don't know what a rep is good for.
When you rep someone you are letting them know that you appreciate their post, We played a game with it for years to see who could get the most points. Kinda blew it's value some but it was fun.;) I never could lead the race though, They always neg repped me.:( A newbie might can only give you one point with a rep and one that is maxxed out can give you more than a million.

To rep someone look in the persons post and down on the bottom left you will see a star. Click on it and a box will pop up and you can give them positive if you like what they posted or negative if you don't.A lot of us on this thread are maxxed out. The more points you have the more points you can give someone.

Likes are another way of showing you like their post and whole lot easier as with rep you have to rep 75 members before you can rep them again. But you can only like a post one time. Just click on the word like in the bottom right of their post.

Credits are a point system that was installed a couple years ago, You get so many points for posting and starting a new thread also i point for repping each time. If you look at the top you will see Market. You can go there and spend your credits. You can change the color of your username or even change it there. There are a number of things you can do. Hope all this helps.
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