Ticks, Here They Come Again...

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Jan 10, 2008
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Omaha, Nebraska
Out a little early because of the extra moisture this year. These things can be deadly. Get rid of ticks as soon as they latch onto you (or your dog).

I tried to crush one yesterday by pressing on it with my finger. It laughed at me and tried to crawl away. These things are tough.

God I hate ticks. This spring I have pulled more ticks off the dog and myself then any other year already. And around my place the gnats swarm if there isn't a breeze out. I hate bugs :angry:
I haven't seen a one this year. (knock on wood) Last year they where as abundant as mosquito's.
Been a few Dog (Brown) Ticks 'round here the last week or so... not too bad yet.
Pulled an embedded Deer Tick off the 5-year-old just this evening, told the wife to keep an eye peeled for the "bulls-eye".
I expect the little devils to start showing up in force over the next couple weeks.
So far I haven't run into any ticks this year, no mosquito's either, but dang those deer flies and thick. N I think they have all targeted me for lunch. :msp_scared:

But, I have to ask. Did we even have a Spring? It seems to me we went from Winter directly to summer. (mid 80's here today)
Bugs are one of the biggest reasons I try to get all my firewood finished by May 1. The saws won't come out again until November if I can help it. Heat and weeds round out the rest of my top 3 nuisances.
So far no ticks, lots of skeeters though. Already got the bug juice on the dogs, have to break out the spray for me.
Unfortunately the ticks are out in force over here. Found one crawling on me the other day, and removed one that was dug in about a week prior. The wifey found one crawling on our little guy the other day too. I was hoping the late winter would've kept them at bay a little longer. Guess not...
My granny used to say that if you eat a bunch of onions and garlic, that the ticks and skeeters wouldn't bother you too much. I guess that it's true as they have never bothered me much (I love onions and garlic). Something about what you sweat out of your pores acts as a natural repellant. The ticks are out here in my part of Arkansas. I was out in the woods Tuesday cutting a few down and I came home without a single tick. My daughter, on the other hand, if she watches a nature show on TV, they are all over her. Seriously, the ticks love her.

just get in the habit of checking yourself after work.... and dont miss behind your sack and ass crack......
I found one of them lil' vampires in my armpit last year.(i must have good B.O.)
About 1" long before i found it.
I always wonder if their whole head comes out with the alcohol/ tweezers.
Not fond of them suckers myself.
Good advice, Ed. They're already thick up here. Pulled a bunch off the dog already, and a few off myself. Pants legs tucked into the boots looks dumb, but it helps if you're out in the woods or tall grass, heck, just about anywhere this time of year.
They are bad here in Northeast Ohio. Ive found several before they latched on to me and one that had stuck itself to my wifes arm. She likes cutting them in half with fingernail clippers.:msp_tongue:
have a taxidermous friend here in town....doing deer mts,,he had ticks in the place quite a bit. told him to take a 1 qt spray bottle,,fill it not quite full of water, and put in TWO drops of full strength bleach. he said he did it right away. every time he saw a tick, hed spray it on them. said they were near dead instantly. whether this would work if they were on you,, or imbedded????? dont know, how much stronger you would want to mix it. he didnt want the fur or hide bleached..
Tell me again exactly why you prefer to cut in the summer instead of winter???

I wasn't even in the woods, in my own yard. I usually spray off on me real good in the woods cutting. Even though i sweat it off. but usually don't have trouble with ticks or chiggers. Still like working in the heat than cold.
My old Uncle Mark lived way back in the country. Never had ticks get on him. He'd pour Sulfur Powder in the cuffs of his pant legs. You didn't want to stand too close to him while visiting. That stuff smells to high heaven. :cool2:

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