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yall can have an opinion about what I do, thats fine and dandy
however it wont affect anything I do on the job, I will continue to leave scabbards on the ground next to my fuel cans, I will continue to use the only crane that will do trees till I buy my own, despite it being too short half the time
I will continue to let my groundies stand in a lane that is shut down on a road with 5 cars a day anyways, I will continue to do what works for me weather any one of you has a problem with it or not
you will continue to be retarded then, because that is your choice and privilege. please realize that you are the entertainment when you act this way.
Someone posted the newspaper article on here, I believe it was workplace related.
Yikes. Trying to find the article.

His name was Doug. What was the name of his company?

Company Christmas party tonight at a pizza place. Figuring out some goofy awards for the guys. Bonuses are going out too. Going to be an expensive night! But well worth having good help.
just so happens I do improve daily
I just will NOT give respect to people that havent earned it, you being one of them
i dont have to earn respect from you by any stretch of your are the newbe here not me or any of the rest that are commenting on your posts. you show your ignorance and lack of experience daily.
Yikes. Trying to find the article.

His name was Doug. What was the name of his company?

Company Christmas party tonight at a pizza place. Figuring out some goofy awards for the guys. Bonuses are going out too. Going to be an expensive night! But well worth having good help.
Company name was something like ' Aerial Arborist PA., something like that. I think you are right about the heart attack, but if I remember, it happened on a job. I remember the article had a pic of the paramedics taking him to the ambulance on a stretcher, he was sitting up. He died later.
Not a full time professional arborist, but I do enjoy reading this thread. I get the feeling this Zin guy is not a snot nosed kid, and may enjoy rustling feathers.

If it really is an older dude trying to pass himself off as a fourteen year old boy to a bunch of tree guys on the internet, that's pretty creepy imo. Just saying.
just so happens I do improve daily
I just will NOT give respect to people that havent earned it, you being one of them

In your old age, you might learn that "respect" is due to all persons. Right from the start. It does look that you might be one of those fellows that never learn this.

If you spend your life denying humanity the respect it is due from the "get go", then you will have adverse reactions from nearly everyone you meet. You will become bitter (if you aren't already) and not-thought-well-of wherever you go.

Now as to respect retained? When folks do wrong by someone, they lose the respect they should otherwise be accorded. You are starting from the wrong rung on that respect ladder. As a result, you will be kept at the bottom rung of the respect ladder until you learn better. Even then, you will need to earn back the respect that you lost.

Now I'll share my personal observations of your online presence: I came into this thread somewhat recently due to complaints about your participation. I defended your participation, and I gave you good advice. Your return comments to me did not cause me to keep you high on that respect ladder. In fact, you just told everyone in this forum that you had no respect for their advice in general, which means that none of them (in general) should respect you. See how this works?

Regardless of your age, you need to grow up. And that's advice from that top 1% of internet advice; you should listen to it. It is to your advantage, and it is given to you with the best of intentions for your future. This is a life lesson you need to learn, and it applies to far more than your participation in some silly internet forum.
just so happens I do improve daily
I just will NOT give respect to people that havent earned it, you being one of them
Well, Im no arborist. However, I do know how respect works. It is something that is given! Not something that has to be earned! When in boot camp a fellow recruit told the DI that the DI had to earn his respect! That was the biggest two month mistake that kid ever made. However, you know what? That DI definitely "earned" his respect. Your making the same mistake! You need to listen to what others are telling you bud! If that means that you have to eat healthy serving of crow? Break out the salt and pepper BOY! Because admitting your wrong. Is what makes you a MAN!
In your old age, you might learn that "respect" is due to all persons. Right from the start. It does look that you might be one of those fellows that never learn this.

If you spend your life denying humanity the respect it is due from the "get go", then you will have adverse reactions from nearly everyone you meet. You will become bitter (if you aren't already) and not-thought-well-of wherever you go.

Now as to respect retained? When folks do wrong by someone, they lose the respect they should otherwise be accorded. You are starting from the wrong rung on that respect ladder. As a result, you will be kept at the bottom rung of the respect ladder until you learn better. Even then, you will need to earn back the respect that you lost.

Now I'll share my personal observations of your online presence: I came into this thread somewhat recently due to complaints about your participation. I defended your participation, and I gave you good advice. Your return comments to me did not cause me to keep you high on that respect ladder. In fact, you just told everyone in this forum that you had no respect for their advice in general, which means that none of them (in general) should respect you. See how this works?

Regardless of your age, you need to grow up. And that's advice from that top 1% of internet advice; you should listen to it. It is to your advantage, and it is given to you with the best of intentions for your future. This is a life lesson you need to learn, and it applies to far more than your participation in some silly internet forum.
This is an exceptionally well articulated post... and good life lesson!
Personally, I believe that treating someone with respect is not necessarily the same thing as having respect for them. I strive to treat all of my coworkers and my students with respect, that does not mean that I actually have respect for all of them.

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