Crown Royal Stove - Wood Boiler - New Multi Pass Series

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Sep 28, 2017
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We put in a Crown Royal Stove Multi Pass Series wood boiler. It is a new model they came out with this year. It is unbelievable how easy it is to run and how much less wood I am burning than before. If you are interested or in the market for a wood boiler I highly recommend checking them out. Tell me what you think about this model and the triple pass heat exchanger. I am seeing a major difference in the amount of wood I burn.
Not seeing anything special. Doesn't look like any clean burn tech. Are they still legal to be sold?

Getting a whiff of spam here I think...
I am dubious of this being a new model just released this year - EPA related things & all that....
Digging into the brochure it does say gasification.

And I can see the bypass theory being sound as that is what we made for the old stove and it did work.

ETA - A chimney shot with the stove at full boogie would be worth 1000 words.

Little to no smoke should be had at full tilt with a gasser. At least that’s how ours is.
I dont think this is a gasifier. Still looks like old tech with added flowery marketing words. Their gasser is model 7200E - Google that one up.
Any updates? My cousin just had one put in. Just saw it today. Its not like the old smoke dragons. Seems a little high priced and 10 years back they had some issues with welds. Hope it's all thats advertised.