'elp Mikey.......

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. AS Supporting Member.
Dec 31, 2001
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Florida, USA
et al.........

Though this will prolly go unpunished, some kind of crime to beauty was rudely per-formed last weak.

i had always admired this tree for it's healthy look and deep textured bark. It got a line trim, and worstly a stripped branch that was clear of wires????

Once someone else has butchered, bucked etc. is extraction the only cure? This customer problly won't go for anything else. Aesthetically what was once part of a beautiful picture is now a sore thumb, sticking out!
It looks like the stub was left like that to keep from having to clean it up. It will take years of selective sucker pruning on the end before anything resembling the original limb appears again, if at all. It could also die.
I would remove it back to the trunk
Funny, when I did line clearing, we allways had to get permission from the homeowner even though the easement ultimately was the prop of the utility. It was more a matter of courtesy.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster

Funny, when I did line clearing, we allways had to get permission from the homeowner even though the easement ultimately was the prop of the utility. It was more a matter of courtesy.

So did we, even had "cards" for the purpose.

Forget proper arboriculture... that just LOOKS STUPID.
The tree looks bad.
It is important to make a big stink about it so the crew that did it learns and will not do it again, so I agree with Brian.

At this point the best thing for the tree is to leave it alone, other than stress relief like watering during drought, mulching, etc.
If the branch can be kept alive, it would stop a huge amount of decay. The death of the limb could cause a huge area of decay and death of the cambium down the trunk, all the way to the ground. This would mean the end for the tree.
If the branch does start to resprout, let it. It will need all the little green food factories (leaves) it can make. Don't go up there and start cutting them off, even if they look crowded or different than the rest of the tree. The tree will thin out the unnecessary shoots all by itself, in time, when it no longer needs them.

Valuable trees near power lines should be trimmed well clear of the lines by qualified arborists, before they get close enough to the wires that the line clearance guys need to trim it. Once these guys get called in, anything can happen, as this picture illustrates.
I would think to call out a CA to give their opinion / appraisal of the damage. That's an awful big lead there to leave it to sprouting out as a means to save itself. On a side note, I have seen the line clearance companies do that out in Bedford. Granted they did it to a norway maple. However the lead went right out over the road and was ugly. The truly amazing thing is that the town didn't make them remove the whole lead. That town is TOUGH when you want to work on trees.