I almost bought the farm

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PleaXander, glad that the doctors finally sorted out what was wrong. I went through a painful testicular infection about this time last year, but it now seems like a walk in the park compared to what you went through. They tried four or five antibiotics until they found an effective one, had to test my blood every four hours to make sure the cure wasn't killing me.

Hang in there. Much mojo & many positive are being sent your way.

Please forgive the digression...my roommate was brought to the hospital by the police. They found him passed out by a dumpster, and his blood alcohol level was (after who knows how many hours of sleeping it off) .45. And he was bipolar and had been off his meds for several days. It took him over two full days to get his head screwed on straight, and he was actually an okay guy once the meds reached the effective level.
vharrison2 said:
Xander, glad you are on the mend. Congratulations to you and yours on the new baby that is on the way. That is number 4 for you right?

Yes, The wife and I would like another boy........they seem to be less maintainence.:)

Chris.......I think I'd rather risk losing one of my butt cheeks......From my perspective your's seems worse.
Man that blows, glad your ok polywog.My father in law just got over MRSA but he still has the lung cancer.
Good to see you are recovering. It is amazing how a little germ/virus can quickly affect a strong and healthy person. Life is just full of suprises.
Texas T-shirt, Irish party hat, ass-gasket....they're all the same thing.

Xander, after hearing your story I think I'll just go in the woods and find a tree to lean against the next time I'm needing to use a public toilet.
xander glad you are back among the living, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

I agree Staph is no joke-years ago pre anti biotics they called this blood poisoning and people routinely died.

I have had a couple of bad goes with Staph in the past, and to be honest I should have gone to the doc sooner in both cases. One was on my nipple believe it or not, and I had developed a huge abcess/infection all over my chest, and the second was four years ago, the result of a really minor, minor cut on my left index finger with a kitchen knife on a friday night. I had a pre existing doc's appt Monday so I let it go, but by Sunday night I was really ill and my sister fortunately made me go to the emerg, by which point I had a 102+F fever and my arm was red and swollen up to the elbow. Nasty, Nasty, Nasty! They were worried I had strep, ie rotting flesh disease, but the results came back staph. The whole mess was compounded by the fact this is the same arm that has 4 1/2 inches of plate and six bolts holding the whole thing together, and that was starting to bother me because of the swelling as well.
Lucky to have caught it early enough that I did not require admission, but I had to return twice daily eight times for IV antibiotics, which fortunately did the job right on their first choice, and then two weeks of oral antibiotics on top of that. Had I not responded I was told I would be admitted the following morning, but as I said, I started to feel better about two hours after the first IV. Choosing the right anti biotic can be a crap shoot, but I was lucky !
Above post about the good germs in your gut is true, I had antibiotics for a recurring chest infection I caught in Kabul and while they cured the pneumonia, they also sent my entire system for a ride.($7 a pill but I have not been sick since). It was worth it, I could not breathe and two previous doses of lesser antibiotics did nothing at all. You will feel better soon I promise, also try some yoghurt with the bacteria in it still alive, ie unpasturized.
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I'm still with the living. I've improved a lot since I got out of the hospital but I still have flu like symptoms. They say it's from the antibiotics. I get winded pretty quick and I have body aches which make me feel crummy but I'm working. I'm trying not to over do it but I can't get enough sleep. I wake up several times a night with my stomach hurting. It hurts for two to three hours about 30 minutes after I take my antibiotics. I take them every eight hours, a 7 am, 3 pm and 11 pm. I only have about three weeks left and hopefully I'm done. I go to the doctor this week. I still have an open sore, it is a little smaller than a dime now but stilll oozes puss. I'll be glad to get past this and return to normalcy. When I climb my bosun seat is right on my sore........and it doesn't feel good.......but I'm sure it helps to force the puss out :)
On a good note, one of the guys who used to work summers for me called tonight and said he'd like to come back to work for me. He wasn't able to work last summer because he took classes. He has been doing remodeling for the last 6 months and decided he'd likes Arborculture better. He is a good worker and I really need someone else right now to keep up with our increasing work load.
We also got our new F-550 last week, so I'm excited to get into full swing.

That's what's up in my world.
Seems like I hear more and more about this MRSA all the time. It sure makes me think twice about visiting the public toilet, I'm glad you are on teh mend, I don't know how I missed this post when it was original...wow,
Just make sure you take all the antibiotics-I know from first hand experience they are hard on the system as a whole, but the alternative is a whole lot less positive. My guts literally burned taking those pills for the Kabul bug, but they worked where nothing else had up to that point. As I said try some "live yoghurt" once you are off the pills to try to re introduce some good bacteria to your intestines. Super to hear you continue to move forward.

I think part of the reason we hear more about these bugs that wreck such havoc is that we have been overfed antibiotics by well meaning parents and docs, and also via the food chain in meats. The bugs got smarter, and in the process more deadly.

New wheels are a good thing...enjoy.
Jumper said:
Just make sure you take all the antibiotics-I know from first hand experience they are hard on the system as a whole, but the alternative is a whole lot less positive. My guts literally burned taking those pills for the Kabul bug, but they worked where nothing else had up to that point. As I said try some "live yoghurt" once you are off the pills to try to re introduce some good bacteria to your intestines. Super to hear you continue to move forward.

Good advice. Make sure it's got LIVE cultures - not the phony store brand. Dannon is good, and there are others. Just make sure to look for the live cultures, and no fillers like carrageenan (sp?) or guar gum.

And take it slow, man. Your #1 job is recovery.

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