Poison Ivy Contamination

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Leaves of 5 here is called Viginia Creeper, it may/probably does have another name but I have never had any reaction to it at all. The next time you have it take a nice long warm shower then take a hair dryer and blow it on affected area.:buttkick:


up here we call it cannibus.
I'm always on the lookout for the stuff. Like Homer Simpson says, "Leaves of 3, away from me. Leaves of four, eat some more."
Here's Pic:

Note the shiny leaves earmark new growth and have no notch. The old leaves are notched. It turns a beautiful reddish color in the fall, similar to Boton ivy. Both species are tough to kill and spread rapidly. Poison ivy will mimic a bush until it can find a tree to grab ahold of. Poison ivy vines can grow to be well over an inch across and climb 50' up a tree or more. Even after severing the vine at its base, it can live for months feasting on the tree's bark.

People have been hospitalized with severe reactions to it, suffering from high fever in addition to the lesions. Severity of reactions varies form one person to the next, but I believe over 90% of all people will be affected by it. And, yes, the rash has been known to jump from one person to the next by physical contact with the lesions.
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This is going to burn a little

On arms and hands I have taken carb spray cleaner and sprayed it.. We all know how fast it pulls the oils out of your skin. I do not think I would do this on open nasty scabby ivy rash.. but earlt on it seems to work for me.
i work on lot of asplunda trucks and they keep towelets like wet ones that block the reaction i have a few ill see who makes them i scored a free load of wood last week i am eat up with it now this sucks
i work on lot of asplunda trucks and they keep towelets like wet ones that block the reaction i have a few ill see who makes them i scored a free load of wood last week i am eat up with it now this sucks

one guy i know carries baby wipes in his truck. he says if he is around poison ivy, he always wipes his arms, face hands, or legs down with them afterwards.
I carry a jug of distilled vinegar in the truck and a roll of paper towels. Wipe off exposed areas every time I fuel up the saw, if I suspect I'm in the stuff. Haven't gotten a bit of it in several years. I used to get it bad before I started this practice to. Also wear gloves when you tie your boots, put on chaps etc is a good idea as well.

The vinegar cuts the oils for some reason. I'd rather smell like a pickle than itch
just for some FYI on poison ivy........

Very good, MGA. This is a good bare bones chunk of info. Permit me to add something else that likely won't get published anywhere else. If you decide to scratch the poison ivy lesions and then decide to place your hands in contact with anything else on your body for any length of time, including private parts, Katie Bar the Door! :censored:

Finally, never assume that you are immune from poison ivy. I had a friend who swore that he was immune and ate a bunch of it right in front of his buddies to prove it on a bet. He wound up in the hospital.
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Well despite my precautions my arms are a freakin mess with poison ivy. I think I got it from some dead stuff clinging to a tree I bucked. I think my PPE stuff is all oil from it, chaps( underside of forearms contact them while sittting on tractor), gloves, Ear protection on helmet (I have it around my ears) I've had enough!!!! I'm going back to home heating oil !!!! (NOT!!!!) What works best for you folks to prevent it!!! I always shower immediately after and soap up at least 3 times on areas not protected by clothing. I didn't get it all summer, now it's happening a lot more.:cry: Thank You.

I had a post almost exactly like your awhile back. I've had poison Ivy so many times in my life that I think I'm getting immune to it. I still hate the stuff and take every prcaution to avoid it. I have not read all the answers to your post but I have to assume many of the same guys are going to answer you that answered me. I was very concerned this year because I was (and did) cut alot of wood this summer. Everywhere and I do mean everywhere I cut I was at least standing in it. What I did was simply take a bottle of rubbing alcohol with me and a rag. I slopped alcohol over my arms, face gloves etc after every tank of fuel. I did not get poison Ivy this summer. My theory here (actually it came from someone on this site) was to dilute the oil from the Ivy. Now that you have it forget the alcohol and go get a shot and that series of pills and clear it up. Next time though try the alcohol as a preventative.
Very good, MGA. This is a good bare bones chunk of info. Permit me to add something else that likely won't get published anywhere else. If you decide to scratch the poison ivy lesions and then decide to place your hands in contact with anything else on your body for any length of time, including private parts, Katie Bar the Door! :censored:

Finally, never assume that you are immune from poison ivy. I had a friend who swore that he was immune and ate a bunch of it right in front of his buddies to prove it on a bet. He wound up in the hospital.

wow. stupid is as stupid does. i sure hope the bet was worth it....even tho he had to lose.
Go to the Doctor and get some Prednisone pills. It is some hardcore stuff. A series of pills that start out with 6-8 a day, and then decrease as the days go on. It is the only sure fire thing that gets rid of it for me.
I used Zanfel yesterday morning and it's gone!

can't beat that.

i bought some jewel weed cream...just in case. i'm going off to ebay to buy some Zanfel too.....just in case.

better to have all the defenses ready than to suffer later.