Retro fitting different carb on 038mag?

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Jan 13, 2002
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Anyone have any ideas?
On my 038 I have a Zama carb, It just has the throttle butterfly in it, no choke. What I am looking to do is get a larger air filter on the the saw. Problem I have found is that the choke is in the filter. I took the carb off my 044 i squashed with a tree and took the airfilter mount and other goodies off of it. I can mount the filter on the saw using the parts I cut off the 044. Problem Is i need a carb like the 044's with the choke in the carb. Then I need to be able to find some linkage to hook up to the carb from the switch shaft thingie, or for that matter, make a manual choke.

Anyone ever try this before?

I am tired of cleaning my airfilter after a couple hours of cutting and replacing it 2 times a month.
Hey Jim I have a 038 Mag II and I modified my filter system by taking a 1" pvc cap and drill out the holes for the mounting studs and the carb throat opening. Then I went to to motorcycle shop and bought a foam air filter cylinder type that would fit over the pvc connector and secured it with a adjustable clamp. The way I start the saw is to take off the filter and pour a little saw mix directly into the carb opening and start it up. Usually starts on the first pull let it warm up a bit and shut it off and replace the filter it is warmed up enough to start up again. The other way I used to start it was to put a tupperware container over the filter to manually choke the saw, it worked well but I lost the container and have not replaced it yet. When you do this mod the original filter cover reamins off the saw. The other mod I did that made a big difference in the power in my saw was to open up the muffler by drilling some holes in it in the front. Saw runs like a champ for the past 5 yrs and filter system works great just don't forget to use filter oil. I wish I could post some pics but I don't have a digital camera or a scanner. Good luck and let me know how you do whatever you try maybe you will come up with a better idea than me. Later
Hey sonny interesting way to start a saw I"ll have to try it out and see how it works. What part of S cal are you from, Only time I make it down there is when you guys are burning down in the summertime with brushfires. Interesting place but a little fast paced for me. Ill stick the the hills. Thanks for the trick.
Howdy Sonny,

I'm curious. What is shaking the saw supposed to do? Is this just to get it's attention?

Walt Galer
walt, it works just like skaking a fuel can. what happens to the fuel . It expands. must go somewhere. The question was how to start saw with a non working choke.
Burt we are in orange county. dizzy land area.
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Howdy Sonny,

Ok, I forgot that a lot of people use something not much less volitile than ether for gasoline. Reasonable gas in a chainsaw should not vapor pressure enough to blow the inlet needle off seat and allow the effect to which you appeal! I trust you do not store this stuff indoors, or if you do, your posterior may be in danger of leaving by the hole that will appear in the roof.

Walt Galer
Hey guys. there is no need to start fights with each other . i am sure that you guys can conduct a conversation like civilized people.