Where to buy loops of Stihl RSF on line?

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ArboristSite Guru
Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
Salmon Arm BC
Like the title says! Prefer rolls of 25 or 50 feet!

Also, while I'm here where can I find a 42" or greater husky large mount bar, but in .058?

Check with Bailey's. OR some of the other Arboristsite sponsors. Good folks at Baileys, from personal experience and a lot of other people saying so.

Probably so with the other sponsors, too but I don't know from personal experience.
DOES Bailey's carry stihl chain? A quick blast through their site indicates that they do not, or if they do I couldn't find it.

What about Madsen's? I'm on dial up and could probably walk to stihl over in europe and buy a reel faster than a .pdf catalog would download.

Isnt it just like anything else Stihl...You have to actually open the door and ask the guy behind the counter.

I hope not! In order to buy that here, I'd have to give my left nut plus double the price advertised over the counter in the states.

I live in a well forested mountain range where everybody and their dog thinks their a logger (me included), so the sawshop charges us schmucks outrageous prices in comparison with what I can find online for most things. The best "saw guy" runs out of an old chevy cube van; He just has nothing for inventory and isn't very interested in getting parts. Who can blame him, he's not running a saw shop.

It sounds bad, but I'd rather not support the local saw shop unless I have to. My old chain for my 28" bar was TOAST! So, in a bind I went out and paid 33.12 plus tax for 92 links of RSF. For double that price, I should be able to get a reel of 25' shipping included out of the states!!!

Your best bet then is to watch Ebay.

I know in the US you can not purchase Stihl products except from the dealer. And you have to actually walk into the store to do it. No online sales.
If you want to buy online you will find honest Stihl dealers cannot sell to you online. As mentioned by many others it is a face to face business. If you are determined to buy online then support one of our sponsors and by a reel of Oregon or Carlton. If you are set on Stihl them PM me and I will buy it face to face and mail it to you.

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33.12 plus tax for 92 links of RSF.

$33.12 Canadian isn't that far out of line for that chain, especially in the middle of the mountains. Keep patronizing those guys and see if the price doesn't drop a little. Madsen's might sell some to you, but you have to call them anyway. Call them up and ask if they've got it and have them send you a print catalog. They're good people.
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$33.12 Canadian isn't that far out of line for that chain, especially in the middle of the mountains. Keep patronizing those guys and see if the price doesn't drop a little. Madsen's might sell some to you, but you have to call them anyway. Call them up and ask if they've got it and have them send you a print catalog. They're good people.

33.12 is ridiculous! Middle of the mountains is a relative term. I could drive straight south to some place in washington and pick it up for probably half that price. If I was in the bald prairies I would probably pay more for it! I would suspect both madsens and baileys are in the middle of the mountains but their prices seem to be fairly reasonable.

As far as the local saw shop goes, I've probably spent 2 grand there on different things. Still, no discount. I haven't used carlton chain, I understand that Oregon X chain is better than the old version, but never used skip. I like Stihl because the cutters seem longer and the rivits are bigger. For the occasional cutter who's saws might bounce around in the back of the truck for a 1000 miles or who's chains might eat dirt, I'd like to try and get the toughest stuff so that when I do use it, it'll still be reliable for me. I've used Husky full skip in a bind and that stuff's not worth the powder to blow to he!!

Maybe I'll pick up a loop of that Oregon chain next time before I purchase my next reel of chain. If that doesn't work out, expect a call Bill! I appreciate that!


PS: What would a reel of RSF retail for in .375x.058? (25 or 50' lengths) If .058's a deal breaker Bill, what about .063? All my old bars are FAIRLY worn, so I could probaly use .063.
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Might be just my dealer... I can usually get a 100' roll of Stihl chain out here for around $245 to $275... depending on the chain.

Then again... I never checked on a shorter roll.

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My boss screwed up (ha ha ha) and bought two reels of 063 3/8 skip square.. 36rslfk... We only sell 050 around here.

He's going to send them back but if anyone really wants them at cost (shipping weight is 21lb) PM me now and I'll buy them from the store and send them out.
My boss screwed up (ha ha ha) and bought two reels of 063 3/8 skip square.. 36rslfk... We only sell 050 around here.

He's going to send them back but if anyone really wants them at cost (shipping weight is 21lb) PM me now and I'll buy them from the store and send them out.

This is my favorite chain for my long bars. If I didn't have a reel and a half of that exact size on hand I would go for it myself.

Here's someone chance to get Stihl chain mailed to them!:clap:
That doesn't seem like that bad a price. What's a good deal on Stihl chain in the US?, $1.00 an inch maybe. So $28.00 US for a 28" bar, with the current exchange rate thats basically the same as $33 canadian.
That doesn't seem like that bad a price. What's a good deal on Stihl chain in the US?, $1.00 an inch maybe. So $28.00 US for a 28" bar, with the current exchange rate thats basically the same as $33 canadian.

Perhaps you could be right! It's the other things with this saw shop, like 100 dollar plus tax 30" oregon bars, 11 dollar bolts for a HD 385 air cleaner and 30 dollar 3/8" tips for an oregon bar. Perhaps though, the Stihl chain's a good deal. I just can't seem to find it online to compare? I'd suspect though, that like everything else at this shop, it's way overpriced.

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