Fiskars X27 What a Piece of Plastic

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Wait a minute, you're almost 80 and still walking in the woods to get firewood!? Damn that's impressive. I hope to be doing that when I'm your age.
My grandfather did until he was 81. I don't think I ever saw him noodle anything, but he wore out wedges on a regular basis. The man was a BULL! He stopped cutting wood because he switched to propane heat, because the particulates in his house were damaging his lungs. He passed away at 86 as a result of pulmonary fibrosis.

So, moral of the story? If you can see into the firebox of your log burner, replace it. That thing was cracked and leaky for as long as I can remember.
Stopped by a crafts store today. They did not have any stick-on wood grain tape for my Fiskars handles (they did have lots of glittery stuff though!) No stick-on evil eyes for the heads either.

Bummer. Putting on that 'Silvey' label really helped my Harbor Freight chain grinder.

Maybe just as well. If I set a wood grain handled Fiskars down in the leaves I probably would not find it again.

My dad tells me "getting old ain't for sissies". I wouldn't know, according to my kids, I've always been old. Lucky I got to skip the getting part.

He turned 80 in November, played golf last Monday. His arthritis in his hands hurts worse when it's cold, but you can't stop living. Even at my age, I'm sore every morning.
certainly not. if the fiskars worked better or made the job easier i would be using it. trust me on that one. i'm always looking for ways to make things easier for myself. the fiskars wasn't an epic fail. it just took more energy from me to do the deeds my wood handle axes do better. i still think the only way you guys are gonna know what i'm talking about is to come try split some western hemlock :D the title of the thread is "fiskars x27 what a piece of plastic". this is a **** talking thread. if you guys have nothing bad to say about the x27 move along LOL :D

Classic westcoaster90.
Thanks. I'm going to get a second opinion from @CTYank.

In your dreams. You, too, Steve-o (get a life, or a distributorship for your beloved.) IOW, yank me.

Thought mods flushed you, Woodcutter tv/Brush Ape. Let's see how long it takes them this time. Maybe they're short of entertainment?
I think once one learns to roll the axe, maul, sledge, whatever, you will find that the tip speed of the tool will increase resulting in more striking force. Rolling the hammer, all it takes is letting the hammer swing from in front of you and as it passes your legs, you flip your wrist and start the forward motion. This takes advantage of the momentium of the hammer and increases the speed as the hammer passes overhead, In other words, the hammer isnt starting from a dead stop and trying to accellerate but is instead is already moving in the proper direction. I looked for a video of track men swinging a tenspeed driving spikes, but this is the best I came up with.
In your dreams. You, too, Steve-o (get a life, or a distributorship for your beloved.) IOW, yank me.
Hey - what did I do to deserve a comment like that? And that is not PG-rated or appropriate for this kind of family forum.

If you're referring to someone else there is now a function on the forum to use the "at" sign in front of the user name so they are identified and flagged. Perhaps you could learn how to use it to prevent future misunderstandings. I didn't have to in this case since I'm replying to your post directly and it's abundantly clear.
Hey - what did I do to deserve a comment like that? And that is not PG-rated or appropriate for this kind of family forum.

If you're referring to someone else there is now a function on the forum to use the "at" sign in front of the user name so they are identified and flagged. Perhaps you could learn how to use it to prevent future misunderstandings. I didn't have to in this case since I'm replying to your post directly and it's abundantly clear.
I believe that one was meant for me. But you're right it's not appropriate for someone to talk like that on here.

For some reason "John" prefers to call people by their first name rather than @ username. Go through the threads where he chastised @MechanicMatt and others for calling him by his username.

Someone is still a little cranky that their beloved Council Tool maul got shut down by a piece of plastic in the hands of multiple AS members, hence the attacks and bad language. :D :D :D
I like my fiskars x27, but sometimes on a big round it can be a little bit too light. That being said, it works fine on everything else. I did split a cord of sweet gum with it last year and that was kinda no fun.I keep it sharp and it is easier on my elbows than an eight pound maul.
I like my fiskars x27, but sometimes on a big round it can be a little bit too light. That being said, it works fine on everything else. I did split a cord of sweet gum with it last year and that was kinda no fun.I keep it sharp and it is easier on my elbows than an eight pound maul.

If you did a whole cord of sweetgum with one, you get a cyber fiskars merit badge!
My splitter does most of the work around here. Occasionally, I'll dig out the old go-devil. I like the 8lb better than the 6lb. Had a 10lb'er one once, dont know where it ended up. With the 6lb, it seemed like I would beat myself to death on some tuff stuff, where as the 10lb one just plain wore me out swinging it, the 8lb is in the middle and seems to fit my comfort zone. I have drove many a spike with a 10speed spike maul, When I was younger we would have friendly spike driving competitions with side bets. I won a few and lost a few, and the boss just laughed at us because he was getting the work done while we where playing. I used to try swing a hammer in both hands at the same time, could do it to some extent, but to many bruised shins to get really good at it. Dad had a 16lb sledge we used to split locust post with, that thing was a killer to swing, but my brother and I split enought post to fence in 70 acres one summer. No wonder my shoulders and elbows hurt all the time.
I like my fiskars x27, but sometimes on a big round it can be a little bit too light. That being said, it works fine on everything else. I did split a cord of sweet gum with it last year and that was kinda no fun.I keep it sharp and it is easier on my elbows than an eight pound maul.

What!? You split of cord of sweetgum!? You's a bad dude.
I could be wrong, but my feeling is the Fiskars is good only for straight grained wood. It's just too light and short handled. A 6# maul wood out split it 2-1.
Of course I've never used one and won't reduce myself to doing so.image.jpg