Is there any whining allowed on this forum

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Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Browns Summit NC
I bought a stihl 028 Super on eBay like a dummy.Had bought a good 064 and 029 so I guess it was time to get a dud. This one is completely worn out. I bought a new spur sprocket upgrade.Rebuilt the carburetor. Took the cylinder and piston off and ordered a new one. I may or may not have enough sense to get it back together. So far I have $400 in this saw and it looks like crap. All I wanted to do was cut a little fire wood. Gotta love it.
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The 028 is a nice saw. You can look at it as you have $400 in a used 028 or you can look at it as a saw that will last 20 more years.
well u gotta bit tied up in it but when its done itll likely last a very long time. i have several of the 028s and love every one of them. Great saws. good luck with getting it running hope it turns out good
My fil has had an 028 Super for's a tuff ol' gal.....yers should be worth fixing,I hope.
Is there any Whining allowed on this forum?

Yes. there is.

And might I say you are doing a fine job of it, for your first time.

I know becasue I did this myself, once.

Wasn't near as good as you though, for sure.

Let me explain what my colleaugue meant? He says welcome, but you have to sign every post with ZeroJunk Whiney Hiney until you find the next newb to bestow it on.

What? You didn't know that? You din't read the rules did you? Kind of a frat hazing thing, ya know?

Be a good chap and sign for a few, and enjoy the AS MB....
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Whining is not only allowed, its encouraged. Welcome to the site...BTW, the symptoms you describe (spending money unwisely, buying junk saws, spending $400 on something worth $150) are very ominous. Fortunately there is a support group for this.....
Yep. I could have turned right around and sold it back to some sucker on eBay. But, my mind doesn't work that way.

Your mind may work that way, but your heart doesn't, means your an honest person. My hats off to you and good luck with the 028. It aint a Husky, but you have to start somewhere. :) :) :)
I've had a couple of similar experiences buying chain saws on eBay. Hopefully you'll wind up with a good-running & long-lasting saw that'll many times pay for the rebuild.

Use feedback to give the :censored: seller a :buttkick:.
Well, I put a Tecomec cylinder kit in it. Took about 10 minutes to install the kit and about an hour to figure out how to get the manifold boot on. Had to take it back apart and put it on the cylinder first. Almost scary, it cranked on first pull. I know I pissed away a bunch of money, but it was interesting.
Well, I put a Tecomec cylinder kit in it. Took about 10 minutes to install the kit and about an hour to figure out how to get the manifold boot on. Had to take it back apart and put it on the cylinder first. Almost scary, it cranked on first pull. I know I pissed away a bunch of money, but it was interesting.

Well at least you can keep your user name, and you know know what you have. Keep and use it and you will get 400.00$ use out of it in a year or two. They are good solid saws. The experience you gained rebuilding this one will come in handy in the future, especially if you hang around here long--Priceless--:cheers:
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sounds like you better cut your losses. ill buy it and everything you put into it for 60$
money from your investment

I have about $200 in my 028WB when you count the chain brake parts I just got off Ebay. So far I have cut a bunch of firewood for myself, I sold a load for $85, plus I have used it on landscaping jobs where I needed it along with running my trimmers and mowers.

So I definitely have more than $200 value out of my old saw and after this it's pure profit, or fun, or both.

Same for you, you just have to cut twice as much as me before you've made your money back. Your whining grace period is over. All whining from this point on earns smack talk. :greenchainsaw: