Arborist liscense, is it worth it?

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Tom_Blough said:
Connecticut State Arborist License - in the state of Connecticut, you must be licensed by the state to do anything that "improves" the condition of trees. You can do removals without a license, but you cannot prune, trim, brace, or feed.

If I recall correctly, the fines are pretty stiff for unlicensed contractors.
Ahh, another example of the all-knowing government saving the people from themselves. What a wonderful concept, perfectly designed to accomplish the exact opposite of the original intent.

Hey guys, let's all petition our Senators and Congressmen to create MORE laws to restrict every move we make!!! And jail everyone who dares to think for himself without government approval!!!
So I guess you can climb with spurs to do anything or top without spurs because you are not "improving" the tree. Beauty.
Tom_Blough said:
Connecticut State Arborist License - in the state of Connecticut, you must be licensed by the state to do anything that "improves" the condition of trees. You can do removals without a license, but you cannot prune, trim, brace, or feed.

If I recall correctly, the fines are pretty stiff for unlicensed contractors.

Could not believe it until I read it, but that has got to be the most a$$inine law I have ever heard of. How ridiculus, that you must jump through hoops to actually 'perform tree care' but any hack & slash specialist can perform removals to their hearts content. By definition, I can notch and drop any tree live or dead, but if it brushes by another one and breaks a branch I am breaking the law cutting off the broken branch. :dizzy:
Will someone stop the planet please, I need to get off at the next stop. :bang:
Dada, isn't this exactly what you and your ilk ("proper arborists") have always wanted? Regulation and laws to stop "hacks"? Arborists are always going of about "hacks" topping trees, leaving stubs, flush cutting and so on. Hey, now they are not allowed to do anything but cut it down. Removals, of course being at the low end of treework, anyone can do them I hear.
Treeco-"I admit to helping a little with enforcement by taking photos." ----Moonlighting as a p.i., dropping the dime on guys, terrible..... Why don't ya rat out B.C. Hydro to the ISA for letting everyone that does utility in B.C. wear spurs for trimming? Not a chance cause you wouldn't want to question fellow ISA members, but o.k. to inform on guys trying to make a buck (cutting your grass, no other reason). What more can I say, have you no shame?
I know guys that work for orange and everybody does buzz jobs, you make me sick, you rat, p.o.s.
Treeco-I am just sure everyone at orange just love you, I'm sure a few of them would love to stick a bar wrench into your neck.
Well clearance, utility work pays squat. everyone knows it. Now if a guy runs out and steals company equipment and uses company resourses to do buzz work just to make ends meet, should he not be called in on? I've called in on them before, and definately will again.
If someone broke into your crib and stole your stuff, wouldn't you want the neighbors who saw it to call the police? same thing. theives who deserve to lose their jobs, and be criminally charged with theft, among other things. Just because you live above your means doesn't make stealing OK.
stealing is stealing. god I hate theives.
Simpley an observation

Hey TreeCo, I am very intuitive, and I think I may percieve the subtle hint of sarcasm in your posts! By the way, do certain people have to react so violently? Wow.
The following are the organizations I have called to report unscrupulous arborist wannabe's.

Alright, all you rats out there c'mon out and lets hear it. Have any of you ever worked, been paid in cash and not told Uncle Sam? Do you rat on your nieghbors teenagers for teenage stuff too? Treeco, why don't you go to the Asplundh yard after work and tell all the guys of your heroic deeds.
clearance, thats called 'blame transference'. where it becomes the cops' fault a thief was caught, not the thieves' actions to begin with. Surely at 37 years old, you're smarter than that, right?
Ralph, buzz jobs are o.k. with me as long as people don't push it too far, using a truck and chipper on the weekend is too much, working for 45mins. and throwing a little tree or two through the chipper after you worked your ass of all day making your boss large $ is o.k.. Treeco has never done utility, doesn't know Asplundh, where everyone does buzz jobs. When he ratted out the guys the Asplundh supervisor probably asked the guys (informed people, rat victims?) for a share of the dough. The sup. probably did buzzers when he was younger, it is expected of new guys. What about employers that don't pay overtime or reward the hard workers, just the brownnosers? Do they pay when you do buzz jobs?. Answer my question about Uncle Sam getting his pound of flesh, you don't have too, I don't care if people pocket some cash, just think about it. And finally your theory of blame tranference is a well known, valid part of any criminology instruction. There is more to it, I remember when I studied police deviance and accountability in school. It goes something like denial of injury, they deserved it, others do it, blah, blah. But none of you are cops, so leave it to them, moralizing about buzzjobs is touchy, not many in business are so squeeky clean that they welcome investigation by anyone, usualy a few skeletons, no?
utility guys doing buzz work on the side will always happen so long as electric companies only look to the low bids, and guys needing work to support a family willing to accept any pay offered, regardless how low. We have to make the distinction between a guy taking a rope, saw and saddle he owns and doing a side job, and the ones taking off with a company truck to do the same.
The first I have no problem with, because these guys are working for the lowprice pricks I refuse to work for. they're not hurting me. I've seen these kind of guys bust butt all day long saturday loading wood and brush into pickups just so the 3 of them can split $150. The latter aren't hurting me either, but its just the principal of stealing equipment to do it that bothers me.
So, in essence, I'm not calling in on the buzzworkers, I'm reporting thieves.
:clap: :clap: Anyone care to share Phone #'s for OSHA, IRS, or any other orgs that i can report the hacks to...

I wanna be the sheriff too...:clap: :clap: