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See if you can find a YouTube video showing a corded or battery-powered chainsaw cutting through chaps, and please post a link here?


there is one from about 4 years ago but its only minor penetration under a direct pushed blow cant find it ATM..
oh yeah i looked but distracted by some big tittys as fuggen yutube antilogarithm teases me again
I have cut my hands and legs on non-moving chains more than moving chains. I got an infection in a knuckle from jamming it into a sharp dog/spike that still gives me pain (electrics have those too). I have had hits and close calls with flying chunks of sticks and wood in the face and shins. Yes, I wear protection, but it still gets around protection. And then there is the days when eye protection can only be a screen. As far as batteries and safety I fly big RC electric/gas helicopters and the batteries are no joke when it comes to fire and blowing up when shorted or have charging issues. They (electrics) are also instant on and present problems with accidental starts. I have an 80-volt electric that catches limbs and jumps around just like a gasser. It has big torque so I can't agree totally that an electric is any less safe than a gasser. I also will grab the electric when I need to do a quick cut, and do you think I gear up? Tonight, I cut up the Christmas tree with my electric saw and it never FEELS any safer just much more convenient. I actually get a false sense of security when I run the electric. The last rant will be that they run much less time so statistically they are going to have less accidents.

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