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clearance said:
Oh, here we go again, Mr.Morality is back, hey, if they are not sawlogs, buck em up. Imagine if Mark was in the army as a leader, hand grenade in the tent......

Ever had something stolen from you? If you do, don't complain - we'll call you Mr. Hypocrite, since you've made it clear that you approve of stealing.

From my professional experience, your descriptions of setbacks and easements are spot on.

Easements are usually part of the legal description of the property and setbacks are not. Setbacks are usually prescribed by the local governing authority.

The trees that are not on private property are free game, it happens all the time, the utility knows the blocks will be taken away and they won't have to pay for removal. Thats why, written on the work order it says, buck to firewood and leave, sawlogs are a different matter, sometimes the municipality in question takes them. Most utility removals are between the street and private property, if you knew anything about the world of utility removals you would know this. Nice for you to call names, how would you like to pay your share of the the cost of the lazy muni employees picking up wood all over the place? I think not, imagine the "back injury" claims alone, for starters. Mark, don't be so quick to judge what you know little about, you remind me of the guy that freaked on us for cutting trees in front of his house for the roadbuilders, at the end of the day, all "his" trees were gone, his fence that was on "his" property was gone, and there was a big excavator sitting on "his" lawn. And finally your logic is wrong, to call me a hypocrite for alledgedly condoning stealing is illogical, as I have never spoken out against it. (althoughI believe it to be wrong)
blueridge around here the state or town owns (I believe not positive on exact #) But 22' from center of road. My property boundry runs about 5' in from road. So leagally speaking if road crews came by and cut any of those trees down they dont belong to me.

Seems to me your real estate laws are kind of funny if you own half the road (town or state) and pay taxes is bull. Unless it is some kind of private road.
I know here in MI you pay taxs on your property up the the road, but the easments are 35' from the centerline. That equates usually to about 15' on either side of the road you pay for, but can do anything to except take care of it.

Dont overlook the fact that when the road expands, you lose more of your property because the easement widens, and your still paying taxes on the same amount of property.
BlueRidgeMark said:
I don't know what a "setback" is in this context. Maybe something in your jurisdiction, but I have not run across that term in studying for a real estate license, except as pertaining to distances of buildings from property lines.
impossible for you to USE your property in any meaningful way, but it's still yours.

My mistake, I used the wrong terminology.
i see

b1rdman said:
I see what you're saying...but it's not that easy. I can only speak for NH, and to be honest I can only verify my situation. Local ordinances and community bi-laws can go beyond state laws.

Most of what Clearance says is true where I live as well, but after a hazard tree is felled the wood belongs to the owner of the property. "Setback" is a gray area. It's not "your" property , but it's not the property of the state either.

As far as "throwing it out"...it's illegal to pick through garbage here to. If there's anything we're not short of in NH it's laws. "Live Free or Die" my arse.

Bottom line. Be respectful, use common sense, and get ready for some buckshot in the buttocks if you steal wood on my land.

well i thinl it is illegal in most places to dig through garbage but if some wants to see if there is something cool to them in my garbage they can go ahead
im not breaking the law but yeah it would nice if they would have asked on principle

Its just wood guys.....Our municipal crews leave piles of wood roadside everyday, any one that really wants more wood we are always more then happy to accommodate; dropping of ten wheeler loads in there yard when we are in the area. I would assume most tree care outfits also have more hardwood then they know what to do with. Based on this premise I would advise anyone who really wants wood to just ask one of the larger tree removal outfits in their area, I'm sure that they give away plenty if your willing to take a pine log every once in a while.

Yeah Diltree, that is the way it is with my outfit-if you want it, just tell us how much you want and where to dump it. Fortunately, there are several sugarbushes in the area that still boil with wood and they take alot of what we have so we don't usually have more than a dozen cords sitting in the yard at any given time.

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