White oak starting to mold outside that’s stickered and covered

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Mar 25, 2017
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Portland OR
What can I do? I was thinking put a fan on it maybe. But worry any rain getting on the fan. Got a few things hindering airflow, like a hot tube, tress and a rv and a wood shed but they ain’t totally blocking it. Anything I can spray on the wood to keep mold of and still keep the wood safe?only one side of it is lightly molding. It was pretty muggy here the last couple days. Really chaps my butt that what work goes into csm and the wood starts to mold even tho it’s stickered outside. Pics coming soon. I’ve found the white oak likes to mold and rot out rather fast compared to other woods. Seen guys saying the same thing on here about white oak in the pnw. Thanks guys!
I'm not sure how well it will work on greenish wood, or I'd it'll have any effect on the drying process, but I've been using a product for almost a decade now that is a mold-inhibitor and sealer.

It's brand name is Concrobium, but it is simply liquid solution sodium carbonate. I've used it on fabric and wood so far. Definitely works better the more porous the material. I also used it on plastic/wood to knock back long-term powdery mildew, which it did, in an open-air setting.
I have milled white oak logs that sat on the ground for 2+ years and had fungi growing on them. When I opened them up, they were fine. White oak was historically used for exterior wood applications (window sills, door frames) on very old homes (mine is from 1790), and it lasted a very long time. I removed sills on my house to replace windows and found that the oak was largely intact.