Chinese CBN wheels??

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The Shooters Apprentice

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May 31, 2021
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Interior Alaska
I'm about due for a new 3/16" grinding wheel for my Oregon chain grinder. Last pink wheel lasted about a year.

Looking into CBN wheels. I see a couple Chinese/no name ones on amazon for right around $100. The ones from baileys would be about $170 by the time I pay for shipping, so just curious is anyone has played with the cheaper ones.
I have CBN wheels from Diamond Wheel Inc in MN and from Sharpening Supplies. Both were right around $100 and the real thing, no need to go for an import. I have been using the Diamond Wheel Inc wheels for several years and really like the results. The wheels from Sharpening Supplies were branded Foley Belsaw and are a bit coarser than the Diamond Wheel Inc ones but they work very well on a damaged chain to remove a lot of material.

For example:
I was not happy with my Diamond Wheel brand CBN wheels. They ground too coarse.

Even though their sales office is located about 20 miles from me (I tried to visit), I believe that the wheels are made in China.

I may be in a minority about this, but I prefer the aluminum oxide wheels (although, they do emit more dust). Dress them lightly each loop. Custom dress them to a unique shape if you like.

A fraction of the cost, even for ‘name brand’ wheels from the right vendor.

E.g., Tecomec brand wheels about $14 each, including shipping if you buy 2 or more (including 2 sizes):
(Comments and photos of CBN wheels starting around Post #145 in the following thread)
I am ordering a dwi right now. What angle are you guys using? I am just getting started and am using 30/60/0 and am not real happy with the cutting corner I am getting. Its not pinpoint like I want. Should I adjust the top plate angle to 55? thanks fellas