Converting Easy Start on MS250C to MS250 starter - can I get some advice

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 16, 2021
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East Coast USA
Hey yall, appreciate the help here. I know there are other posts on here about this but wanted to get your opinion. I had no clue my hand me down, 16 year old MS250C had the Easy Start / Ergo Start. I'll be honest, don't think my dad ever had it break or need repair, and I didn't even realize it was the easy start until reading about it and then comparing to other guys' saws. I get that it doesn't feel as good or intuitive to start as a normal starter, but I'll be honest, I've been drop starting it by pulling the rope hard and had no issues. I already converted the easy tensioner junk assembly to the old school double bar stud and it's been great.

So I've got two primary questions. One, should I convert now? Is it pretty straight forward? Or should I not break something that isn't broken... Either way, if these are as bad as you guys say, I feel I should plan ahead for when it breaks then and have part numbers ready.

I read on other posts that you have to replace both the starter assembly and the flywheel, but that's it? No carb change, coil, etc?

I also saw a post with part numbers, both the before/MS250C part numbers, and after/MS250 normal starter part numbers. However, doesnt look like mine match any of those and I'm not even seeing anything on Google...

Pulling my MS250C starter, I see this part number: 1123 084 1060 A. Googled and not really seeing anything? Any ideas here?

Can anyone here help me get the right part numbers? I am just going to buy new and OEM just because ive had bad luck with used and aftermarket parts... curious if anyone has an idea on price for OEM too.

Thanks all for the advice. I can post pics if need be.
I like the easy start system.
I dont drop start saws that have it, I just hold the saw still and pull the rope, it's so easy to do in awkward spots I dont want to go back to normal starters.
I feel like every post I see on here talks about how awful they are and difficult/expensive to repair. I inherited this saw 3 years ago and I agree, even though I find it a bit odd feeling when compared to normal starters, you're right - it really is easier especially in awkward spots, like the brush, which I'm often in.

Hell, I've learned in the past to not screw with things that aren't broken haha. Most of the time when I do, I end up making things worst!

Even still, if this starter breaks like these guys saw they do, then I want to be prepared to go back to a simpler, more reliable starter, so I'm going to keep the post up just in case.

How old is your easy start, @NSEric ? Just curious if it has been reliable and if it's ever needed repair. thanks for replying.
I just converted an MS250 to two bar nuts & conventional chain adjust. I do not want to convert the EZ start to conventional starter because I use this small saw when cutting on piles where a 24 or 32” bar are too much. I like the EZ start when I’m on piles or in brush and limbs.
I think it’s safer than drop starting a small saw with a short bar. I like this feature of the saw.
I‘ve drop started all my life and I about ended up on the ground when I tried to start a saw on the ground.
If you dont pull the easy starts like a gorilla, they are fine. I only see problems with guys who try to start them like a reg saw and try to pull the snot out of them
the trick to these is to pull them like an old lady and they start and last fine.
I am a fan of EZ start although many owners prefer standard and go ahead with conversion. You are correct that only standard recoil and flywheel are needed to convert. Part numbers (from eBay listings):

1123 080 2104 Rewind Starter

1123 400 1203 Flywheel

Used OEM in very good condition from eBay will save money if you shop around.
Thanks guys for the responses. I'll stick with the EZ Start for now. Should I ever break it though I'll convert to the old school system, thanks to @craigmn for providing the part numbers! Taking note

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