Husqvarna 61 weak (or no) spark.

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Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
Been messing with a Husky 61 that I bought at a flea market but so far it's getting the better or me. Now the problem seems to be no spark. I use the sparkplug on top of cylinder method to test for spark since my spark tester seems to have disappeared. I've tried different spark plugs, unhooked the kill switch, gapped the ignition coil at around .013, but it seems to still have no spark. Anyone know anything about the 61 ignition? It's the one with 2 coils, was made by electrolux. I checked the magnets on the flywheel also, they seem to be okay.
I think the bigger one on the left is the more prone to go out part.
I also think I saw they actually started making some aftermarket coils for these.
I saw several for sale on ebay, just wasn't sure I needed one yet, plus I think there's several versions of this saw, using different ignitions. I went out and got the serial number off of it so maybe I'll order the right one.
I thought all the 2 piece ignitions were the same for the 61 and 266.
They probably are. I looked on ebay a minute ago and some of the coils that were for the 61 didn't look like mine and was only one piece. I went ahead and ordered the whole shebang, both coils, kill switch and a spark plug. This outfit looks like my 2 piece coil outfit. Price was confusing, they asked around 25.00 for them but when I rang it up in paypal it turned out to be around 35.00. I may have to complain to paypal about that..
The 266 and 61 had both the 2 piece ignition on early models and a 1 piece ignition on later models. The 1 piece ignition wont go into a 2 piece case.
I must have ordered the right part then. When it gets here in a couple of weeks we'll see if it works. In the meantime I'll set it back in the corner..
The 266 and 61 had both the 2 piece ignition on early models and a 1 piece ignition on later models. The 1 piece ignition wont go into a 2 piece case.
Not quite.....the 266 never had any thing but the two piece ign. But yes later 61s did have the one piece ign.....this happened after the flywheel side case change to allow for this ign change. There are also a few other bits that don't interchange after this , like top covers etc. The 266 became the 268Xp essentially but with a modified/improved cyl........ which was also the first Husky saw the sport the one piece ign
Is the pointed end of the spring in the boot making good contact in its hole of the Ht lead or is stretch and worn oblong? Are the exposed ends of the Ht lead wrapping well around the coil / spring?
I guess I haven't checked everything like I thought. I'll check the HT wire tomorrow but I'm betting the coil is bad.
The 266 became the 268Xp essentially but with a modified/improved cyl........ which was also the first Husky saw the sport the one piece ign
Only if you don't count the 50 154,/254, 40/45, & 3120 which all used the EMAB one-piece ignition at a time when the 268 was still a twinkle in the design engineers' eyes :)
I guess the one that is in the back is just a step up transformer with the timing being done by the front one?
By the way, I didn't have to complain to Paypal about the two prices, they already adjusted my payment to the lower one. Apparently 25.00 American is equal to 35.00 in Chinese money..
Only if you don't count the 50 154,/254, 40/45, & 3120 which all used the EMAB one-piece ignition at a time when the 268 was still a twinkle in the design engineers' eyes :)
True....but I guess should have clarified that I was speaking only of the 162 through 272 family of Husky saws and 625, 630 and 670 Red cousins.
I was under the impression that 266XP was not sold here in the states after 1990...other than perhaps left over dealer stock.
I can't answer for the US, but up here on the cold side of the border we still got them.

That one belongs to a good friend of mine who lives within a mile of the border. I have a 1992 saw on the shelf myself.