Need log splitter, whats good?

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ArboristSite Operative
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
northern california
I have a Iron and Oak 26T with a Honda GC engine.

The engine is outstanding. Starts first pull EVERY TIME even after sitting all winter.

Having one of these engines was literally my only criteria but I'm having trouble. North Star has them but you're looking at $500 shipping and then 6 hours + assembly.

I stopped by Tractor Supply and they have a nice County Line 30 ton splitter for $1,000 with a Kohler Engine on it. We have a lot of small engines on our farm including a large number of Honda clones. The Harbor Freight Predator is the gold standard... everything else has been downhill from there.

While $1,000 for a log splitter sounds like a deal... and while that engine says kohler on the side of it... I think I recognize that engine based on the parts.

It looks like a rebranded Lifan and just like the absolute worst Honda clone we have. I hate that thing.

Is there anyone out there selling a splitter north of 26 tons, with a Honda GC engine for less than $2,000?

If not then what is the buy? These thousand dollar jobs from Tractor Supply and just replace the engine if it gives you trouble? One of the $1,500 yard machines or similar from Home Depot or Lowe's? Cheaper Honda engines? Briggs & Stratton engines?

I feel like it shouldn't be this difficult but I'm not coming up with anything locally.

Also for reference we split old California Live Oak. It is some of the curliest gnarliest stuff there is. Impossible to split half the time. It absolutely stops my 26 ton splitter almost every 5 min. So I wouldn't want to go smaller.
splitter stopping- if you have a wedge that is a very fast flare that is likely where the problem arises. Narley Twisted stuff is better served by a thin straight wedge with a spreader behind it, more knife like in action- slicing rather than brute force.
I have the countyline 25T with the 6.5 kohler on it. It has been flawless starting even with temps in the teens. At least 100 cords through it.
It's tempting, the local farm store have a Performance Built 37 ton for $1200.


I also located a $5k 20t Barreto with a GX270 for $1200 in good shape.

I don't understand the tonnage though. Do these commercial splitters with twice the horsepower really only make have the splitting force as El cheapo? They don't even make one over 22.

Is that real or will it push as hard?
I think the ratings are mostly hype. My 25 T splits most everything I put through it. I don't expect it to go through a 3 forked piece of hickory like it does a straight piece of ash. You might get a better response over in the firewood and heating forum here.
I like my countyline 40 from TS so much I now have 2 of them. Now I know it's no where near 40 ton but it's way more powerful then the Husky 22 ton I had years ago. Give them a look.

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