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  1. K

    Jacaranda Troubleshooting

    I need some help with my jacaranda. Planted this from a seed and planted in the yard in North Central Florida. Thought it died during the winter, but it started growing again and now has these four “trunks”. All are about a thumbs width. Each is pretty strong and has a bunch of bottom off...
  2. J

    Tree trimming advice

    Hello, we've got an old crab apple tree in our backyard. I trimmed off some dead branches but am wondering if some of the longer horizontally growing limbs should be pruned back as well (or at all??). I've attached two pics and marked where I was thinking to makes the cuts. Any suggestions are...
  3. XaviC90

    Recognizing dead branches / Tree maintenance recommandations

    Hello everyone! I was wondering if you could give me a few tips on how to make sure that I do not mess up my tree by cutting a good branch. For a bit more context I have an old pear in the middle of my garden which is definitely the highlight of the property, so as you understand I am quite...
  4. Vincent Vega

    Pruning Advice Needed - Mulberry Tree

    Howdy y'all! I'm looking for advice on where to cut back these two branches on this Mulberry tree. What would you advise? The branches are missing a lot of the bark on the underside and have some cracking on the exposed inner woody portion. A lot of the branches that I've cut so far have...
  5. E

    Starting a small Tree trimming and pruning business.

    Hello! I'm new to the forum, and hope Im not repeat posting by asking this. I work on a summer trail and fire crew. We have our wildland fire red cards as well as an S212 wildland fire chainsaw certification. We drop large dead Doug firs and other large pines trees during the summer as well as...
  6. J

    Live oak barely producing leaves

    Got a large Live oak in north Texas. There was a pond next to him for several years that recently got bulldozed. Now he's barren except for one branch. He needs pruning but I don't want to risk damaging him in his weakened state. Will pruning the dead stuff (approximately 35-40% of the total...
  7. C

    Cutting tool sterilization

    Hi guys, The recent detection of oak wilt in southern onatario (canada) has us paying more attention to our part in the spread of diseases through tree removal and tree pruning work. Sterilizing things like hand saws, pole saws and pole pruners is simple enough (spray bottles or buckets to dip...
  8. greenfoot

    Salvage a storm topped sweet gum

    Have a sweet gum that must have been topped by a storm some time ago (property is new to me) plus a couple broken branches. It looked pretty healthy last summer and fall. Can this be salvaged? I was going to do a clean cut of the trunk and ripped branches, they're pretty shredded (you can't...
  9. greenfoot

    Fixing bad pruning

    Inherited a lot of bad pruning jobs from prior owner, stubs everywhere, see pics. Some of the stubs have decay and I'm inclined to cut a bit of the collar that's grown up on the stub to get the tree to "re-heal" around a fresh cut. What do you think? got some pine, sycamore, crab apple, maple...
  10. ArchChris

    Broken leader on Black Locusts “Frisia” during transport! What to do?

    Hi all, I accidentally snapped of the tip of the currently leader branch on this black locust. It’s a young tree - wondering if I need to do anything to help it or still let it go. The leader is still taller than the other branches. I’ve attached some photos! Thanks in Advance
  11. L

    Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus)

    All - I am new here and am looking forward to being apart of this community. I want to get feedback on (1) fertilizer and (2) pruning as it relates to 2 eastern white pine seedlings I planted over the weekend. CONTEXT: I planted 2 eastern white pines, each about 1.5-2 ft tall, in my yard...
  12. ItsOnlyDoug

    To prune or not to prune...

    I planted this tree a few years ago and it is slowly starting to gain some ground. However, the main trunk split into two main branches one of which is not thriving as well as the other. And, this year we have a number of smaller shoots that popped up. What is the best way to manage this for the...
  13. Phalangie9

    No dominant stem

    Hi, I recently moved into this house and the front yard tree looks like it was never pruned. There is no dominant stem and I am not sure it's possible to coax one out of the tree at this point. The tree limbs are beginning to cross to neighbors driveway and over the garage.I'm near Denver...
  14. D

    Multiple Trunk Tree

    I have a boxelder tree along my property line that has a massive lean and is cracked 1/2"-1" wide in multiple places on the trunk. I'm going to remove the damaged trunk before it falls and becomes a problem. My question is: The trunk is part of a multi trunk tree. If i remove one or two of the...
  15. BillyB

    When to rely on nature and when to prune?

    Fungus on dead or suffering limbs causes me concern for the whole tree. I'm aware that trees have the ability to protect themselves and a superficial understanding of the 4 types of compartmentalization. Observation, seems to have taught me that these defenses don't always work. Sometimes the...
  16. BillyB

    Dead limbs - to prune or not?

    From the perspective of tree health only, assuming proper cutting technique, can you think of a time when it would be better to leave a dead limb on a mature deciduous tree, oak, black cherry, elm. or ash to be specific, rather than remove it? If so, please describe it. Alternatively asked, is...
  17. JovanMira425

    I often asked when is the best time to do pruning? Is it Spring or Winter?

    When the client would ask you when is the best to do pruning and trimming towards trees and shrubs, is it really winter? or spring?
  18. A

    Young Maple Pruning Trunk and Branches

    Hello, We have a young maple tree in our backyard which has been growing taller for the last 2 years since first discovered as a sapling. My concerns are that there are multiple trunks and it's not shaped properly. Not knowing much about this, it seems it is in dire need of some pruning. I'm...
  19. J

    Weeping (cedar?) Pruning

    Hello all, just moved into my new home and there is what I believe is a weeping cedar? Any identification help is appreciated- PlantSnap app didn’t identify correctly. As you can see by the pictures, it is starting to touch the roof and tangle the wires to the house (cable, not electric). What...
  20. greenfoot

    Black Oak branch removal

    I'm a layman, looking for feedback on my over enthusiastic day or pruning. The pole saw took over.... I believe this is an eastern black oak, the branch was reaching out and down into the road, it was a bit much for a manual pole handsaw. A 6in branch, the cut is 8+in. 2 queries: Did the 3 cut...