$20/pound sweet seed corn

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ArboristSite Guru
Aug 22, 2021
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Checked at my local feed mill yesterday when I saw the Caudill Seed Co. truck leaving. Had just dropped a load of grass seed and other seeds. Owner said the Serendipity corn I usually buy will be $24/lb, and Silver Queen almost $19/lb. So just a heads up if you can possibly buy your seeds early this year. Mill owner predicted the price to go even higher.
Howdy Bubster,have you tried Mirai Sweet Corn? I think it was developed in Japan.
I gave out many samples and everyone said it was the best sweet corn that they had ever eaten. It must have been good because I had one hell of a time keeping the raccoons out of it. I got a Finnish Spitz Dog and she kept them out.
Howdy Bubster,have you tried Mirai Sweet Corn? I think it was developed in Japan.
I gave out many samples and everyone said it was the best sweet corn that they had ever eaten. It must have been good because I had one hell of a time keeping the raccoons out of it. I got a Finnish Spitz Dog and she kept them out.
You need a good electric fence
Bill, I had one and it worked well for 2 years then the little Bandits would just take the shock and go on in and stay there for hours and chow down.They would ride the stalk down and take 2 or 3 bites then move on to another stalk and do the same thing.
I would never kill a coon out of season. That is what trapping in season is for. Last Spring I was moving saws in the barn and had to evict a momma and her babies. She left one behind so I put it in a box for her. She came back later and got it.
Bill, I had one and it worked well for 2 years then the little Bandits would just take the shock and go on in and stay there for hours and chow down.They would ride the stalk down and take 2 or 3 bites then move on to another stalk and do the same thing. I can tell you that red Finnish Spitz sent many of them to coon heaven.
You need to buy a good unit. No coon will go past a good tight fence powered by one of these...............

Just looked at that unit and it must pack quite a punch. I bought mine at Tractor Supply and was fair for 2 to 3 strands of wire but was not real effective during the dry season but that was 25 years ago and I guess they have made some pretty good improvements since then.
Just looked at that unit and it must pack quite a punch. I bought mine at Tractor Supply and was fair for 2 to 3 strands of wire but was not real effective during the dry season but that was 25 years ago and I guess they have made some pretty good improvements since then.
You will not want to be shocked by one. If you want to see how your fencer compares grab a steel rod and see how far the arc will jump across the gap when you go to ground it
That is a lower power unit but will still knock the coon poo out of a ringtail. That is all that counts.
Believe it’s the exact same charger bill. Zoom in on the one I have hanging

24j ultra low impademce
400 mile
I literally had to get the strongest one I could afford with good reviews. Haven’t had it long enough to comment but so far worth every penny
neighbor has our rr seed on order and he wont tell me the price so it gotta be bad! LOL!! --- He just comes over and plants ours when he plants his only a week apart so we have a good supply most of the time.
I look for ALL seed to be super high this year IF you can even get some!
Son stopped growing corn for grinding into cattle feed. He can buy a 1000# of ear corn for $135. He used to plant 6 acres a year and pick it with a New Idea picker but did the math and it doesn't pan put anymore. He bought 8000# last year. He also grinds 16% pellet feed and Oats that he plants into it. 50# bags of 12-16% protein pellet commodity feed is running $11 to $12/bag.

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