Tree Damage From Crop Spraying

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lone wolf
Oct 5, 2009
Prowling The Pine Barrens
Received an email from the reporter after explaining why she can't be here Monday and asking her to not run the letter because I am afraid of how some might respond to it, what a huge can of worms it is, etc... I literally said I fear for my safety. But, I said she was more than welcome to come out any other time have a look at the damage and to discuss it further.

This is her reply.
Does this come across as snarky to you? :oops: It sure hit me that way.

"I’ll ask our editor to pull your letter. He’d already saved space for it.
Fortunately, we have other things to cover and feature for Earth Day that won’t risk anyone’s health :)

(she actually put a smilie face there)
I’ll cancel my appointment to come out Monday.
Thanks! And good luck with your gardens and soil.
Happy Earth Day!"

"Good luck with your gardens and soil????"
Confirms I made the right decision.
Stupid idiots, Earth Day ,what the hell do you think all those chemicals are doing to the Earth?
May 17, 2016
Stupid idiots, Earth Day ,what the hell do you think all those chemicals are doing to the Earth?
That's exactly what I thought!! So, I assume you took that reply the same why I did?

Yesterdays paper there were all kinds of articles, some written by her, about the farmers market, the gardening club, and a new greenhouse for the middle school.
Yes, all positive about all the wonderful things people are doing regarding agriculture.

BUT, and it's a huge BUT, there is no mention of, or even a desire to know, what's going on right under their noses, in front of their eyes, what's destroying their environment!!

That's what makes me so angry.
Planting trees on Arbor Day and teaching children how things grow, is futile if the farmers and nurserymen are using chemicals that destroy non-target life.

Like I've said before, it's win/win/ for the growers- the chemicals the farmers use are killing the trees and the nurserymen are selling trees to replace them.
Here's the kicker though - and another boon for the nursery trade - the trees they are growing here and selling are also contaminated and doomed to an early death, which means the sooner they'll need to be replaced.

You know what it is? Planned obsolescence for life. :(
And not just for trees either.

Mailed 65 letters yesterday. Another 40 or so today. Most should be delivered on Earth Day. 👍
May 17, 2016
Good news today, sort of.

First of all the trees that were nice and green two weeks ago are maintaining their dark emerald green color and the big buckeye is loaded with flower spikes. :dancing:
The inspector, the Ag agent, and the farmer showed up this morning.
The inspector took samples, but was overall impressed with how "good" things are looking, as am I.

I finished my inventory and categorized the trees by condition. Now I need to measure them and price them for the ins. company.
I have five categories, 0=no visible damage, 1=sparse green leaves, slight curling, 2= moderate limb die-back, moderated leaf damage, 3= severe limb die-back, sparse tiny leaves, 4= Dead.
0=22 (mostly cedar, arbs, pines)
4-22 (mostly redbud, Paulownia, mimosa, and walnut)

The #3's will likely be dead next year. The #2's might, or might not make it.
May 17, 2016
Buckeye loaded with flower spikes!:heart:
No.1 buckeye flowers.JPG

Great color on leaves, slightly droopy though but I think they'll firm up eventually. Fingers crossed.
No.1 buckeye leaves.JPG

Buckeye No.3 got hit pretty hard, leaves were curled up tight as a cigarette a few days ago, but appear to be opening up.
No.3 buckeye.JPG

Buckeye No.3 leaves opening up

Dead Paulownia, center, dying poplar to the right
poplar dead Paulownia.JPG
May 17, 2016
Definitely were a lot of casualties.
But, the overall color of the yard is emerald green, the shade has returned, and most of all, my magnificent buckeye appears to be (knock wood), not only recovering, but thriving and loaded with flower clusters. :clap::bowdown::rock::cheers::happybanana::dancing:

Looks like I might have a bumper crop of buckeyes this year - if so, I'll be giving them away to anyone who wants a souvenir of this fiasco. 👍 👍 :yes:
You can bet my yard will be covered up with buckeye trees from here on out!
May 17, 2016
Wonderful news this morning!! :clap::happybanana:

Just got off the phone with the man in charge of the crop planting for a huge outfit in the area...

I told him I noticed the beautiful brown soil in the freshly tilled fields near me and asked him what they are doing different from the burndown fields I normally see.

Here's what he said...
Yes, they tilled that ground, no chemical spraying first. They will go back and spray an herbicide after the plants are up about 6", using less chemical.
He said it's more labor, more wear and tear on the equipment, but the ground is cleaner and they use half the chemicals and because they use less chemical the weeds will be less likely to become resistant to them.
He also said they never use Dicamba because of the gassing off issue.

I asked him if he could think of any website where I could read more on his method, or if it's something they came up with on their own. He said it's their own idea, and they are doing it on all their fields since they are seeing great results.

He also said in one field they were working, I guess when they first went back to tilling, they had people on the side of the road taking pictures because it's been 20 years or more since they saw that process. I know it's been that long since I've seen it done here. He said more and more farmers are going back to tilling, two reasons being it's better for the soil/crop and uses less chemical.

I told him who I was and why I was so interested and he understood my concerns completely.
I asked him what we can do to get all the other farmers onboard and he just chuckled and said he didn't know.

I thanked him for his time and said, "G0d bless you for doing this." :heart:
May 17, 2016
Someone just "liked" this post, from two years ago.
I clicked on the link and the article is gone.
When I paste the link in and do a search, only one result comes up and it's page one of this thread... doesn't even connect back to the original link I posted.
A search for this: pulls up page one of this thread.
A search for "herbicide drift repetitive damage plants not growing out of it" on the AGFAX web site pulls up nothing.
AGFAX pulled that article claiming "plants do not grow out of it"

However, doing a search for: "herbicide drift repetitive damage plants not growing out of it"
Pulls up several related articles.
Please bear with me while I copy/past them here for future reference - before they are made to disappear along with that first one.
May 17, 2016
But first, here's another one from AGFAX, dated two months ago
Court Rules Dicamba ‘Was Unlawfully Approved’ By EPA and Halts Use

By RHONDA BROOKS February 7, 2024
A federal court determined on Tuesday that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unlawfully approved dicamba for use over the top of emerged soybeans and cotton crops designed to withstand the herbicide.
The ruling by the U.S. District Court of Arizona in Tucson yesterday vacates the 2020 registrations for Monsanto (now Bayer) XtendiMax, BASF Engenia and Syngenta Tavium. EPA has not said when it will respond to the court's decision. The ruling, for now, means U.S. farmers will not be able to use dicamba for weed control this season.
In response to the court’s decision, BASF said in a formal statement, “Most soybean and cotton farmers have made seed and chemistry purchase decisions and, in some cases, are preparing to plant their 2024 crop in the coming weeks. As a result, this Order may threaten the livelihoods of soybean and cotton farmers who rely on over-the-top dicamba to control resistant weeds.”

BASF added that 40 million U.S. dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton acres "will be directly impacted" by the court order.

In announcing its decision, the U.S. District Court of Arizona acknowledged dicamba as an effective herbicide, but said “its toxicity is not limited to weeds; it kills broadleaf plants, generally, including desirable plants, bushes, and trees. Dicamba easily moves off-field due to wind drift during spraying and is volatile, meaning it evaporates into a gas during spraying if there is a temperature inversion or even hot weather can cause it to vaporize after spraying."
The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) said in a statement it disagrees with the court's decision. "It removes a determination that should be made by a science-based regulatory agency to a federal court, and the timing of the decision will be extremely disruptive to ag retailers, distributors, manufacturers and farmers who made plans to use these products in 2024," said Daren Coppock, president and CEO of ARA.
Coppock added: "People have different opinions about whether OTT dicamba should be registered and used. But surely we can agree that we’re all better off – including consumers and the environment – if these decisions are made by regulators with scientific expertise during the registration review process rather than by the federal courts or activist litigators which lack that expertise."

'A Sweeping Victory'

Four organizations led the charge in court, challenging the EPA on its decision to register – and maintain the registration of – dicamba. They include: the Center for Food Safety, Center for Biological Diversity, Pesticide Action Network, and the National Family Farm Coalition. The Center for Biological Diversity deemed the court decision “a sweeping victory for family farmers and dozens of endangered plants and animals.”
In response to the court decision, Bayer said the court “…vacated the EPA’s registrations for over-the-top dicamba products based on procedural grounds, finding that the EPA ‘did not follow the FIFRA notice and comment provisions’ when it issued the registrations. We respectfully disagree with the ruling against the EPA’s registration decision, and we are assessing our next steps. We also await direction from the EPA on important actions it may take in response to the ruling. Our top priority is making sure growers have the approved products and support they need to safely and successfully grow their crops. We will keep our customers updated as we learn more from the EPA in advance of the 2024 growing season.”

ARA's Coppock is encouraging EPA and the registrants to continue the defense of science-based pesticide regulation in the federal courts by appealing the decision and requesting a stay of the decision during the appeal. "Flexibility in emergency labels and cancelation orders will be necessary to minimize chaos and economic harm in the supply chain to retailers, distributors and the farmers whom they serve," he noted.
May 17, 2016

Herbicide Drift and Drift Related Damage

Pesticide applicators are responsible for drift related damage and could face a potential lawsuit.
December 19, 2022
Herbicide drift. It is probably not the first time you have heard of it, and it won't likely be the last. But I can assure you, that if you cause a substantial amount of drift-related damage, you may be getting a call from the Department of Agriculture, or potentially even a lawyer. It is likely that you wouldn't even know that you caused the damage until someone knocks on your door. The most important thing to remember is that you (the applicator) are responsible for pesticide drift, even if environmental conditions are the cause. And despite what you may think, it does not take much chemical to cause damage onto a nearby crop. For example, grapes can be damaged by 2,4-D at up to 100 times less than the labeled rate for controlling weeds!

Herbicide drift onto vegetable and fruit crops unfortunately occurs regularly across Pennsylvania, especially in the spring. Why? Because spring is the time of year herbicides are applied to various crops to kill newly emerged weeds; both on farms and in lawns. This also coincides with the time of year that certain crops (i.e. grapes and tomatoes) are most susceptible to herbicide damage.

Drift can occur in two ways; particle drift or vapor drift. When small spray droplets move long distances due to wind, it is called particle drift. To minimize particle drift, it is recommended to use air induction nozzles, and/or low pressure nozzles, in addition to spraying in low winds. Vapor drift is when a pesticide volatilizes or evaporates into the atmosphere and moves off site and damages non-target plants. It is suggested to use amines instead of esters in warm temperatures for this reason.

Field crops are not the only place where drift comes from. Documented drift has come from many sources; including vegetable fields, lawn care applications, right of way and industrial areas, forest weed control applications, aquatic weed applications, and even homeowner-related lawn and garden applications. Certain plants are more susceptible to herbicide drift. These include (but are not limited to) grapes, tomatoes, fruit trees, watermelons, tobacco, sweet potatoes, and certain ornamentals. In fact, some plants are up to 20 times more sensitive to 2,4-D or other auxin-related herbicides than to glyphosate.

When drift occurs, depending on the crop, damage may take several weeks to show up. Additionally, a single case of drift can effect plant growth and harvests for several years. For example, a single instance of 2,4-D drift onto a grape plant can minimize or prevent a harvest for two or three years. An applicator may be summoned to court for lost income if this happens (and it does).

The following herbicides are typically associated with increased risk for drift-related damage to non-target crops: 2,4-D, MCPA, MCPP, triclopyr, dicamba, picloram, clopyralid, aminopyralid, and quinclorac. Whether you are a crop grower, a lawn care professional, or right of way professional, you have likely used or continue to use products that contain one or more of these ingredients.

Remember that drift—especially vapor drift—can travel in excess of one mile, especially when ester products are used in warm temperatures (drift is not always caused by high winds). Be sure to read the label, and use common sense. Take note of air temperature and the formulation you are using, look at the wind speed and wind direction, and finally, understand what type of crops are nearby, especially downwind of your intended application. If there is a vineyard nearby, you should pay close attention to your product choice and environmental conditions. Speak with your local farmers, and develop a relationship with them. By taking the initiative to go through these steps, you could save yourself or company from fines, or potentially even a lawsuit.
Grape cluster showing phenoxy-herbicide damage in 2017. Every plant on several acres exhibited this symptom. You can imagine how poor the harvest will be this year, and probably next year as well. Photo: T. Delvalle, Penn State
May 17, 2016

Herbicide Damage

by Kassim Al-Khatib
Plant Sciences, University of California–Davis

Although the intent in using herbicides is to kill unwanted plants in order to enable food crops or ornamentals to thrive, sometimes the use of herbicides has the unintended consequence, when applied inappropriately, of injuring nontarget plants.
Herbicide damage on nontarget plants may cause slight to serious injury symptoms and can occasionally cause economic damage as well.

Herbicide chemistry and physical properties usually determine how herbicides interact with the biological and physical systems of the plant. Factors determining herbicide efficacy and crop safety are complex and include plant species, plant size, stage of growth, soil chemical and physical properties, soil moisture, temperature, and relative humidity. Postemergence herbicide uptake and efficacy can be affected by spray additives that enhance the performance of the herbicide but may also increase the risk of crop injury.

Herbicide symptoms vary depending on the herbicide, the rate of application, stage of growth, type of exposure, and the plant species receptor involved. In general, herbicides with the same mode of action produce similar injury symptoms, because the outward appearance of injury is a function of herbicide effect on the plant at the cellular level. Therefore, it is much easier to diagnose symptoms belonging to different herbicide modes of action than herbicides within the same modes of action. In addition, diagnosing herbicide symptoms can be difficult because herbicide symptoms may look very similar to symptoms caused by diseases, nutrient deficiencies, environmental stress, and soil compaction.

While sometimes it is not possible, by visual observation alone, to determine what particular herbicide from the same mode of action may have caused plant damage, it is possible to do so with some other modes of action. For example, there are five types of herbicide chemistry that inhibit acetolactate synthase. Herbicide chemistries, and the individual herbicides within them, may have different physicochemical properties, biological activities, weed control spectrums, soil activities and half-lives but all generally produce similar injury symptoms on nontargeted plants. On the other hand, there are 11 types of herbicide chemistries that inhibit photosynthesis; however, some of these herbicides may cause specific symptoms that can be identified. Furthermore, herbicides from the same mode of action or chemistry may cause different symptoms and injury on the same species. For example, pyridine carboxylic acid herbicide picloram causes different symptoms on cotton compared to other pyridine carboxylic acids such as clopyralid and triclopyr.

In general, annual plants that rapidly translocate herbicide are more susceptible to herbicide damage and may show more injury symptoms. Conversely, perennial plants tend to translocate herbicide slower than annual plants and are also able to dilute herbicide in larger biomass systems, resulting in less injury. In addition, perennial plants may have more ability to breakdown herbicide and recover from injury symptoms. It is not uncommon for plants affected by herbicide to recover from symptoms, even with the occurrence of considerable dieback. This is particularly true with trees and other woody plants that have the ability to store carbohydrates and also have protected meristems in dormant buds. Trees have a remarkable ability to survive and recover from herbicide injury.

Herbicides can injure foliage, shoots, flowers, and fruits. If injury is severe enough, either from one incident or repeated exposure, it may reduce yield, produce poor fruit quality, distort ornamental or nursery plants, and occasionally cause plant death. Herbicide symptoms may be visible for a few days to several years depending on the herbicide involved, plant species, stage and rate of growth, environmental and soil conditions, and cultural practices. In addition, herbicides may reduce nontarget plant vigor, increase susceptibility to disease, and shorten the life cycle of a plant. Herbicide injury to nontarget plants also may result in illegal residues on the exposed crop. In ornamental nursery plants even slight herbicide symptoms may affect the marketability of damaged plants.

Several herbicide injury symptoms, such as general and interveinal chlorosis, mottled chlorosis, yellow spotting, purpling of the leaves, necrosis, and stem dieback, may result from causes other than herbicide exposure. If herbicide damage is suspected, the progression of symptoms and the study of herbicide symptomology in its entirety are critical. Research at several universities, including the University of California, shows that many symptoms from biotic and abiotic stresses mimic some herbicide symptoms and can be difficult to distinguish for the untrained observer.

Accurately diagnosing plants that show herbicide injury symptoms is difficult. In many cases, other biotic and abiotic causes may be involved or it may be unclear what herbicides were applied. Trained researchers, however, may be able to confirm or discount the possibility of herbicide injury by examining plant symptoms, injury progression, and studying other information such as type of herbicides used and history, herbicide rates and application timing, injury patterns, plant species affected, weather data, and soil conditions. However, positive confirmation of herbicide symptoms requires lab testing of the live plant tissue and/or the soil while the chemical is still present at detectable levels. In cases investigating herbicide symptoms, it is easier to accurately diagnose these symptoms from contaminated tanks, soil carryover, misapplication, or sprayer overlapping than from herbicide drift.

Herbicide Drift​

Drift is defined as physical movement of an herbicide through air, at the time of application or soon thereafter, to any site other than that intended. The three ways herbicides may move to nontarget areas are physical spray-particle drift, vapor drift, and herbicide-contaminated soil.

May 17, 2016

Physical spray-particle drift​

Physical spray-particle drift is the off-target movement of fine droplets generated during herbicide application. Small droplets are produced when herbicides are applied with small nozzle tips at high pressure and low spray volume. The distance that droplets may travel depends on droplet size, with smaller droplets traveling farther than larger droplets. High wind speed, low relative humidity, high temperatures, and height above the ground where the herbicide is released also may increase herbicide drift. Spray droplets may travel a few feet to several miles from the targeted area, depending on weather conditions and spray application; but the potential for drift damage decreases with distance because droplets are deposited or become diluted in the atmosphere. In addition, a special consideration should be given to evaporation of water from the spray droplets when a spray droplet of any given size moves off target. In a long distance drift, it isn't uncommon for water droplets to evaporate completely; and herbicide will be airborne in a dry form. Research showed that small herbicide droplets that dry to particle forms before contact with leaves are biologically inactive. If the dry particles, however, fall on a leaf that is already wet, or if water falls on the leaf in a larger amount but not in a large enough amount to wash it off, some of the dry particles could be dissolved and pass into the leaf.

Vapor drift​

Vapor drift, or volatility, refers to the ability of an herbicide to vaporize and mix freely with air. The amount of vapor drift varies depending on herbicide, formulation, and weather and soil conditions. Some herbicides are more volatile than others. Volatile herbicides may produce vapors that can be carried great distances from the target area to other crop sites. Vapor drift also may depend on the volatility of formulation. For example, the synthetic auxin herbicide 2,4-D is available in formulations that differ in volatility. The order of 2,4-D volatility is 2,4-D ester (short chain) >2,4-D ester (long chain) >2,4-D amine. MCPA, clopyralid, and triclopyr are other synthetic auxin herbicides (besides 2,4-D) that are produced in ester forms. Dicamba is another hormonal-type herbicide that may drift in vapor form even though it is formulated as a salt. In general, herbicide injury symptoms and damage are more severe and more often from physical spray-particle than from vapor drift.

Herbicide-contaminated soil drift​

Herbicide may drift from a treated site by adhering to soil particles and traveling as herbicide-contaminated soil. Herbicide may contaminate soil in several ways: when it is applied directly to the soil, when foliar applications are not intercepted by the foliage, or when herbicide is washed off foliage by rain or overhead irrigation. Subsequent soil disturbance by wind or cultivation may cause soil-adsorbed herbicide to become airborne and to be deposited downwind on plant foliage. However, research shows that herbicides might adsorb tightly to soil particles and not easily release to be absorbed by established plant foliage. The amount of herbicide-contaminated soil deposited on plants would have to be extremely large to cause symptoms or injury, so it is unlikely this would occur under field conditions.

Preventing herbicide drift injury​

Awareness is the key to preventing herbicide drift. Once applicators are aware of the hazards and possible consequences of misuse, they can take several steps to prevent problems:

  1. Learn the locations of sensitive crops in the area. Avoid herbicide application near sensitive plants or select herbicides that do not cause injury to nearby plants. Be a good neighbor and do not trespass with herbicides. You will be held liable for damage even if it is unintentional.
  2. Herbicide labels warn applicators to avoid using herbicides in the vicinity of susceptible crops. Therefore, it is important to be aware of any sensitive crops grown close to herbicide application. Although there is no legal obligation for herbicide applicators to consult and cooperate with neighbors in matters of herbicide use, it is advisable to do so.
  3. Leave a buffer zone between treated fields and sensitive plants. Herbicide labels may specify the width of the buffer zone. The buffer zone will allow larger droplets to settle before reaching sensitive plants. The buffer zone may not be effective in settling small droplets.
  4. Avoid the use of highly volatile formulations of herbicides in any area near sensitive crops.
  5. Do not apply herbicides when wind is blowing toward sensitive plants. Apply herbicides when a light breeze is blowing away from sensitive crops. Drift is minimal when wind velocity is between 2 mph and 10 mph. Do not spray when temperature inversions are likely or when wind is high or blowing toward sensitive crops, gardens, dwellings, livestock, or water sources. High wind, and no wind situations, may result in serious herbicide drift.
  6. Spray when temperatures remain below label temperature restrictions to minimize vaporization and droplet evaporation.
  7. Use sprayer application techniques that minimize the production of fine droplets. Selecting proper spray tips, lower spray pressures, and using drift reducing agents will decrease the number of fine droplets. Use drift-reduction nozzles such as drift-guard or air induction types that operate at a low pressure. When using venturi nozzles, higher pressures will be required to maintain an effective pattern. As the pressure is increased with these nozzles, the drift potential will increase; but it less than from other nozzle types.
  8. Use wide-angle nozzles, keep the nozzles close to the soil and keep the boom stable.
  9. It is also important to use lower application speeds. It is likely that higher speeds may increase herbicide drift.
  10. Use shielded booms to minimize herbicide off-target movement.
  11. Use spray additives within label guidelines to reduce production of small spray droplets. This will result in less potential for drift. Avoid tank mix ammonium sulfate with volatile herbicides as ammonium sulfate increases volatility.
  12. In the case of trees or vines exposed to herbicide drift, consider pruning off the affected leaves or branches to prevent the spread of the herbicide into the plant.
  13. Read and follow the directions on product labels. Instructions on the product label are given to ensure the safe and effective use of herbicide to minimize risk to people and the environment. Many drift complaints involve application procedures in violation of the label.
Rights of injured parties: Those who grow sensitive plants that may be injured as a result of herbicide misuse have rights protected by law. Through civil proceedings injured parties may attempt to regain financial losses or secure punitive judgments.

May 17, 2016

Preliminary Herbicide Drift Diagnosis​

Investigating herbicide drift cases should start when a grower observes unusual symptoms on their crops or observes nearby spraying during weather conditions that may cause drift. The following information should be collected to document herbicide drift incidents.

  1. Look for symptom patterns in the field and document the severity of symptoms. Is there a symptom-intensity gradient across the field? Patterns of injury may help identify the source of the problem. The direction of herbicide drift can sometimes be determined by finding "drift shadows" by trees, buildings, or elevated roads. Anything that intercepts or deflects spray droplets can cause an area of undamaged plants on the downwind side of the object.
  2. Check to see if other species, especially weeds, develop symptoms similar to symptoms on the species at issue.
  3. If there is open ground or a crop between the damaged field and the sprayed field, check for herbicide symptoms on plants in that area. Draw a map or use GPS to locate injured plants in the field. It will be helpful if you record the date when injury symptoms were first observed in the field.
  4. Report the description of injury symptoms and photograph typical symptoms of foliage, roots, and bio-indicator plants such as weeds. Continue to report and photograph symptoms through the growing season. Take a large number of quality photos including close-up photos. Record the date and location of each photo. Aerial photos may help to show the pattern and severity of herbicide damage.
  5. Plant tissue and soil can be analyzed for herbicide residue. However, growers need to take several precautions when analyzing tissue or soil:
    • Select a reputable laboratory that is certified to conduct GLP (good laboratory practices) analysis. In addition, check the detection level for the procedure used to analyze herbicide residue; and select the laboratory with the most sensitive procedure. The detection level should be at a level below the concentration that causes biological effect. If you select a laboratory that has low detection levels, they may not detect any residue even though you may see injury symptoms.
    • Sample plant tissue or soil from areas where symptoms are intense. The depth of soil sample is important for herbicide detection. Try not to sample too deep because it may dilute the herbicide residue. Plant tissue or soil samples should be packed in dry ice and sent to the lab immediately after sampling. Laboratories should analyze samples immediately.
    • Chemical analysis is costly and may not provide a positive identification of some of the herbicides that damage plants because detection levels are not high enough. Some herbicides rapidly degrade in plants and soils and may be gone before the sample is taken and analyzed. Analytical procedures are specific to each herbicide and must be specified. Chemical analysis may determine the presence of herbicide residue but cannot determine the source of drift or any yield loss caused.
  6. Try to create a timeline of the drift incident by investigating all events in the surrounding area. Drift is most likely from adjacent areas but also may occur from farther away. Try to determine the date and time of herbicide application, herbicide name and formulation, wind speed and direction, temperature during application, name of applicator, boom height, nozzle type, spray pressure, and gallons per acre.
  7. Collect and record the crop and herbicide history of damaged fields to prove that damage is not due to your own spray.
  8. Contact the County Agricultural Commissioners Office (California) or Department of Agriculture immediately after observing herbicide injury symptoms to file an official complaint and arrange for their visit to your field. If you intend to litigate, try to obtain legal advice at an early stage of the litigation.
  9. Try to estimate the extent of yield loss. EARLY SYMPTOMS ARE NOT A GOOD INDICATOR OF YIELD LOSS. Crops frequently recover from slight to moderate symptoms and may yield similar to unaffected fields. Actual yield loss generally is less than expected from early season observed herbicide symptoms. The best method to estimate yield loss is to compare the yield from damaged areas to the yield of plants that do not show any herbicide injury symptoms. Comparison of yields between years is not reliable because yields fluctuate between years. But, historical yield data will help substantiate normal production levels.

Herbicide Misapplication​

Misapplication is when an herbicide is applied to soil or a crop that it was not intended to be applied on, such as glyphosate applications to nontolerant varieties of corn. These mistakes rarely happen and can be easily avoided if special attention is given when tank mixes are prepared or when fields are sprayed to ensure that the correct field is treated and the correct herbicide applied. The symptoms and level of injury will depend on the type of herbicide that contacted the plant, herbicide rate, plant species, stage of growth, and weather conditions. While crop injury can happen from all types of herbicide application, most injuries may occur from postemergent herbicides.

If soil-applied herbicides are misapplied preplanting or preemergence, symptoms may appear right after new plants begin to germinate and often are more severe at high rates of application or when seeds are shallowly planted. If incorrect and postemergent herbicides are applied by mistake, symptoms may appear within hours to a few days after application depending on herbicide, rate, stage of growth, and weather conditions. In general, symptoms are more severe on young plants or when plants are metabolically active.

When misapplication occurs, symptoms of treated plants are usually uniform throughout the treated area. It is likely that plants in the treated area need to be destroyed due to significant injury and illegal herbicide residue on the plants.

Herbicide-Contaminated Tank​

Herbicide symptoms may occur when the sprayer is not properly cleaned after a previous herbicide application. Sprayer contamination is problematic in highly diversified cropping systems. This problem can be easily avoided by ensuring that sprayers are properly cleaned between different herbicide tank loads. Herbicide symptoms from sprayer contamination can occur up to several months after using the uncleaned sprayer, since dry herbicide particles can be redissolved causing symptoms. Just spraying until the sprayer is empty does not mean the sprayer is clean. There are herbicide residues that can be on the side of the spray tank, in the spray lines, sumps, pump, filters, and nozzles. All of these parts can be a potential source of contamination. Small amounts of herbicide residue in the spray lines or filters can cause significant damage to the next crop to be sprayed.

In general, postemergent herbicides sprayed directly on the crop foliage have greater potential injury than soil applications, especially when surfactant or adjuvants are included to enhance pesticide spread or uptake. Injury from sprayer contamination can affect crop growth and development for several weeks after application and in severe cases can reduce crop yields.

The field pattern can provide clues to the sprayer filling routine in the field where the crop damage occurred. Crop injury that is associated with one or two sprayer tank loads would suggest sprayer contamination. Symptoms from contaminated tanks are usually worse at the beginning of the spray with damage diminishing with spraying and tank reloading.

Always follow the herbicide label for directions and recommendations for the best method and cleaning agent to use when cleaning out the spray equipment. Consult labels for the products that were previously in the tank and for the products that will be used for the next application. Rinsing with just water may not remove the residue and the herbicide may remain tightly adsorbed in the sprayer through several loads. Further loads that contain other herbicides, oils, fertilizers, or basic pH blend may cause the herbicide to desorb, disperse into the spray solution, and damage susceptible crops.

Herbicide Carryover​

Herbicide residues may persist in the soil and affect susceptible crops for one or more years following application. Crop sensitivity depends on the crop, soil properties, soil moisture and temperature and herbicide.

Crop injury from herbicide residue in the soil, however, is not restricted to persistent residual herbicides applied the previous year. It may happen from herbicide applied to burndown weeds before planting. For example, dicamba and 2,4-D applied to burndown weeds before cotton or soybean planting may severely injure these crops. Herbicide labels often provide guidelines on intervals between herbicide application and the planting of sensitive crops.

Herbicide injury symptoms on sensitive plants can occur from exposure to low soil concentrations. Herbicide carryover can cause crop injury ranging from minimal to complete crop loss or plant kill. Injury problems have typically arisen where normal breakdown of herbicides has been inhibited by factors such as drought and pH.

Herbicide carryover can have considerable field variation in acreage affected and severity of plant injury. Injury can occur anywhere in the field and may be patchy. Uneven plant stands can affect crop maturity. Areas of low organic matter, headlands, corners, or overspray may have more symptoms.
May 17, 2016

Herbicide Damage to Trees

Herbicides can be effective tools for controlling unwanted weeds in the landscape. However, in recent years, the Nebraska Forest Service has seen a significant increase in unintended herbicide damage to trees and other landscape plants. You can assist us in documenting damage across Nebraska. Please note the NFS is not a regulatory agency.

Damage symptoms​

Damage symptoms vary with the type and concentration of herbicide, the plant exposed and its stage of growth, and environmental factors. Common symptoms may include:

  • Deformed foliage: leaf cupping, curling, twisting, puckering, strapping (narrow, elongated growth)
  • Twisted, curled or stunted stem and branch growth
  • Clusters of stunted shoots or leaves
  • Discolored foliage: yellow, white, reddish, purplish, or abnormally light or dark green
  • Leaf scorch (leaf edges turn tan to brown), flecking, or complete browning and death of leaves
  • Defoliation (leaves or needles drop from the tree)
  • Branch dieback or death of entire tree
Damage from weather, insects, and diseases can be confused with herbicide damage. Your local extension office, the Nebraska Forest Service, or the Nebraska Department of Agriculture may be able to assist with identifying herbicide injury.
Drift: Herbicides can move through the air from the site of application to nearby areas, causing damage to trees and other plants.

Possible sources of drift include the use of 2,4-D and dicamba in spring in an effort to control dandelions and other weeds in home lawns and for control of winter annual weeds in crop fields. These herbicides can be particularly damaging to tender foliage emerging in spring, especially on sensitive trees such as oaks, redbud, honeylocust, Kentucky coffeetree, elms, and maples.

Many formulations of dicamba and 2,4-D are quite volatile. This means the herbicides can form a gaseous vapor during or following application— sometimes even days later. Warmer temperatures (typically above 85 degrees) increase volatility, and may result in the vapor moving long distances from the application site on warm spring and summer days.
Root uptake: Tree damage can also occur through root uptake from herbicides that move through the soil. These include herbicides used to control roadside vegetation or to keep the ground “clean” around buildings, along fence lines, and on sidewalks, driveways and gravel strips. Many are labeled for control of “brush and woody weeds” and can cause significant damage to trees. Even trees located some distance from the application site may be affected since tree roots can extend well beyond the canopy of the tree. Dicamba, picloram (Tordon), bromacil (Hyvar), and prometon (Pramitol) are just a few common examples.

Another “bare-ground” herbicide, glyphosate (Roundup), controls most weeds when applied to the foliage. Glyphosate is generally inactive in soils; however, some Roundup products contain different or additional active ingredients, which may be picked up by roots. Check the label!

Root uptake by trees can also occur with many lawn herbicides, particularly those for control of clover, violets and other tough broadleaf weeds. Care must be taken to apply the appropriate rate when used in landscapes with trees.
To lessen the likelihood of herbicide damage to your trees and those of your neighbors, follow these guidelines:

  • Read and follow ALL herbicide label directions, particularly restrictions that help limit drift, vaporization, and runoff. Look for precautionary statements regarding trees.
  • Be aware of surrounding properties with sensitive vegetation including parks, gardens, windbreaks, landscape nurseries, orchards, vineyards, organic farms, and native woodlands and other natural areas. Visit for locations of growing operations near you.
  • Most damage occurs in spring when trees and other plants are leafing out with susceptible new growth. Try to shift weed control to fall when many weeds are more easily controlled and damage to trees is reduced.
  • Monitor temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. Avoid spraying on warm, windy days.
  • Adjust sprayer nozzles to a coarser spray to reduce drift.
  • Be especially careful using herbicides that control “woody brush” or include trees or shrubs on the list of weeds controlled.
  • Keep in mind the extensive reach of tree root systems—often well beyond the canopy edge.
  • Use extreme caution when treating stumps located near desirable trees. Over-application may contaminate the soil around the stump. Alternatively, the chemical may move into the soil from the stump roots.
  • When possible use alternate methods of weed control such as cultivation, mulching, use of cover crops, and mowing weedy tree sprouts.
  • Though trees can sometimes be killed relatively quickly by unintended herbicide damage, some of the worst damage builds slowly over several growing seasons. Trees often can recover from light and occasional damage, but repeated damage year after year will almost certainly shorten the lifespan of our most important trees.
  • Become familiar with the more common herbicides and how they may be safely used. Homeowner herbicides include 2,4-D, dicamba, triclopyr, MCPP, and glyphosate. Professional herbicides include these plus imazapyr, picloram, bromacil, prometon, tebuthiuron and many others.
Likely root uptake from herbicide applied along fence DSC01527.jpg
Herbicide uptake by this tree's root system is the likely cause of its decline.
May 17, 2016

‘We’ve got it everywhere’: Dicamba damaging trees across Midwest and South

by Johnathan Hettinger, Investigate MidwestJune 16, 2020

Access and download herbicide damage incident reports created by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in 2018 and 2019 by clicking here.

Everything in Campbell, Missouri, is peaches. Peaches are on the water tower. You can order peach ice cream at the Sugar Shack on the edge of town. There is even a mural downtown depicting rows of peach trees and a full basket of fruit that declares the town the “Peach Capital of Missouri.”

The largest orchard in the area belongs to Bill Bader. His 1,000 acres of peaches have supplied grocery stores across eight states for more than three decades.

Sidebar:In Illinois, records show herbicide damage to nature preserves

But today, Bader can’t grow much of anything. His trees have been hit year after year by herbicides drifting from nearby farms. Bader’s farm has all but gone out of business. A couple years ago, in June, Bader went with his grandson to pick a peach, but couldn’t find a single one on the branch. The trees were so weak they couldn’t hold fruit.

It’s not only happening on Bader’s farm and it’s not only happening in the southeast Missouri town of Campbell, an investigation by the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting found.
In recent years, farmers have been spraying an increasing amount of volatile herbicides – namely dicamba and 2,4-D – that are causing widespread damage to trees, native plants and natural areas across the Midwest and South.

A federal court recently banned in-season application of dicamba, which experts say is responsible for the most damage, after finding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency unlawfully approved the herbicide in a number of ways, including by failing to properly consider its effect on the environment. A court challenge filed by the same plaintiffs, alleging that the EPA also failed to do so for 2,4-D is currently pending.
Forest health experts said trees are being damaged from Indiana to Kansas, from North Dakota to Arkansas. Cupped up leaves, the most easily recognized symptom, can be seen in towns miles away from agricultural fields, as well as in nature preserves and state parks set aside as refuges for wildlife, experts said.

“Symptoms are showing up in backyards, school yards, cemeteries, forested lands, prairies, land enrolled in taxpayer funded conservation programs, orchards, vineyards, and even over large areas of small rural towns,” said Kim Erndt-Pitcher, habitat and agricultural programs specialist at Prairie Rivers Network, an Illinois-based environmental nonprofit that has conducted its own monitoring program over the past couple years.
In some areas, the damage is so severe that tree mortality is higher than from the Emerald Ash Borer, an insect that has killed tens of millions of trees across 25 states, experts said.

“Our No. 1 problem on our trees is herbicide damage,” said Laurie Stepanek, forest health specialist with the Nebraska Forest Service. Stepanek said the damage has no boundaries, ranging from urban communities to native forests to tree nurseries. “We’ve got it everywhere, unfortunately. It’s so widespread and affecting so many trees.”

Trees that used to shade cemeteries in Arkansas have less foliage. In Central Illinois towns, iconic trees that were around at the time of Abe Lincoln are being harmed year after year. Nurseries in the St. Louis suburbs can’t sell their trees because the plants are too deformed.
More than 60 areas managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, including state parks and nature preserves, reported herbicide damage in 2018 or 2019, according to records obtained by the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting via the Freedom of Information Act. Some of the parks reported widespread death of mature oak trees.

Surveys of trees in Arkansas and Missouri also found damage to state and federal conservation areas.

State parks and wildlife refuges matter because they provide rare, critical habitat, said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity.
“These protected areas, these refuges, are so few and far between. They’ve dwindled so much over the years, and have increased so much in their importance. Any damage is magnified to that extent,” Donley said. “Refuges are generally supposed to provide a refuge, and they do in a lot of cases, but you can’t separate the habitat from dicamba poison. Once it’s in the air, it’s going to drift wherever it decides to go, whether that’s a soy field or a refuge that provides essential habitat.”
Oak trees exposed to herbicides like these documented by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources die slowly, with signs of damage visible in the foliage.
More herbicides used to combat rise of superweeds

Tree damage from herbicides is nothing new. Trees serving as windbreaks in fields or shelter belts around rural homes often get a dose of herbicide damage on a windy day or when a sprayer gets too close, said John Ball, an extension forestry specialist with South Dakota State University.

But the scale of the damage in recent years is unprecedented.

For decades, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, has been the most commonly sprayed herbicide. The amount of glyphosate sprayed in crops increased 40-fold between 1992 and 2016. Over the past 25 years, the number of weeds resistant to glyphosate has increased from zero to more than 45, according to the International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds.

In response, farmers have been increasingly spraying other herbicides to kill these pesky “superweeds” before the growing season. The two most prominent have been dicamba and 2,4-D.
May 17, 2016

But farmers couldn’t make widespread applications of these herbicides during the growing season because they would kill crops like soybeans and cotton.

In order to combat this problem, agribusiness companies like Bayer, formerly Monsanto, and Corteva, formerly DowDuPont, have released new crops genetically engineered to withstand being sprayed by these herbicides.

Bayer’s Xtend system, which is resistant to dicamba, has become widely adopted since it was fully rolled out in 2017, being planted across 50 million acres of soybeans in 2020, or about two out of three soybeans planted in the US. Bayer and BASF, which are both headquartered in Germany, have the highest market shares of dicamba herbicide.

Since 2017, millions of acres of non-resistant crops have been damaged by dicamba, according to experts.
Bayer did not respond to a request for an interview for this story. However, in the past, the company has maintained that dicamba is safe when used according to its label and that off-target movement is unrelated to Bayer’s product.

Earlier this year, Bader was awarded $265 million by a federal jury in a lawsuit against Bayer and BASF where he claimed his peach orchard was no longer viable because of repeated damage from dicamba. Hundreds of other farmers have filed similar lawsuits, and many have the ability to become class action suits. The damage is also happening at nurseries and other speciality farms, experts said.

This year, Corteva’s Enlist system, which is resistant to 2,4-D, is expected to make up 20 percent of the soybean crop.
Oak trees exposed to herbicides like these documented by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources die slowly, with signs of damage visible in the foliage.
‘Don’t think you can get away from this’

But both herbicides are much more volatile than glyphosate. In the hours and days after the herbicides are sprayed, small amounts of the weed killer vaporize, turning into a gas and then move off the field.

Much of the damage is happening at the landscape level, which indicates volatility is likely at play through a phenomenon called atmospheric loading – when so many farmers are spraying so much herbicide at the same time that the chemicals build up to levels so high they are unable to dissipate and escape the atmosphere. The weed killer persists in the air for hours or even days, moving around by the wind and poisoning whatever it comes into contact with.

The pesticide can travel for miles, onto other crops, into towns and even into natural areas, said Marty Kemper, a retired biologist with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Kemper has been working with Prairie Rivers Network to document damage in southern Illinois, where he lives, and said trees just aren’t as healthy as they were five or six years ago.

“Don’t think you can get away from this by being inside the city limits,” Kemper said. “My observations are you can’t go anywhere in these small towns around here to not see some level of injury in these communities. For the last two years, I haven’t seen personally, a redbud in the town that I live in that didn’t show some level of exposure.”

In response to widespread inquiries about the damage, Ball organized a survey of forest health specialists to see if they could figure out how widespread the damage was. The group found significant damage from growth regulator herbicides in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Lab samples confirmed that 2,4-D was the most common pesticide detected, and dicamba was present in about 90 percent of samples. For example, in all of Nebraska’s 78 samples, leaves had detectable levels of dicamba and 2,4-D, Stepanek said.

The extent of the damage, as well as its long-term effects, is not known, Ball said. But widespread damage clearly happens throughout the growing season. Stepanek said she is most concerned about long-term chronic exposure year after year. Already, some trees are “just not growing very well.”

Lou Nelms, a retired biologist and former nursery owner who has documented tree injury in central Illinois for five straight years, has been finding injured sycamore trees in the middle of downtown areas across central Illinois, as far as a mile and a half from the closest crops. Lab samples confirmed dicamba was present.

Nelms can rattle off each of the places: near the public library in Clinton; outside of the Adams Wildlife Sanctuary in Springfield, right in front of the courthouse in Petersburg; at the large public park in Pekin; at Kickapoo Creek Park in Logan County; and at the Postville Courthouse in Lincoln.

“It’s a pretty good tell tale of just how far the dicamba gases have moved,” Nelms said.

Bill Freese, a science policy analyst at the Center for Food Safety, a nonprofit organization focused on human health and pesticides, said the effects could go beyond tree health to humans. Freese said his main concern about the spread of dicamba for humans is cancer.

Freese has submitted comments to the EPA and USDA about links between cancer and dicamba, though the agencies have not connected dicamba to cancer. A study released by the National Institutes of Health in May found that pesticide applicators who sprayed dicamba were more likely to develop certain types of cancer than pesticide applicators who did not spray dicamba.

2,4-D is considered a “possible human carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Studies have also linked 2,4-D to endocrine disruption, disturbing estrogen, androgen and thyroid hormones.
May 17, 2016

Illinois Department of Natural Resources field entry detailing damage caused by herbicides.
‘Trees are just stuck there, getting sprayed year after year’

Detecting where the damage came from is often difficult, Ball said. That’s because a lot of times, the chemicals don’t come from just one field. They come from every field in the area, testified University of Arkansas professor emeritus of weed science Ford Baldwin in the Bader peach farm trial in federal court in February.

There’s a scenic drive in the middle of the 2,154-acre Big Cane Conservation Area in southern Missouri. While the area is surrounded by fields, the scenic drive is well insulated, said Robbie Doerhoff, a forest health specialist with the Missouri Department of Conservation. One day last summer, Doerhoff took the drive and conducted a random sampling of leaves that “weren’t terribly symptomatic.” Lab results found levels of 2,4-D and dicamba, she said.

“We don’t know what that means,” Doerhoff said. “As far as stress on the tree long-term, we have no idea what that means. The trees were all green, and the average person wouldn’t have noticed they looked weird.”

But other trees showed symptoms, and it could matter for the forest’s long-term health, she said.

“Big Cane is there because 99 percent of the habitat that used to be there – the swampy areas, the low-lying forest – is gone,” Doerhoff said. “We have little patches here and there set aside for wildlife species. Potentially, these herbicides are degrading these small areas we have.”

Doerhoff, who normally focuses on insects in trees, said she could see herbicides having a significant effect on species like caterpillars that are sensitive to which leaves they eat.

Fewer insects means less food for birds, said Dan Scheiman, bird conservation director of the Arkansas Audubon Society. Scheiman earned his Ph.D. from Purdue University and has been birding for more than 30 years.

Scheiman set up a volunteer monitoring program in 2019 that found 243 instances of damage across 17 counties inside natural wildlife refuges, natural areas and churchyards. Scheiman believes dicamba is largely to blame in Arkansas.

The worry is that trees and wildflower species will be less productive, and the seeds and fruits that birds need will disappear, Scheiman said.

He pointed out that soybeans are an annual plant, while trees are perennials.

“Trees are just stuck there, getting sprayed year after year,” Scheiman said.

Doerhoff said it all comes back to herbicides being used more than in the past.

“Dicamba and 2,4-D have been around for a long time, but they’ve been used differently.” Doerhoff said. “There has never been a push to study them in a new way, and they haven’t been used when mature trees are leafed out. Now it’s a problem and we don’t have any data.”

One of the best datasets might just be places like Bader’s peach farm, where yields have been documented year after year for decades. In the early 2000s, Bader averaged yields over 150,000 bushels. In 2018, his trees produced 12,000 bushels.

In Campbell, just miles from Bader’s farm, there is a mural painted on the side of a downtown building. In the painting, cotton farmers coexist alongside peach trees. But today, that mural is more of a portrayal of a time gone past than the reality of the small town of about 2,000 people in Missouri’s southern panhandle, near the state’s border with Arkansas.

Peaches don’t grow in Campbell anymore. At least, not the way they used to.

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