porting my 372

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Jan 2, 2009
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started with the intake.
these arent finished pics





im going to have to get longer burr to be able to to work on the exhaust. the 372 has the longest intake and ex throats that ive seen so far. i was barely able to reach all the way with the burr i have on the intake side.
ill get pic of the bur and stones i use.

so far ive just used the carbid burr on the dremel.

im going to have to order bur or get 1/4 die grinder and longer burr so i can work on the exhaust.

what do you guys think would happen iff i putt it together with a worked over intake and stock everything else.

then order burr to finish the port job later.
yeah probly havent gained anything by doing just the intake. im sure its still usable and tunable if the factory ex port was larg enough to start with it may have mad slight gain

i havent a clue how much ive takn off or will take off. i startd by scribing the factory port on the old piston then i go from there, grind some then scribe the port again to see what ive got. when it looks good to me im done. i dont think im to close to skirt yet. im gona widen the intake alittle more and call it good and make it as straight as possible from the intake boot to the port on the cylinder wall. maybe slightly belled down
yeah probly havent gained anything by doing just the intake. im sure its still usable and tunable if the factory ex port was larg enough to start with it may have mad slight gain

i havent a clue how much ive takn off or will take off. i startd by scribing the factory port on the old piston then i go from there, grind some then scribe the port again to see what ive got. when it looks good to me im done. i dont think im to close to skirt yet. im gona widen the intake alittle more and call it good and make it as straight as possible from the intake boot to the port on the cylinder wall. maybe slightly belled down
Thanks that is what I did on my Makita to. But I have a 2071 I may want to do yet.:cheers:
progress report in a few hours maybe alittle sooner.

pic of the tools

the cones things are abrasive points i picked them up today along with the big carbide burs figured ill see how they work in the final stages of the exhaust side.

the little bure is carbide mounted in the dremel. dremel gets finicky when hot and full of aluminum dust. but the little bur works very well for takn off alot at time or alittle i like it for shapeing.

ive never used 1/4" die grinder. im about to though one thing i dont like is its very loud. probly no late night grinding with it.

heres the pic. ohhhhhhh intake port is scribed on the old piston, i think ill go alittle wider still.

the green biscit thing is what i use to blend the upper transfer to the intake side.

i havent decided yet if im gona mess with the transfers on this one yet or not. maybe not.

piston pic didnt show up very well.

anyways im off to grinding
Those solid carbides must be near as much as whats been spent so far on the Obama stimulator plan.

Nice! Keep a little hydrolic oil or something simmilar on them to keep them from plugging up with aluminium. Once they start to pick up aluminium they seam to want to always load up.

372 ring gaps are on intake side, most are with the exception of some of the newer saws like 361.
its far from stock.
didnt raise or lower just went quite abit wider. i do have burple on the exhaust floor from useing the die grinder. the die grinder is kinda intemidating and loud and jerky in the hand when on and off the throttle. but the bigger burrs remove material faster and easier.
on the flip much easier mess up.






figured id let you look at the pics and then tell you all shes still blowing well under 140lbs gasketless with the new meteor piston installed, looks like i shoulda orderd the big bore kit. i guess i run it in the wood for awhile and see if compressions come up any.
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bore looks alright but i didnt meauere it.

it has good power but only when tuned to edge of being to lean when in the cut.

i have not cut wood or tuned it since the new piston and porting. it does seem to run alittle better. i actualy need to lean it after porting and the new piston. its burbling like crazy at wot out of the wood.

if found latly that tuneing the garage is waste of time my garage is at 3200 and im cutn at about 8000 so i tune them on the mtn.

i may tune it at the shop tommorrow and cut some cookies in my wood pile and she what happens.

if it doesnt go well i might order the bb kit on sunday


i didnt touch the transfers