What did you accomplish this past weekend?

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Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Franklin, OH
It's Monday morning and I'm bored. Here's what I did this past weekend.

  1. Made up the chain for the new 36" bar for my 084.
  2. Worked in the 50" bar I just gotfrom Bill G. Dressed & tightened the rails, new 3/8 tip, stripped, primed, and painted.
  3. Shortened two 3/8 lo pro chains for my Dad's MS180.
  4. Put a carb kit in the Mac 1-52. Starts like a charm now.
  5. Reassembled a Homelite generator that I had the rusty tank coated on. Hadn't been used in years
  6. Painted a couple bar/clutch covers I got on the 'Bay.
  7. Installed 441 style bar studs on my 066 and MS260.
  8. Listed a bunch of spare saw parts on eBay. Got to fund those new projects ya know!
  9. Bought gaskets for the Lightning.
  10. Did a little more research on my 064 project.
Brad, you make me feel like a lazy slug.

I did a bunch of handyman stuff this weekend, sat in front of the computer, trolled Fleabay for some parts saws, watched U of M and the Lions lose, as expected. Thats about it.
1. Saturday: Put last coat of Danish oil on a nightstand built for a Christmas present, started my grandson's first cedar chest/box, played ham radio.

2. Sunday: cut down dead Red Oak in backyard, also worked up some other wood, split, stacked 1 cord+, ate chili/cornbread. :clap:
Brad, you make me feel like a lazy slug.

I did a bunch of handyman stuff this weekend, sat in front of the computer, trolled Fleabay for some parts saws, watched U of M and the Lions lose, as expected. Thats about it.

That was just Saturday:). Friday I had a nasty cold and just laid around and Sunday was church. But yes, I was in the garage all day Saturday. I did finish in time to take advantage of my daughter spending the night at here cousins and went out to dinner with my wife. It's way too easy for me to spend all my time in the garage or on the computer and not do the fatherly/husbandly things. I spent a lot of the day Friday at school with Anna, our soon to be 10 year old daughter. We had worked together for the last coule of weeks on a History project, constructing a Pueblo Indian dwelling. It was a party day as well so I actually took some vacation time to spend with her at school. Not something I do very often either.


Anna's the one behind the boys.
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saturday was actually a real good day. me and my buddy started our first paying tree job! be did pretty damn good if you ask me. the customer was really happy with what we did so far. we hardly put a dent in the job too and we got 11 trees down bucked and the pile of to be split wood in my yard is gettin pretty damn high.

what were gonna try to do is maybe get a few paying jobs here and their and sell the wood i the fall to make a few extra bucks. not expecting to make this my main source of income by anymeans but extra money in the fall is a very welcomed thing. santa could use all the help he can get :)
My dad and I went out and got a nice load of firewood in the back of my F-250 with our new Dolmars, took us about an hour and a half start to finish. Then, we dropped it off at the farm, I split for about 45 minutes with my Fiskars axe, then watched the Vikings beat the Jags. Then, I spent the rest of the night in front of the heater in the garage at the farm welding in a new center bracket for the 98 Mustang Cobra dash I'm putting in my 78 Fairmont! 4 beers were consumed during the course of the day as well. :cheers:
Mornin Brad,
I had a really good weekend.
Put a new set of brakes and hydro line on a nice John Deere 300 I recently aqquired as well as got my JD 400 ready for snow duties. Took this one up to a friends yesterday and leveled off a bunch of dirt for him. This tractor has been re=powered with a 24 HP Honda V-twin.


Cleaned up a stall here at my shop and turned it into "The Deere Barn".


Moved all the left over firewood from last year over closer to the house.


Cut, split and dumped a load of new firewood over by the fence. I told my son to get this stacked today.....we'll see.

1. Cleaned up and got running an old Homelite 330 that previous owner had filled gas tank with bar oil. Dressed bar sharpened chain etc.
2. Cleaned up and got running a Poulan 3400 countervide that had sat for years with gas(or what used to be gas) still in it.
3. Tore apart Dolmar 120 and found damaged piston. Ported and polished cylinder, now just need to get new piston and rings.
4. Bought an old speedaire air compressor from craigslist and cleaned up and got working.
5. Put new rings in a Stihl 024.

Oh yeah and drank a few beers.
Brad, have you thought about becoming a motivational speaker?

It seems like I never stopped this weekend! How much I got accomplished is another thing entirely, though.

1.Got a load of firewood in, made some headway in making my big pile of mixed firewood into nice neat rows and topped off my wood shed. Partially disassembled and washed down the saw.

2.Worked out once (five pounds down, about 8 to go!)

3.Went hiking with the wife

4.Sent saw parts to a few AS members

5.Rooted through my storage unit looking for a few other parts for AS members (partial success, more rooting to be done.)

6.Saw the new Bond film (very good, not quite as good as the first)

7.Stayed up late, posted on AS

8.Spent a fair amount of time while doing all this other stuff on the phone with the boss

9.Attended two work conference calls (yuk)

Yes, I had a bit of fun which I'm now paying for. I'm doing paper/computer work all morning, with a trip to the gym planned for this afternoon. Thank God for AS, at least I can something entertaining while I'm grinding away on other things.
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project 064 research

Come up with anything good?

Sunday pulled the trigger on a 064 partsaw off the bay.

Figured it would be the only trigger pulling of the weekend, dang deer anyway.
Went to Radio Shack Saturday to buy a 3 volt battery for my fast tach. Turned up the rpm on the 084 a bit, I've got the original CDIC limited ignition but I think I can live with it (at least for a little while).
Changed a burned out headlight in the Z28, took the family to night chruch Saturday. Sunday afternoon we took in George Fredric Handel's Messiah.
soped by friday and got a huge load of hard maple from buddy with the tree service .Had to go back sat morning to get 2 more got thier and he didnt leave
the key for the dingo .And this stuff was big ,Loaded almost all by hand then he calls to tell me any key will work .Sat quartered up some big oak in the pile
just because i needed a saw fix .Sat went and finished the big oak logs we
has to saw .Worn out from runnin his 88 almost the whole day.
soped by friday and got a huge load of hard maple from buddy with the tree service .Had to go back sat morning to get 2 more got thier and he didnt leave
the key for the dingo .And this stuff was big ,Loaded almost all by hand then he calls to tell me any key will work .Sat quartered up some big oak in the pile
just because i needed a saw fix .Sun went and finished the big oak logs we
has to saw .Worn out from runnin his 88 almost the whole day.
Spent Sat bucking some large red maple. Split some and will finish the rest this long weekend.

On Sunday took my littlest gilr out on the garden tractor to a neighbors and picked up about a third of a cord of sweet gum that has been laying around for a year. That'll get cut this weekend as well. I was surprised how much wood that little tractor could haul. If I had a larger trailer, I think it would've been okay.
Did some trail maintenance at one of the local mountain bike trails. Drop some 031 parts off to Rookie1. Boxed some chainsaws up for ebay. Watched the Clowns lose to the texans (boy that ticked me off). Older Brother rolled in from Washington DC, so been hanging with him.

1. Split up about 2.5 cords of mixed hardwood with some white pine - the start of my 2009-10 fuel supply. It was really cold and the wind was biting. But an 8lb maul has a way of warming you up real quick.

2. Cleaned carb of Homie 240 and sharpened chains on my 260 and Mac 3181in the workshop. The latter saw is what I keep behind my seat "just in case."


1. Hit the dump. The brush pile yielded some 4" lengths of ash. About 10of 'em, all in the 4' long neighborhood.

2. Swung by a farm where I have permission to cut as much felled white pine as I can take away. Rounded out a Ranger load before returning home.

3. Wrapped the foundation of our 150-yr. old farmhouse with asphalt paper to help keep warm air from seeping out our foundation. Used the sections With a stiff wind from the north, this was not much fun. 10-20' lengths of tarpaper + 20mph gust=woodbooga cussing lots.

Also banked up 20 or so bags of leaves against the north side of the house, also to keep the draft down.

4. Fell asleep on couch way too early. Woke up at midnight disoriented.
Not what I should have, but here goes. Friday night, went to the store and bought overpriced 3/8" all thread made in CHINA and some overpriced nuts, bolts, and washers. Went home and made some brackets to hold the air handler for my heat pump that should have been installed this summer.

Saturday, worked till about 3:00 and then went home and with the help of a friend, got the air handler in place and finished running conduit and pulled the wires.

Sunday, slept in later than I can ever remember. Worked on moving a light from where the cold air return is going to be and worked on some duct work.

If I don't get some heat in this house soon, my wife is gonna leave for sure!!

On second thought, what's my rush????;)

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