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Apr 17, 2009
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Basom NY
drive down the road looking at trees thinking - "oooooo - that one would be real nice to mill ...."

I better be careful or I'll run right into one of them.
You guys are sick, sick and wrong I say.

Thinking of trees that way.

Unless they might look good on my sawmill.

Looking at a couple of nice, and I mean nice red cedars.............
The family went down to a small state park last week. I was seeing 30" white oaks everywhere. New park for me. I kept on saying holy crap and crap everytime I saw a new tree.

It is hard not to look at trees like that, but I try hard to only take down standing dead or trees that someone is already looking to take down. The really bad part is that, when I heard that the EAB was making its way into New York State, a little part of me thought "well I guess I will be milling a lot of ash!"
But I agree with Bobl, I would much rather see them standing and healthy, than getting milled up. That being said, there is a big maple at my neighbor's place that I have been drooling over. It's about 40" DBH and straight as arrow with almost no taper for about 25'! It is just nice to look at and think about.
It is hard not to look at trees like that, but I try hard to only take down standing dead or trees that someone is already looking to take down. The really bad part is that, when I heard that the EAB was making its way into New York State, a little part of me thought "well I guess I will be milling a lot of ash!"
But I agree with Bobl, I would much rather see them standing and healthy, than getting milled up. That being said, there is a big maple at my neighbor's place that I have been drooling over. It's about 40" DBH and straight as arrow with almost no taper for about 25'! It is just nice to look at and think about.

Yeah. A big healthy tree is something to look at. There is this red maple near my work that I swear is 100ft across and 60 feet high. I'm lusting after the ones that should be taken down before they hurt somebody.
Hah!!! Not only do I judge every tree for "millability", I mentally fall them where they stand before I mentally mill them. It's a disease.

Argh. Saw a log laying there and just had to toss it in the trunk and bring it home. It got bad quick... Anybody got an idea what this might be? It looked like some sort of willow with the slender leaves.

Argh. Saw a log laying there and just had to toss it in the trunk and bring it home.

Common case of L.A.D.( Log Acquisition Disorder )

Log-: a usually bulky piece or length of a cut or fallen tree; especially : a length of a tree trunk ready for sawing and over six feet (1.8 meters) long

Acquisition-: to get as one's own: a : to come into possession or control of often by unspecified means

Disorder-An ailment that affects the function of mind or body: To disturb the normal physical or mental health of; derange.

You know you got it when your kids say "Dad, all you ever do is look at trees" and your backyard is half full of logs that you rescued from becoming firewood and blow downs from storms!
Hah!!! Not only do I judge every tree for "millability", I mentally fall them where they stand before I mentally mill them. It's a disease.


So far the only really honest one that has entered here--I am just like that--