Cat rescue 10:00 AM

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May 8, 2007
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I'm headed off to perform my second ever cat rescue - in the rain.

A bunch of people were crying about it in the online version of our local fishwrapper... so I offered up my services, for free. Sounds like an adventure. too bad its pouring rain though.

I may even get some free publicity from this one. :cheers:

Thats if its still there. I've been told its been up there for four days...I feel bad for the thing.

Its supposedly pretty far up what sounds like a white pine.

I'll let you know how this adventure plays out. I'm sort of immagining a 40 pound bobcat, lol.
I rescued one in Wilton on Tuesday, 50' up an oak tree, but it jumped before I could get up the tree.
Good luck.
Terrified cat up a tree in the rain (with thunderstorms tailing the system) will be challenging.
Cats will come down when they are overcome by hunger. Maybe able to entice it out with a can of food, or the owner calling it.
Most likely the cat will overcome its fear of the tree perch, as you are viewed as a predator trying to get it, and make for a escape. Hopefully not back up the nearest tree.
Well that was a bust, Sorry guys.

I went to look at it with the pickup first, couldn't see the cat but the tree was (white pine) pretty thick and they said they couldn't see it the day before, but heard it crying. Guess it was still heard at 10 last night. so I said fine, I'll get the bucket and some climbing gear and go see what it looks like, just in case the things half dead or something.

Well as soon as I get the outriggers down the neighbor lady say "it already came down last night". Maybe if these people got out of bed a little earlier I wouldn't have had to waste my time.

I was really hoping for a good adventure/story, sorry guys.
The day I waste my time to fool with getting a damn cat out of a tree is the day I need to be considered for a mental evaluation.
Worst cat rescue I did was near a school, I set up the bucket got to the little darling reached out and grabbed it and it proceded to scratch, claw, and bite at my arm and shirt. Put in the bucket and then the precious jewel proceded to scratch claw and bite its way up my legs in an attempt to escape, blue jeans offer no protection from kitty kat claws. As I screamed in agony cursing the creator for inventing such a vile creature, I brought the bucket down into a schoolyard filled will cheering school children who probably learned a few new words that day. After spending the afternoon in the ER getting a tetanus shot and patched up I decided that was the last cat rescue for me.
Worst cat rescue I did was near a school, I set up the bucket got to the little darling reached out and grabbed it and it proceded to scratch, claw, and bite at my arm and shirt. Put in the bucket and then the precious jewel proceded to scratch claw and bite its way up my legs in an attempt to escape, blue jeans offer no protection from kitty kat claws. As I screamed in agony cursing the creator for inventing such a vile creature, I brought the bucket down into a schoolyard filled will cheering school children who probably learned a few new words that day. After spending the afternoon in the ER getting a tetanus shot and patched up I decided that was the last cat rescue for me.

Hmmm... doesnt sound like much fun. I have to consider that next time as well. Lol. Good post.
Kevlar gloves & sleeves - stuff it in a burlap bag and rope it down. Cat can get nasty quick when frightened.

Animal control use a noose on a pole and place them in a animal box for a reason. All you need is a scratch across your wrist or to get a bite (incisor punctures). End up with cat scratch fever or an infection. They use them nails to bury their :censored: amongst other things, not one of the cleanest animals around.

Great intentions but no need to put yourself in harms way for free.
We had 20 osage orange trees to prune so we bought a couple pairs of the Arm Chaps. They worked great on the osage so they'd probably work on cats.
We had 20 osage orange trees to prune so we bought a couple pairs of the Arm Chaps. They worked great on the osage so they'd probably work on cats.

Lol. those things look more suited to some sort of S&M type :censored:. But I suppose they would be effective here as well.

Wishie: I was hoping for some free publicity from the paper...and I like animals - plus just bored lately unfortunately.
I hear ya, hopefully work picks up. :) What area do you cover?

Rain killed today's plans. If it was tree work the rain would not be the issue.
Being willing to try can't be bad for business. I hope you handed each of them a business card and asked them to consider you for tree work. Heck, I probably would have gone to each of their houses and written up a bid for whatever work their trees needed right then.

I rescued a cat about 70' up a Doug Fir ten years ago. Ended up with some publicity and a few good jobs I can trace back to that free rescue. Owner took a few pictures and had them blown up to 8x10 and gave them to me.

Cat wanted to attack me at first, then decided we were friends and I couldn't get it to let go and go back to its owner. lol

It might sound crazy but to make the cat feel better I took off my helmet once I was tied in with my rope. (Used two flip lines on the ascent.) That was when it changed from evil thing trying to eat me mode to our being best of friends. Each animal is different and you have to be willing to leave it there if you can't do it safely.

Mr HE:cool:
Litchfield County is beautiful... Doesn't Rt. 8 run from Bridgeport up to around the Mass line through there?

Rt 8 does go from bridgeport and then runs up to winsted, where it dies as you hit rt 44..then it becomes old rt 8, which is much smaller secondary road that leads into a small town called colebrook, not sure where that leads past there..but its gotta be close to the mass border.
Yeah MDS,

your right... it has been a few years... I think there is a big resovoir or lake or sumpthin up around there too. I was doing a power project in Bport, and heading up to the family farm north of Albany, NY every few weekends. I took Rt. 8 north up into the backroads which eventually hit 90- the mass pike - somewhere just north of the mass line. B-E-A-utiful country up that way.

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