How Do You Hold Your Saw When Starting?

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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 29, 2008
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It seems like forever that when I start my chainsaw, especially the larger ones when they are cold, I set the thing on the ground, put my right boot through the rear handle to hold the saw down on one end and my left hand holding the handle on the forward end - grab the rope and pull like crazy!

I ask because I have seen people grab the rear handle in one hand, the rope in the other and pull to start. This way looks like a great way to saw your leg off!

Once the saw is warm, I will hold it by the forward handle with the left hand and pull the rope with the right hand without the trigger locked - starting at idle.

What's your trick to starting chainsaw?

Left hand on front handle, back handle hooked underneath right knee, pull cord with right hand. Works great.

looking at ur saw list, I didn't see a big saw. but if there is one I would first use the decompression valve, then talk sweet to it. and just pull..if you do hold the rear handle, try resting the bar on a log if available. that will keep it off ur leg and outa the dirt.
looking at ur saw list, I didn't see a big saw. but if there is one I would first use the decompression valve, then talk sweet to it. and just pull..if you do hold the rear handle, try resting the bar on a log if available. that will keep it off ur leg and outa the dirt.

dont you think 038s are are bear to pull sometimes?
hold front handle with left hand and pull rope with right hand

while lowering saw with felt hand. This is the easiest way I have found and it doesn't wear your arm after days, weeks, years of starting.
You NEVER drop start....LOL!!!
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Cold with all my saws I go with it on the ground, foot in the handle, left hand on the handlebar, right hand pull. Hot with the big Husky, I'll put the handle under my right leg, hold the handle bar and give it a yank with the bar on a stump or log, everything else hot, either a dropstart or fire it on the ground like when its cold. Don't like to really dropstart any of my older saws without chainbrakes for obvious reasons.