First Time this Season!! It's starting again!!

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Feb 17, 2009
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Beautiful Rockbound Coast of Maine
Started a fire in the cookstove tonight!! First time this yr. The better half came in this evening and said "It's freezing in here!!!" I was on the phone but glanced at the thermometer and it was 61 degrees in our domicile. I checked the chimney which was good to go and fired that puppy up!! Nothing like wood heat!! Last week it was 95 degrees with the AC cranked, this week there is smoke coming out the chimney!! But, hey, this is Maine!! Anyone else needing some heat yet??:cheers:
Had the woodstove on at the camp today, the better half felt it would be more comfy in there so she lit up some 5 year old, kept inside hardwood. It was around 80F in there most of the day, 50-55F outside and real nice for working.
I fired up the woodstove on my last days off last week. It was rainy and 45 degrees. Up until just six days prior, it had been 91-92 everyday.

I know, we have had a very hot summer for us here , high 80s and low to mid nineties most every day. A drop of 30-40 degrees in a few days is a noticeable change!

Yes Jerry 50-55F is great working temps. I worked outside framing all day in a flannel shirt and tee and was very comfortable. Would not have been that way last Monday!!
Damp and windy here, but the weather is starting to go the right way now. Glad to see it cooling down. No fire yet, but soon. Bring on the snow!
No fires here yet. Been in the 70's during the day, house stays warm enough at night that I haven't needed one yet. Keep hoping though!!
57 has been the low here so far but that was on the back porch.
It is that time of year tho and the stacks will be dissapearing fast before long.
a round here it's been peeking in the mid 80's fog rolls in at nite
god, i love where i live

my new house still needs a wood stove in it (next years tax return)
Was a little cooler here last week. Not woodstove cold though, not even close. Mid and low 70's

This week, back to the mid 80's. :bang: I hate hot weather. Just get tired of having to work in it all day. get alot more done when it's cooler.
Great weather here in CT so far, highs in the mid 70's with lows around 50. Been fairly dry this summer, no need for the wood stove yet. Maybe towards the end of this month or beginning of October. Gotta clean that chimney first though.
Not here either. Paying money for hot water is a pain! Can't wait for it to get a bit colder.

OK - my logpile is full right now, so the wood cutting duo (090, 8 pin 36" bar and the 460 8 pin, 18" bar) are having a rest.
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Not yet, but I'm getting itchy. Maybe late this week looking at the forecast. First fire for me usually follows a couple of rainy/damp days with no sun. I'm pretty fat on wood, so I'm not going to be shy on lighting up. I have an extra face cord rack on the back deck because I can't fit another piece in the woodshed. It's Ash that was cut last year, but I had to trim up a few pieces for which I grabbed a 268XP. (This being the chainsaw forum, ya gotta mention a saw. Go back and edit them posts fellas!)
:smoking:sure sounds like fun. i havent run a wood cook stove in years. makes me want to now though
You guys burn wood?

I thought we were just here to cut cookies :D

We only burn out in the shop, and right now the A/C has it chilled to about 74

Hope it turns cooler soon, need to get some wood split and let it start drying so I can make a little extra$
I wish I had a stove, we have had a cold fog to the ground, headlights and wipers on at noon, been that way since June with a few days of sun. It has been a cold year, 6-7 degrees below normal, yesterday the high was 55, 11 degrees shy of the mark.

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