Blueberry season is coming!!!

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and jealousy almost sets in

down here we get no blueberries, no huckleberries, no decent strawberries, no blackberries...

I like all of the above...

but the wild raspberries..

Yeah, I'm still a lil jealous, but the flavor of the perfect wild raspberry-- the one berry that does grow wild here... too bad it takes about four hours in a good patch in a good year to yield anywhere close to a gallon :confused:

I might have to try planting some blueberry... just to see....
Dripline is on the mature bushes as well.

18mm w/ 18" spacing on emitters.

Everything is set up off of a Ranbird programable controller in zones, but manual mode is a simple zone select and push of a button for time.

Stay safe!

Just got on board a while ago with line and tape for raise bed veg crops.
Don't know how I got along with out it.
Nice yields, no runoff waste.
Me and the wife were just discussing Blueberries the other day, we are down to the last box, the boy asks for BB pancakes every morning:)

Hopefully we can make another day trip up there and visit, I'll bring some saws this time.



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Just holler and head on up around 2nd week of July through August.
Farm is always open for you guys.

I'll save a length of that big Popple to make cookies.

Stay safe!
I have a deep root feeding soil injecting tool but I'm kind of leery of Ag grade sulphurous acid and mixed with irrigation in my spray rig as it sounds like it might eat it up. Like you mentioned there are a lot of pine needles available here and I've got a good supply of horse manure too.

Thanks for the info.


Sulpherous isn't real bad on irrigation IF you run enough volume of water to deliver it. It wont hurt PVC systems at all.
It's not as aggressive as sulphuric by a good margin. If you have the old style brass fittings,ball valves and such, it will merely etch them a little.

If you have a local Ag supply you haunt now and then, ask about sulphur. It's not as quick as the acid route, but faster than waiting on the pine straw to break down. OMRI Elemental sulpher can be had if you look around, easy and safe to work with,but it's pricey. Just till it in

One thing about the horse poop. It's crazy alkyd. One of my Organic hippie buds composts the horse poop with peach and apple waste, and still has to work in the sulphur to drop PH before tilling it in. Go easy on the road apples LOL!

Stay safe!

Stay safe!
Dinger whats the torpedo level taped infront of the wheel for? Do you have to self level the machine?
Dinger whats the torpedo level taped infront of the wheel for? Do you have to self level the machine?


Yep. Hydraulic ram on all 4 corners like a Low rider, and independent hydraulic chain drive on all 4 wheels.

The torpedo level is darn handy as a reference after a while.
Ya lose the ability to sense level after an hour or so of looking down on the rows.
Same thing with fore and aft pitch.

Farmbilly precision instrumentation.:D

Stay safe!
You need to engineer you a robot header using ground radar. Hope it's not as tedious as manually running a combine header.

Do you have to pick them a little green to allow for ripening during shipping?
Nah, it ain't as bad as a corn head on most fields that are prepped right.
There are some spots where ya have to be all over the controls and need 4 hands though. The object is to keep the catch plates low on the bush, where they aren't as open so losses are kept minimal, but not so low as to drag the frame and lug platforms on uneven ground. Little Hills on an off camber row SUCKS! Sorta like a diabolical video game at .4mph.

Blueberries don't "ripen" much at all if picked green or red, they stay acidic and sour but turn a bit more blue.
The machine harvested stuff goes to process products that aren't dependent on perfect appearance, and green fruit is lighter than ripe. We also get graded on Green and over ripe, so green is a double bad thing.

Every grower has thier own method, but about 2 weeks into July we all start "Beat checking" the bushes . Basicly you want the ripe to come off with just a tickle, and leave the reds and greens for a couple days later.

If the hand pickers did thier job right, they got all the first ripe "Leaders" off, so over ripe wont be an issue, and you can turn up the beaters untill the green come off, and then back off a smidge or increase ground speed. There's a whole lotta "touchy feely" developed intuition involved, that no computer could ever manage.

Some crazy Aussies have come up with some whiz bang sensors, and computer controlled beaters that look promising, but so far they wont hold up in the real world. I give it another 10 years and they might be viable but still prohibitively expensive.

Crazy thing is, there IS a market for the Green fruit, even if we get docked for it.
The processors sell it to the dietary suppliment and dye industry, where it gets turned into ink, clothing dye, food coloring, and Vitamin ingredients.
That Blue "USDA" stamp on the steaks at the market? LOL! Yep. Green Blueberrys.
Same thing wih the color in Kids Crayons.

Stay safe!
Dinger where abouts in Mich are you located? I am near Fremont, Ohio wouldn't mind seeing how a berry harvester works up close.
Dinger where abouts in Mich are you located? I am near Fremont, Ohio wouldn't mind seeing how a berry harvester works up close.


We are due west of Kalamazoo, all the way to the lake.

Gimme a bump come Mid July and pack some containers.

In the mean time...
YouTube - ‪BEI International - Berry TraX - Mechanical Harvester‬‏

This is one of the newer tracked Machines set up for sway harvest.
Our is quite a bit older and on wheels.

Been eyeballing one of the new "Black Ice" tracked harvesters with the top loading/packing system.
If I win the Lotto and can get a loan, I'll have me one!! LOL!!

Stay safe!
I have a deep root feeding soil injecting tool but I'm kind of leery of Ag grade sulphurous acid and mixed with irrigation in my spray rig as it sounds like it might eat it up. Like you mentioned there are a lot of pine needles available here and I've got a good supply of horse manure too.

Thanks for the info.

I know a guy in New York who uses battery acid. No ####!
I'm diggin' the berry pics here.

Any particular concerns I should have on transplanting a couple of the plants I got from ya? The ones on the north side of the house, in the moist, acid soil are doing well, but the two on the drier south side aren't, plus people's damned dogs keep straying off the sidewalk and trampling them. Haven't figured out where to put them, but I'm sure they need to move...
Put 'em on the north side with the others.:D

Just dig em up and transplant them while they are dormant and they should be fine. Nail 'em with Mir-acid as soon as the buds start to beak and they should do fine.

Good to hear they took to living in the big city!!

Stay safe!
My problem isn't the dogs trampling on them, but pizzing on any shrub or bush we I wish I had the time to sit and fry them with the shock collar. Gonna have to put cages around them.

By the way none of you guys get sucked in and by the miracle blueberry bushes of the infomercial like my wife did. They are about 3" tall and half dead when you get them, they didn't last two weeks, they replaced them, same thing.

Havn't even heard of 'em. Ya gotta link or company name?

Stay safe!
I'll pm it to you tommow, it's an infomercial that was on last year and started again in this market a week ago. You get three miracle blueberry plants for 19.99 plus shipping and handling. I about **** when I seen them come in the mail last year. I swear they wasn't over 3" tall and splindly as all hell, I put them in the newtonia red soil, richest in the nation, the world record corn and soybean production happens three miles north of my farm.
They died in two They come with a warranty to live,lol the second batch dies too. What a marketing rip off.

3yr olds, certified and potted run 3 bucks each, and are usually 12-16" tall and are already bearing if you don't pinch the blooms.

That's a scam at 20 bucks for 3 last seasons bare root starts.
I gotta set up a greenhouse!! LOL!

Stay safe!

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