Simonized saws.

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I have a feeling part of it is based in the fact that Simon keeps himself pretty busy and doesn't have or care to take the time to do videos, crunch numbers, etc. I know that when I put my profile up on, I got many requests from "ladies" to put videos up of myself doing push-ups in the nude, lifting weights in skimpy spandex shorts, chopping wood with my shirt off, etc. Needless to say, I quickly deleted my profile. Some things just aren't worth the time.

You probably could have got some "real good" videos back.:msp_tongue::heart::msp_ohmy::rock:
I think this 460 will go to Terry Landrum this summer for a couple weeks, he'll know if anyone will if it will perform in a production setting. That way people can't trash talk that is is only an ignorant firewood hack trying out the saw in conditions that aren't reflective of logging. He's run enough modded saws to know when a saw has it or doesn't and I fully believe he'll be 100% honest in his evaluation. It'll mean a heck of a lot more than cutting cookies. It'll balance the evaluation under two different production settings, firewood and hardwoods logging, what more could anyone want to see.
I don't think I'll try trimming with it, I'm too dang old to climb so that eval is
No arguement with you there. We all asked Simon to show us some examples of his work and he refused. Again, just seems odd to me. I have absolutely nothing against Simon, just sayin'.
I don't have anything against anybody on this site. To be quite honest, the only thing that had me a bit annoyed recently was the the story about the clown that stole your 046 Brad. Hope you find it. Cheers.
I think this 460 will go to Terry Landrum this summer for a couple weeks, he'll know if anyone will if it will perform in a production setting.

I think Terry would be a good one to run it in a professional environment. Terry has purchased modded saws from many of the same builders I have and we've talked modded saws before- he knows a lot about 'em.
No arguement with you there. We all asked Simon to show us some examples of his work and he refused. Again, just seems odd to me. I have absolutely nothing against Simon, just sayin'.

There's much to be said for having "nothing to prove," as well as not bad mouthing competitors. Just sayin'.
I have one question, Indiansprings. Why are you bent on helping a man build his reputation that obviously doesn't care to do so himself? It's no sweat off my back, but just curious. It just doesn't seem rational to me.

To add to this, Simon did make the offer to anyone to send him a saw and he would do it for free. Do you have a better idea for getting your work and reputation built? A totally neutral party, that did question this a lot, is giving the results and we will know if it's crap or not! Sounds like a good way to get his work into peoples hands!
Not trying to start anything, just saying.
I don't have anything against anybody on this site. To be quite honest, the only thing that had me a bit annoyed recently was the the story about the clown that stole your 046 Brad. Hope you find it. Cheers.

Thanks Simon. We got it back Saturday evening. If you need any tips on how to make a I go to the opposite extreme as yourself:)
... Some of you guys can build saws and send them to gologit to test them out. :D

:msp_biggrin: Thanks but no thanks, Mike. I'm still trying to wear out that 660 that TreeSlingr did for me two years ago. I figured that when it finally blew up I'd just go ahead and retire.
It's still going strong, dammit. I tore it down this winter and checked it over...looks like I'll be working for awhile yet.
Someone once said

"To be good at something, to be really good, a person has to be confident almost to the point of being arrogant"!
Lol, true. Try google Bob Munden, fastest gunslinger in the world since 1960. The youtube vids are absolutely astounding. Not to de-rail my own thread but it just blew my mind that he can draw, shoot and reholster in about 1/50th of a second. Makes one of my movie heroes (Josey Wales), look like he is in slow motion. Cheers.
Mdvalee, your prolly right, I knew this from get go, look at Brad's 261 thread, a very objective, professionally done thread that turned nasty for no reason.
I'm refusing to get mad on this one regardless of whats said, Simon is the same type guy, I gained a great deal of respect for him when he put up and after talking to him, he's just proud of his work. When I had my first heart surgery at Baylor and got the head of cardiology by luck of the draw, I asked the guy if he made A's in med school, after he drew his breath he let me know just how damn good he really is, that there is a waiting list of interns wanting to practice under him from Harvard, Duke, Mayo,John Hopkins,Cleveland Clinic etc, he listed all his accomplishments and rattled off several patents, I rather have a highly confident over bearing prick that is really damn good at what he does than the local guy who just is just so so in explaining your odds, and I am in no way saying Simon is a prick.
He's just a guy that has a strong passion for his ability, I'm the same way about my shooting ability. Until I shoot against you, I'll tell you that I'll outshoot your hiney, plain and simple I am very confident in my abilities with a rifle or shotgun, right or left handed, your choice in how you get
Someone once said

"To be good at something, to be really good, a person has to be confident almost to the point of being arrogant"!

I agree.

I'm in that crowd as I do something only a couple people in the US do and yes confidence counts BIG TIME!! Especially when the price tag is in the Billion dollar figures.:msp_w00t:
I wish some of these things would stay civil and not get people mad. It would be better for some of us that will spend the money for a ported saw.
I wish some of these things would stay civil and not get people mad. It would be better for some of us that will spend the money for a ported saw.
I don't mind friendly competition. If I get roasted by someone in a clever way I actually enjoy it. Spacemule is extremely intelligent and used to torch me 5 years ago. Made beer come out my nose once. You need to be thick-skinned and well-adjusted on this site. Especially when you are as arrogant as I can be at times. Cheers.
Mdvalee, your prolly right, I knew this from get go, look at Brad's 261 thread, a very objective, professionally done thread that turned nasty for no reason.
I'm refusing to get mad on this one regardless of whats said, Simon is the same type guy, I gained a great deal of respect for him when he put up and after talking to him, he's just proud of his work. When I had my first heart surgery at Baylor and got the head of cardiology by luck of the draw, I asked the guy if he made A's in med school, after he drew his breath he let me know just how damn good he really is, that there is a waiting list of interns wanting to practice under him from Harvard, Duke, Mayo,John Hopkins,Cleveland Clinic etc, he listed all his accomplishments and rattled off several patents, I rather have a highly confident over bearing prick that is really damn good at what he does than the local guy who just is just so so in explaining your odds, and I am in no way saying Simon is a prick.
He's just a guy that has a strong passion for his ability, I'm the same way about my shooting ability. Until I shoot against you, I'll tell you that I'll outshoot your hiney, plain and simple I am very confident in my abilities with a rifle or shotgun, right or left handed, your choice in how you get

The head of cardiology has gained a reputation by word of mouth (great form of advertising) for his expertise, not his arrogance.

All people have asked for is an example of his work. To take offense to this request and suggest that people are causing trouble is a strange thing.

Never once were we taught in small business management that being cocky and arrogant was all that was needed to sell products or services but to be avoided. Confident, yes.

OK Simon is going to produce a saw for some to test. Great stuff. The way to promote a business!

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