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****, that one there basically is my bruiser, but the dent is on the other side. :msp_thumbup: Kids seem to like it. They're always getting in it, and pretending their driving the danm thing. I can't blame anyone.

Smells like smoke n **** too, SthilO. If I were you, I'd run one of your boys over with a little spot through those windows every once in a while and not in the day light either, you dufus. :msp_mad:

So what about my trucks, MDS. Are you or aren't you going to slap some steel together, and keep those logs from denting the neighbor's battle wagons again???
I'm just putting a few things in order before fly to Hawaii at 4am tomorrow. #1 on the adventure list - multi-mile long zip line.
****, that one there basically is my bruiser, but the dent is on the other side. :msp_thumbup: Kids seem to like it. They're always getting in it, and pretending their driving the danm thing. I can't blame anyone.

Smells like smoke n **** too, SthilO. If I were you, I'd run one of your boys over with a little spot through those windows every once in a while and not in the day light either, you dufus. :msp_mad:

So what about my trucks, MDS. Are you or aren't you going to slap some steel together, and keep those logs from denting the neighbor's battle wagons again???

Nice attempt at derailing things from my original question, but it's not happening. Now can we see some pics of these trucks or what man?? I mean it's really not all that hard.. and we spend enough time reading your drivel, I think you owe us a little something.. just to make sure we really aren't just talking to some helmet wearing retard posting from his mom's basement! Just saying.
It's still not working. I mean, we even have pics of the big gay fat cop in a tree man, surely you can do something here.. and please not that lame pine pic where nobody can figure out what the hell they're looking at either!

Still waiting??
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Willow bark is what the Indians used. It's where aspirin derived from.

Be careful with Tylenol, a good friend of mine died young from taking it on a regular basis. His family owned a sausage company back in GA. He processed deer and butchered all of my deer for me back in the day, His hands and joints would ache from working in his refrigerated butcher shop all day and he would take Tylenol constantly. His kidneys and liver finally failed on him. He was on dialysis for the last two years of his life and died in his mid 40's.

I rarely take anything

I do use wild plants in my medicine arsenal. No I don't smoke it either lol:cheers:
If the tree thing turns out to be too much for you, I'm sure there are other more appropriate jobs out there for ya.. maybe you could be the guy that collects the shopping carts.. perhaps selling girl scout cookies.. I mean there's a lot of good jobs out there man, you just gotta get out there and hunt them down!!

Those are above his pay grade! It's girl guide cookies not scouts! come on man! lol! I know this because I am eating a box of my daughters girl guide cookies right now! (okay not the whole box just half)
Nice attempt at derailing things from my original question, but it's not happening. Now can we see some pics of these trucks or what man?? I mean it's really not all that hard.. and we spend enough time reading your drivel, I think you owe us a little something.. just to make sure we really aren't just talking to some helmet wearing retard posting from his mom's basement! Just saying.

He drives his mom's Chevette!
Check out "Traction" truck parts: Traction: Find a Traction Store
There is a store in Barrie.

I bought my 36" underbody box from them and found their sale price to be better than Princess Auto's sale price.

Have not taken the sled out yet.:msp_angry:
If this warm weather keeps up I may have to bring the equipment out of the garage.

Thanks, that is where I am getting them actually, my dad's neighbour actually owns it! Got my nice shiny simulators there for my chip truck! Good people to deal with as well! I put 300 k on my sled so far, we have a little snow, but trails not fully opened yet. Took the girls skiing (their first time) yesterday at Mt St Louis Moonstone. Was a great day for that, everyone had a good time. :cool2:
Lol. Don't laugh, I wouldn't mind one about now! It took me like two minutes to get up from my office chair just now. it turns out the leg dont like being bent too much! Looks like I will have to do my ass busting on you ####s from the recliner with my laptop today! Lol. I am waiting for a friend to drop off a vicodin.. I hate those things these days, but WTF, at least I'll be able to do a little something maybe.

Maybe AA has an extra you can borrow!:hmm3grin2orange:Seriously hope it gets better for you man.
Well I thought I was gonna go to physical therapy for the tentinitus in my shoulder but then I talked to my insurance company. They want me to pay so much outa pocket before the 80/20 even kicks in that when you figure it all out it's..it's...FCKN BS. According to my calculations, I would be ATLEAST 2/3 into the cost of a wraptor by spring. I found a list of 4 excersises I can do at home or the gym by myself anyway. I think the main problem is, per my wife, I have an income,and insurance, and i am not a female with a couple of kids and no man around (that anyone knows about). So with those things in mind...ya, its gona be expensive :msp_unsure:

And check this out. Upon further investigation, I find out what the therapy place charges the Insurance company. OK, its 165.00 to come in and meet with a therapist. Not sure how long that takes but I figure not to long. And then...they charge for therapy by the quater. I thougth that would be 2 hours, ya know..a quater of a day, as in an 8 hour day. NO NO silly me, it's a quater HOUR as in fifteen minutes. The part that through me off was the 75.00 part. YA, 75.00 per FIFTEEN MINUTES! WTF...... am I crazy to think that is insane? No wonder my insurance doesnt cover much these days. These people are pounding em in the u no where
Don't know about this thread and some of the feuding goin' on here ... anyway ...

Stopped by a friends to cut up a 10' length of 24" red oak (and help him load the rounds into his truck) with a new chain on my saw, and yup ... you guessed it, on the last cut hit an embedded chunk of granite!! This isn't the first time this has happened around here, how the hell do stones get embedded in a tree near the trunk?? Don't know, but it sure as hell pisses me off!

Hope you'll had a better ending to your day.
Those are above his pay grade! It's girl guide cookies not scouts! come on man! lol! I know this because I am eating a box of my daughters girl guide cookies right now! (okay not the whole box just half)

I call Bullshi*t.

I bet you eat the whole box.:hmm3grin2orange:

Have not seen Robin on here for a while. You still working wih him?
Spent two days in southern IN working with TeamTree (Steve K. his it's company name too.) Took the tops out of some very large oaks for him and showed him some more of the GRCS capabilities. He's going to buy one now.

I was supposed to be down there for 4-5 days, but had to cut it short when there were predictions of my wife maybe having to blow 6-12 inches of snow :laugh:
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