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All cleaned up n ready to rock. New plugs , clean air filters, n sharp chains Have some nice jobs lined up. Had one for this morning that I , yes...I , cancelled last nite. This dude was making me crazy. I couldn't take it any more n told him I didn't wanna do his job. It was very small n hardly worth the drive. Dude kept calling me asking things like, can you take down my antenna? Can you check my cutters for pine needles? Can you clean the gutters, real quick, since you will be right there? You said u will have a ladder right? What about the down spouts? Can u look at the trees behind the shed I think they have dots? Should I get tools for removing antenna ? Should I bring a wheel barrow? Then his final question..... My neighbor said I should ask how much less it will be if I clean up the branches??? DUDE.... Just, man dude never mind. I cannot do your tree trimming. I KNOW this guy woulda been under my feet and or up my butt the whole time. So I had my climber in training come in an we spit shined the trunk n saws. Tomorrow we rock n roll on some dead ash. Thursday n Friday as well. EAB victims.

I hear ya i have one of those jobs tommorrow and i have a feeling i'm going to be n the same situation. either hire me and pay or get out of the way! you want your gutters cleaned either get up there or call the gutter cleaning guys! round here there is a sign on every intersection. sometimes it's not worth it!!!
All cleaned up n ready to rock. New plugs , clean air filters, n sharp chains Have some nice jobs lined up. Had one for this morning that I , yes...I , cancelled last nite. This dude was making me crazy. I couldn't take it any more n told him I didn't wanna do his job. It was very small n hardly worth the drive. Dude kept calling me asking things like, can you take down my antenna? Can you check my cutters for pine needles? Can you clean the gutters, real quick, since you will be right there? You said u will have a ladder right? What about the down spouts? Can u look at the trees behind the shed I think they have dots? Should I get tools for removing antenna ? Should I bring a wheel barrow? Then his final question..... My neighbor said I should ask how much less it will be if I clean up the branches??? DUDE.... Just, man dude never mind. I cannot do your tree trimming. I KNOW this guy woulda been under my feet and or up my butt the whole time. So I had my climber in training come in an we spit shined the trunk n saws. Tomorrow we rock n roll on some dead ash. Thursday n Friday as well. EAB victims.

That's the beauty of being self employed; you can always tell them to take this job and shove it.

Your saw lineup looks a lot like mine.
I cut my index finger a thumb today with my corona hand saw. There was blood all over and it stung alittle too. I had to come down hose it off get the first aid kit out and back up.

I started carring a roll of sports tape on a biner, and havent stuck my razor saw in myself sense, go figure, mabe seeing the tape is phscosymatic or something,
Did you make Daytona? Was it worth the trip?

Yeah, we went down 1 day. Did a little riding and lots of relaxing. Its always the same thing. This is my 10th trip down for bike week. Got a free place to stay. This year it looked like they hired a bunch of 15 yr olds to ted ar. Very few georgous bartenders this year. Looks like I am gonna be out 2 weeks with work when I get back.
Nasty bit of storm damage today. About four firs musta gone like domino's with two hanging up in a big rotten previously topped spar. All the trees 100+ft.

Wouldn't have been so bad if the two big hangers handn't have been within falling distance of the primary....only good thing was that the trees were still attached to the root-plate's. So I cut away everything I could and then strapped the bigger one to the rotten spar while we released/rigged the other one as a 90ft pole, letting it down very carefully.

We guyed the bigger one back and then while keeping it tip-tied on the big spar....a little more shortening up top until I release the ratchet strap and thankfully it stood pretty firm.

Another guy went about blocking that down from a bucket while I went up top to shorten the rotten spar a little. I got some video of that job which I'll put together when I get a minute.

Apparently just the day before a guy a in a pickup pulls up upon seeing all the mess on the road side, gets out of his truck to asks if he can salvage some firewood. Not 20 seconds later another fir takes a gust and lands smack-bang on top of his truck, trucks a right-off....not sure whether you'd call him luck or unlucky.
went to a tree seminar at amherst college in ma. 2hr ride there and back. Lots of good info on all aspects of tree rigging and insects. about an hour from from me is a quarantined area for the long horn beetle. It was interesting to hear all that is going on with that. they are warning all arborist about the winter moth because of the warm temps we have been having. Should be an interesting start to the season . Nice to talk to the local guys they made me feel better, they said things are still slow other than storm damage.( they got battered) I've been going to beat the band. Great weather this week hope to hit it hard all threw the weekend. My theory,hit it hard now makes for more fishing time come tuna tangling season. can't wait!!!!!!

Number of rich aholes took the quarantine to court near here and won. This bodes poorly for chances of containment. Precedence likely to resurface in other alb court situations too.
Nasty bit of storm damage today. About four firs musta gone like domino's with two hanging up in a big rotten previously topped spar. All the trees 100+ft.

Wouldn't have been so bad if the two big hangers handn't have been within falling distance of the primary....only good thing was that the trees were still attached to the root-plate's. So I cut away everything I could and then strapped the bigger one to the rotten spar while we released/rigged the other one as a 90ft pole, letting it down very carefully.

We guyed the bigger one back and then while keeping it tip-tied on the big spar....a little more shortening up top until I release the ratchet strap and thankfully it stood pretty firm.

Another guy went about blocking that down from a bucket while I went up top to shorten the rotten spar a little. I got some video of that job which I'll put together when I get a minute.

Apparently just the day before a guy a in a pickup pulls up upon seeing all the mess on the road side, gets out of his truck to asks if he can salvage some firewood. Not 20 seconds later another fir takes a gust and lands smack-bang on top of his truck, trucks a right-off....not sure whether you'd call him luck or unlucky.
We didnt get anything like that in Nanaimo just small stuff. Worked on the water all day today some times the office isnt bad
Heading home from florida tomorrow am. Gonna be going with in 30 mins away from ropetek, so I may stop in and pick up a wraptor on my way home tomorrow. They are gonna make me one with a lower gear ratio because I weigh around 300 lbs. They said it will climb slower, but will be better for my weight. Had a call about a hugh tree as the guy said that is split at the base.

Have a safe trim home man. Say bro you may wanna check that lizard nest on yer face and make sure you don't have any stow aways up in there :Eye:
Have a safe trim home man. Say bro you may wanna check that lizard nest on yer face and make sure you don't have any stow aways up in there :Eye:

shhhh now you blew it, he was sneaking two illegals up from Miami in his beard to cut his operating costs.
@ 101
I don't think 20 lbs is gonna matter there. The reg one will work fine, but they said the lower gear would better for us heavy weights. That includes you tubby.

@ vet

They said i would be fine when I contacted them about it.

Good choice with the gear reduction model. I imagine that would be a lot of stress on the connecting rods and crankshaft otherwise. :msp_thumbsup:
Good choice with the gear reduction model. I imagine that would be a lot of stress on the connecting rods and crankshaft otherwise. :msp_thumbsup:

Your not far off because what he didnt tell you is they also converted his to run on an industrial 4 cylinder ford.
Your not far off because what he didnt tell you is they also converted his to run on an industrial 4 cylinder ford.

the old Ford 172? Had one on my first chipper...a Fitchberg. :chainsaw:

Hey 2Tree, my earlier comment meant that some guys I know, and myself, began to ride the machine without the safety ascender and machine to lanyard hook up. But if you think about it...all that is holding you up is whatever bolt or driveshaft holds the little cog that rides your wraptor rope (and it is obviously only attached on one side).

Furthermore if a twig you were suspended from and your top of the tree hook fell just one foot... your weight would double to 600 lb. shock load to this little cog's bolt/driveshaft. One day that happened to me (has happened numerous times but I was safetied in) and it got me to thinking ...that is all between you and a nasty fall.

Yesterday I hit a crotch at 75' on the second bigshot. Had to get out the binocs from the pickup to see if I was through the main crotch and not under or around it and on a sucker or small branch.

I wub my Wraptor:msp_wub:...how bout you ropey
I have been thinking about making my own with the engine outta the girlfriends 79 iron head. Put straight pipes on her and it would scream up the tree.
the old Ford 172? Had one on my first chipper...a Fitchberg. :chainsaw:

Hey 2Tree, my earlier comment meant that some guys I know, and myself, began to ride the machine without the safety ascender and machine to lanyard hook up. But if you think about it...all that is holding you up is whatever bolt or driveshaft holds the little cog that rides your wraptor rope (and it is obviously only attached on one side).

Furthermore if a twig you were suspended from and your top of the tree hook fell just one foot... your weight would double to 600 lb. shock load to this little cog's bolt/driveshaft. One day that happened to me (has happened numerous times but I was safetied in) and it got me to thinking ...that is all between you and a nasty fall.

Yesterday I hit a crotch at 75' on the second bigshot. Had to get out the binocs from the pickup to see if I was through the main crotch and not under or around it and on a sucker or small branch.

I wub my Wraptor:msp_wub:...how bout you ropey

I started carrying binos with me about 5 years ago, after I had to come down out of a nasty Silver Maple that had a defect that I did not see from the ground. My binos sit right next to my radios and tree ID book in my business duffel. Admittedly, I don't use them as much as I should but they do come in real handy when I need to look a defect over closely from the ground.
Well, the plan for today was to stain my dad's deck for him while I had a little break. Don't look like it's going to happen today though. Phone is ringing this morning and I already had jobs to look at today. Got to give 3 bids today so far. Looking like rain here anyway.

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