whadja do today?

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Well its 5am and i dont hear any #####ing outside yet. We have the camper packed and almost ready to hit the road.
Slayed a pretty big dead cottonwood. It was for a church, so I gave them a break. Had a huge LZ, so I went big. Was going to dump it at the leaders, but the wind was blowing in the exact direction that I didn't want it too and it was gusting pretty good, so I went up a little higher. Fun tho, don't get to go too big very much. Thing had to be about 100', but very little brush. In and out in 4 hours. Laid the trunk over, cut it into 4 pieces and loaded it out. Everything was fine until I sent the boys to dump, they call and the battery is dead on the dump trailer, the booster we carry is also dead aaaaannnnnnnnnd they got a big aas log wedged tight into the trailer. FML! Had to go rescue them!
Pastor comes out, thanks me and then tells me he had big green bid it. They told him 2 days and 2300.00. I got a G for it and was completely done (dump fiasco) in 5 hours. 2 days huh!
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More emergency jobs from last Friday's storm. Nothing special workwise, everything pretty standard, but one poor guy had the entire forest behind his house demolished. Dozens and dozens of mature trees laid flat, all in the same direction. But his mosquito tent enclosure on his back deck was still there. Weird. Waiting for my climber to send me the pics he took on his iPhone.

Back out tomorrow for emergency jobs, but I think Wednesday we're back on schedule - unless the phone rings again.

Here too man.....have some good pics from all the crane work we have been doing, if I get time will post em later. Still doing insurance jobs into next week and maybe the next! The damage in some parts is nothing I have ever seen before large scale wise. Ran into Pelorus aka Dave today looking at a whopper of a job we are starting tomorrow. New mini I bought has been so awesome this week clearing debris and loading the chipper etc.... This is by far the biggest storm damage and work wise $$$$ I have seen in a long time. All the tree co's are swamped around here which is awesome!
I did a 1/8 of a mile of deadwood removal and elevation of white pine and Norway spruce. , it sucked covered in poison ivy and a very busy road we did almost 40 yards of material
found this ..... Again got the #### stung out of myself
good news is the heat wasn't bad at all today
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It was a totally beautiful day!
I went and checked out our job that I need to put a crew on Monday. The timing kinda sucks because I hate going into four crews. That is too spread out for me.
Anyway, four big eucs in the open space in the middle of an apartment complex. No way a crane is gonna get in there. They are aware that there may be turf damage,,We arranged to dump on site but haul the wood. I got a guy to take it. I am going there tomorrow to plan it, I will get some before pics.
Sure is nice weather!
Jeff :msp_biggrin:
Here too man.....have some good pics from all the crane work we have been doing, if I get time will post em later. Still doing insurance jobs into next week and maybe the next! The damage in some parts is nothing I have ever seen before large scale wise. Ran into Pelorus aka Dave today looking at a whopper of a job we are starting tomorrow. New mini I bought has been so awesome this week clearing debris and loading the chipper etc.... This is by far the biggest storm damage and work wise $$$$ I have seen in a long time. All the tree co's are swamped around here which is awesome!

Was neat to see you today. The poor bugger next door where we were working got hammered bad. At least 35-40 large trees snapped off or uprooted in the immediate vicinity of his cottage, in addition to the couple on his roof. His ins. broker suggested to him that he might want to consider not putting a claim in because he has a $500 deductible on his policy. He told me he told that dingbat that she doesn't have an f'n clue what is going on!
Was neat to see you today. The poor bugger next door where we were working got hammered bad. At least 35-40 large trees snapped off or uprooted in the immediate vicinity of his cottage, in addition to the couple on his roof. His ins. broker suggested to him that he might want to consider not putting a claim in because he has a $500 deductible on his policy. He told me he told that dingbat that she doesn't have an f'n clue what is going on!

Ha ha yeah thats funny, the one we are starting tomorrows a for sure tear down. Foundations shattered, walls buckled etc.... Gonna be a big big $! Give the new mini a work out! Incredible damage all along there eh Dave? Did you like all those pines with the tops blown out on coopers falls road? Insane! I will get a pic of that tomorrow! My assistants liked Graydons guys Hair and beard! lol My girls thought that was a wig! Talking about it on our way home!
Ha ha yeah thats funny, the one we are starting tomorrows a for sure tear down. Foundations shattered, walls buckled etc.... Gonna be a big big $! Give the new mini a work out! Incredible damage all along there eh Dave? Did you like all those pines with the tops blown out on coopers falls road? Insane! I will get a pic of that tomorrow! My assistants liked Graydons guys Hair and beard! lol My girls thought that was a wig! Talking about it on our way home!

Yeah, that lad can sure grow hair alrighty. First time I met him was on a multi spruce removal job, and he was wearing shorts! And I kinda wondered if he maybe enjoyed pain. He doesn't get paid much, but he does work hard, and is not obnoxious. :hmm3grin2orange:
Hope that pine plantation owner catches a break at the next tax assessment. Ditto for those cottage owners.
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I don't know how I had time to take these with everything going on the last few days but got a couple of the mini in action!

I didn't know you bought a mini thing looks sweet. If your still looking for a new grinder I'm gonna let a 2013 44hp diesel bandit go we just said screw it and ordered a 115hp bandit 2900 a new all hydro unit. With the other 2900 we never use it, it only has 50 hours. Never left outside
Matt, I really think u should just send me all that extra gear that ya having laying around, ya know, give your more space in the shop. Just send it on down, ill take it sight unseen. See what I do for friends!
Had a hiccup yesterday, had a storm damage locust to deal with, had been sitting on it as the HO is a friend and he could wait. Has 2 leaders busted up and laying in the tree, one over the house, its small, but enough to damage the roof. I get the big one out, no problem, after it was gone, it exposed a large totally dead branch directly over the house, under the busted one. ****! Totally screws my plan. If I go out there and start messin with the broken one, it would have knocked the dead one loose, if I took out the dead one, the broken one would swing free back into me. No matter how I ran thru it in my mind, I was in a bad spot and for sure, would get hit. Sat there for a bit running thru all the options I have to rig it. Funny how a kid can enlighten you. "Dad, why don't you go get the bucket truck and just go over the house from the other side, then you can swing it with out getting hit". Smart kid! I should have taken it to the job, but was trying to save gas. So, that's we we gunza do today. Wanted to do it yesterday, but had a important bid for a new Deere Exec, early,that I didn't want to miss. Big boss at Deere always sending work my way, love that guy!
So we are heading that way this am. Better safe than sorry and paying for a gutter and some shingles or a trip to the ER.
Bid turned out to be a big deal, going back today to finish it. He is looking for a little sunlight for his grass, got a chitload of trees. So I am going to camp out for a bit, around noon, to see the orientation of the sun to the yard.....thru the trees. That way I know exactly what I need to do to get some sun down there. Got some land clearing and several removals on the deal as well. Should be a nice week long job
All stay safe and have fun.
Slayed a pretty big dead cottonwood. It was for a church, so I gave them a break. Had a huge LZ, so I went big. Was going to dump it at the leaders, but the wind was blowing in the exact direction that I didn't want it too and it was gusting pretty good, so I went up a little higher. Fun tho, don't get to go too big very much. Thing had to be about 100', but very little brush. In and out in 4 hours. Laid the trunk over, cut it into 4 pieces and loaded it out. Everything was fine until I sent the boys to dump, they call and the battery is dead on the dump trailer, the booster we carry is also dead aaaaannnnnnnnnd they got a big aas log wedged tight into the trailer. FML! Had to go rescue them!
Pastor comes out, thanks me and then tells me he had big green bid it. They told him 2 days and 2300.00. I got a G for it and was completely done (dump fiasco) in 5 hours. 2 days huh!

I used to have problems with my dump trailer battery being dead all the time or the mini 15 amp fuse being blown. I went to our local heavy truck repair shop and got a 150 amp circuit breaker for underneath the hood of the truck. Next got a male and female roll tarp plug in connector for the trailer and the truck side. Finally ran 6ga cable from the batteries to the back of the truck. The trailer hasn't failed me yet this season not being able to be dumped.