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Apr 27, 2013
Reaction score
N Western, MT
So, I thought about posting this under an alias but then said **** it, if anyone involves reads this they need to hear it anyway.
I am about two seconds away from calling OCEA on my current job.
1. My CDL driver / groundie shows up almost too drunk to drive the boom truck in a straight line every morning. He is the owners brother so while everyone knows about the situation no one really speaks up. I have asked them to go take my CDL test several times but it always gets swept under the carpet, because time that I am not climbing is production lost.

2. Our forman/ estimator seems incapable of recognizing electrical hazards. When I started at this company I knew nothing about power lines, and still don't know a whole lot besides the ones up top will probably kill you. I have shown up to numerous jobs that he has bid to find singed tips rubbing against very mean looking lines. When I called to tell him about it he has said to me "well maybe just get the stuff you can get" UMMMMMM no thank you, we will come back once the lines have been cleared.

3.Know when to give your ONLY climber a ****ing break! the last three days in Montana have been record breaking cold. I spurred out a 80ft 20 something inch DBA doug fir two days ago in -6 ambient temp with wind chill up to 40 degrees below zero. burrr. also worked sun up to past sun down today in 6 inches of fresh snow and falling and 0 temps. Not saying that this is the worst conditions anyone has ever worked in but damn, call it a week and start over when the temps swing above zero a bit.

4. The last climber called it quits when the owner was running his crane still drunk from the night before with the climber on the ball...... YEAH.

5. I make $13 an hour

so, I know I need to find a new job. I have some fairly promising leads and one offer for the spring all of which pay much much better. None of them start until the spring. My question, do I call OCEA before they kill some one, or just walk away now and say **** the unemployment for the winter?????

Regardless, I'd leave...now. Find something else to pay the bills for the winter. Go through the book "48 Days to the Work You Love" and figure out where to pick back up in the spring.

I tend not to be a tattle if they are only going to hurt themselves...things have a way or working themselves out. If they are threatening others (sounds like they are), then I probably would make the call. Let them know why you are leaving - that you are not angry at them, but you just don't feel this is the best match for you.

Oh...and one more thought: it may be less messy if you just call local law enforcement and say "if you want to write a DUI ticket, watch for the XYZ truck pulling out of the lot in the morning...he will blow over the limit" (if what you are saying is true). Will have the same impact without a bunch of fingers pointing straight at you...just looks like a cop was in the area at the 'right' time rather than a safety inspector showing up the day after the guy who was always complaining about safety leaving.
Yeah, I have got some good jobs lined up for the spring, just trying to stomach it until I get laid off, or if that dont happen till the snow melts. Either way I have a baby girl on the way so just walking away is kinda hard.
Been there my self. It's a no win situation, it won't get better. If you really need the work, what has worked for me in the past is taking the offensive, be more assertive, and vocal. Don't forget they need you. Your a valuable asset. Lot of times things are bad because no one sees a need to change or challenge what's going on. Stand up to them. Don't hesitate to walk out on those dead beats before they get you hurt or worse. Their reputation is probably known in the area, it might be a plus if you just quit. Just don't bad mouth them in front of other potential jobs. You turn them in and it gets known. you may not ever get a job locally.
Brother I feel for you. Lots of owner/operators on this site. Their advice might be different. But for every good company, there are 3 a_ _h_les out there treating their employees wrong, under paying their workers. Find the good ones.
Turn in your resignation , in your family situatation, it`s better to be unemployed for a time than be crippled for life or worse dead. You may be able to get a bit of work odd jobbing about your area until the jobs you have lined up start, if you carry on as is, you may not be able to take up their offers. And if things are as you say, the present boss will I`m sure, if god forbid any thing happens to you, just hire another climber, & carry on as before without a care in the world, & passing the blame on you
1. Say "NO!" on a hazard job, get fired, file unemployment, fight the system by proving you were justified.

2. "If you hang around pigs, you will smell like a pig." Leave before people start sniffing around you....
If I were you i'd try to hang in there untill you find another job. Call him out on his crap when it comes to your safety and refuse to do anything you deem unsafe. He will either give in or he may fire you. Document any situation in case he tries to pull **** with you when you apply for unemployment. I know unemployment isn't the best route to go but in you case it might be the best solution untill your new job starts in spring. If you quite you won't be able to draw enemployment. Just stay safe.
Hey if they raise minimum wage to 15hr you always work at mcdonalds. Lol!

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