Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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ALL government is crooked by its very nature. It's a middle man of representation, a poor substitute for ones own effort and a bad return on investment. Who represents you better than you? Nobody, that's who.
Because of this, government is by it's very nature, a mental illness; a shoddy con-man.
So, everything that comes forth from it is too. Just like the Ponze Scheme called, "Social Security".
Those that got in early will at least see some small return, while the kids putting in now are going to get porked.

The irony being, the government is the biggest thief there is. What is a bail-out? It's corporate welfare for an over-privileged few that can not shoulder the burden of their own failures and it is massive in comparison to ANY and all socialized benefits. It doesn't even fit into a category of traditional government. It's an Oligarchy theft; an organized gang/mob.
The lower 30% of people who receive benefits and do nothing are like a speck of sand on a beach in comparison to the TRILLIONS that are being stolen from us through engineered boom and bust cycles on Wall St., in addition to the "passing the buck" of inflationary pressures as they print our dollar into oblivion.
The way I see it, It's government that has stolen life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So, because I enjoy working and doing things, it's not my preference to be in that position,
but I don't think a small minority of people deserve ridicule. We're all in this together whether you like it or not.
My approach is always to encourage others to strive, not guilt them into it.
People who have given up hope need encouragement, not more shame. They're already hurting. This rant should probably not be in here. Sorry for the thread jacking.

Spot on and very well said!
It's just such a shame that too many of us expect an ignorance defence will hold water when it's time to face our children and grandchildren who wonder why we were so willing to kick the can down the road rather than leave our societies in better shape than we found it. My generation and to some extent my parents generation, at least here in NZ, need to be roasted by future generations for absolutely disgraceful stewardship. There are small pockets of victories, but the overall trend is into the sewer and not enough people seem to care and of those who claim they do, too many waive their hands in the air and claim they can't do a thing to change it so they don't bother trying. It's absolutely disgraceful.
I'm a full time arb also. Hoping to up my sales in the next few years. My first 20 cord I split goes to my burner and to my parents. I need to get myself in gear so I can get ahead and double my cordage. BACK TO THE PILE
We are living in a world in this country USA The coverment is paying lazy people to vote for them and filling there pockets with big bucks. Well fare people will tell you they make more money is not working. I see you fellows storing and working with firewood the work is hard and that lets me know there is people who are not afraid of work
image.jpg A touch over $3k. I have a dealer 45 minutes from me so I picked it up. It's just for busting up the big pieces into manageable size. It's a bit hard to see smaller sized wood. Just to try it I cut a piece of 10"maple to firewood length without even a grunt out of the machine.
View attachment 391335 A touch over $3k. I have a dealer 45 minutes from me so I picked it up. It's just for busting up the big pieces into manageable size. It's a bit hard to see smaller sized wood. Just to try it I cut a piece of 10"maple to firewood length without even a grunt out of the machine.
Treebilly, I have splitfire model similar to yours.. Gotta love it for the big boys.!!!
i cant find a good place to take one pic of the whole wood lot. here is kind of a left to right set of pictures all taken from the same point. first pic is the left side.

here is the center, its really hard to see from this pic but the log stacks are about 12 ft wide and 4 rows deep.

here is the right side.