New video with my MS170 - how's my starting and cutting look?

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WTF are you renting another saw for?!?! We're all waiting to see you do all this with that awesome 170. I want to see the 30whatever incher go down using the 170!
Also, that tree is in a fenced corner, so I have a limited escape route. This one I gotta take seriously. No ****ing around on the next one.
Lord willing at the very minimum this tree breaks any form of technology he has that allows him to post here.
The guy knows what he's doing. It takes experience to operate a chainsaw that recklessly lol. He knows what buttons to push on this forum and get a reaction. Sandles? Wasn't a mistake. Sawing at head height? Wasn't a mistake. He's just pulling strings and laughing. How much ya wanna bet the next video is him flawlessly dropping this big oak. But... I do want to see a disaster but it won't happen I bet.
Right, but no one complies by saying staff Sergea

Yah, cocky alright. His statement shows what he knows of military, discipline, respect or custom and courtesies. While the above may be true, depending on the unit, at a squad or platoon level, it usually doesn't hold when addressing unkown NCO's or Officer's. At least in the Army I've served in.
The guy knows what he's doing. It takes experience to operate a chainsaw that recklessly lol. He knows what buttons to push on this forum and get a reaction. Sandles? Wasn't a mistake. Sawing at head height? Wasn't a mistake. He's just pulling strings and laughing. How much ya wanna bet the next video is him flawlessly dropping this big oak.

I am curious to see in a week if all these turn out to be some April Fool's jokes by one of the solid, upstanding members here, then we'll all laugh our @55's off!
Oh yah Rock, I've laughed quite a bit! I'm like everyone else, wondering why I'm reading it all? Like I've said in one of these threads, it's like slapstick comedy, even though it's not really very funny, you keep watching it for some unknown reason,,,

I can't believe you guys are still talking to this stupid phuck.

BTW, BlueLude2001 is him talking to himself.

As long as you talk to him, he's getting what he wants. He's on at least 75% of the threads on this forum, with probably at least 20 different names. Sometimes he's cross-posting (replying to himself) under multiple names in a single thread. I've got a lot better things to do.

I read part of the last page, I'll be damn if I'm gonna read 14 pages of this bullchit. What a moron.

Also, if he was in the Army, he wouldn't have gotten past the DRILL Sgt. Further proof of his fictitious role in life.
Yah, cocky alright. His statement shows what he knows of military, discipline, respect or custom and courtesies. While the above may be true, depending on the unit, at a squad or platoon level, it usually doesn't hold when addressing unkown NCO's or Officer's. At least in the Army I've served in.

I was in the guard, but even when I was on active duty it was always just Sgt unless 1st Sgt or Sgt major. What was your MOS?
I can't believe you guys are still talking to this stupid phuck.

BTW, BlueLude2001 is him talking to himself.

As long as you talk to him, he's getting what he wants. He's on at least 75% of the threads on this forum, with probably at least 20 different names. Sometimes he's cross-posting (replying to himself) under multiple names in a single thread. I've got a lot better things to do.

I read part of the last page, I'll be damn if I'm gonna read 14 pages of this bullchit. What a moron.

Also, if he was in the Army, he wouldn't have gotten past the DRILL Sgt. Further proof of his fictitious role in life.

Yah I had a tough time at basic.
If you have a 16inch on ur 170 it will take a 3o inch down do the math. Hey i could possibly help you with a better hinge

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