Go Fund Me Fundraiser For Adirondackstihl

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You guys never fail to amaze me with your generosity. Shauna and I can't thank you all enough.
When Randy asked if a fund raiser would be okay, I said "No". I don't like the feeling of owing people anything. I just didn't feel as if I contributed enough here in our community to be deserving of such a thing.
In true Randy fashion, he basically told me to ST-FU and put my man pants on.
The medical co-pays and travel costs have been overwhelming this entire summer actually.
As some of you may already know, I was hospitalized a few years ago and diagnosed with Celiac disease. My wife had been diagnosed with the same just a year prior. (Must be something in the water).
She also has Hashimoto & AutoImmune Hepatitis.
And of course now this.......

Our 6 yr old was diagnosed with Celiac and milk allergy back in May.He just seemed to stop growing. My 6yr old has bone structure of a 4yr old. He's very small for his age. He had to undergo an endoscopy & colonoscopy. Tough enough for an adult to go through let alone a 6yr old. But an intestinal biopsy is the only true way to find Celiac.

My 13mo old had is 1yr check up yesterday and he's only gained an oz. in 3 months. Prior to that, he was following a nice growth curve.
Along with my wife, he also had bloodwork done yesterday.
We think he might have celiac too.
Celiac is an autoimmune disease that attacks your intestines, damaging them to the point where you can longer absorb essential nutrients and vitamins.

This past year has been awful.
We are closing in on the 1yr anniversary of the loss of a best friend of mine, Chity_Avatar. (Which also happens to my wedding anniversary).
His way of making sure to never forget about the ones you hold dear.

Once again, we thank you SO MUCH for your heart felt generosity. I hope some day I will be able to pay it forward to each and every one of you.

Jeremy, Shauna & Family
There has been some talk between myself and a couple of other guys about doing an auction for some items. In the past raffles doing that sorta made some confusion.

I wanna know what you guys think.

Raffle some of the items, auction most. The auction items are the revenue generators...me thoughts anyhow.

EDIT...and leave the items for either raffle or auction, up to you MM. I think all here would absolutely respect your decision as to which items go either route.
I have a message from Shauna that she would for me to share with you......

In 2009 after our first child was born I began with health issues. I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid. I had no issues with that...I took the meds, followed what the Dr said and I was good. In 2010 I began having trouble again and after tons of testing it was determined I had Autoimmune Hepatitis. So...my body was now attacking my thyroid AND my liver. I read everything I could, made some major changes to my life. Cleaned up my diet, went natural on cleaning products, and both autoimmune diseases were under control. It was "easy" to fight this. I was ok. I had this. Fast forward to 2013. I was running a half marathon, because exercise helps me fight the diseases, and boom...pain hit for 13.1 miles. I finished that day but was hospitalized that night. Next diagnosis, Celiac disease. Again, no problem...I got this, that's what I thought. I make a few more tweaks to my diet and I thought I would be good. At this point I was pretty sure I was in the clear. I read a lot about how autoimmune diseases tended to come in multiples, and I was pretty sure I had my final trifecta of what I would struggle with the rest of my life. Eat clean, exercise, see my Dr's...I felt I could do all of that. In May of this year I started with funny symptoms, nothing that would indicate anything really. I've seen my Dr for a number of minor things but nothing showed up, until last week. I've been running a fever and felt pretty crappy for a little over a month. Through the blood work they determined that my liver disease was flared up, which for the first time in 6 years that could be expected. When the Dr continued though with his further thoughts on testing for lupus, and lymphoma, I felt the life being sucked out of me. His explanations made sense as to why he would think to test that way but the thought of it all is surreal. At this time, we are obviously praying that it is neither, but the reality that my blood work is showing something is heartbreaking. I have two little boys, an amazing husband, and I have my dream job as the director of a non-profit. At a time when my life is coming together it feels like it is also falling apart. Those were my initial thoughts. I've cried, probably more tears than I have in a very, very long time. But, I've also thought, I'm a fighter, I can do this. I have fought other diseases, I can do this. I never thought that a group of people I don't know would be fighting with me and providing support in the way you have. Jeremy showed me the thread last night and it was overwhelming. I couldn't read all the way through, more because my emotions got the best of me. Your support, kind words, encouragement, and everything is coming at a time when we most need it. Our wedding anniversary (8years this year) is Tuesday. As many of you know it is also the anniversary of Jeremy's best friend Phil's death. As we approach the day again this year we are now awaiting the results of tests that will once again alter the course of our lives. From the very bottom of our hearts I wanted to send out a thank you. I wish I could hug each and every one of you. You all are too far and spread apart for me to do that so I hope my virtual {{hugs}} will be ok. I hope this thank you will be ok as well...I'm not sure how to express how deeply touched I am by your kindness. Thank You. And as I said in my Facebook post from the other day, no matter what I plan to fight back and "Live Life." Period. I hope everyone else out there chooses to do the same.

Here we go folks.

I know everyone here knows Jeremy (Adirondackstihl). I found out he was selling off his saws......and heard that it was because his wife was sick. I contacted him, and asked what we could do to help. Well, in classic manly fashion, he said we could pray for them. I asked if a fundraiser would help........Jeremy said that he would never be able to pay it back, so no, he didn't want to do that. At this point I reminded him that he had been paying it forward for a long time now.......and that this is how it works. You help others with no expectations of return. When you do that though, it does end up coming back to you.

Well, here we are my friends. Jeremy needs some help.

I got this message from him a little while ago when I asked for some details.....

"She has several auto immune diseases.
Lupus would add to that list. We are hoping at this point for lupus.
The X rays today showed a mass in her chest which is indicative of lymphoma. "

I know they have insurance, but since Monday they have had to pay out 350.00 in co-pays. :(

Here's the Go Fund Me link. Be sure to make a note of your user name. Every 10.00 gets a raffle ticket.

Thanks guys....

Click Here To Donate
Thanks Randy, I just donated.
There has been some talk between myself and a couple of other guys about doing an auction for some items. In the past raffles doing that sorta made some confusion.

It's up to you Randy as the organizer. There has been a lot of generous stuff donated. But please keep the auctions and raffles separate and clear.

It is confusing when money from an auction bid also counts for raffle tickets, or when someone buys a raffle ticket and is told later on that the terms or prizes have changed.

A lot of guys are happy just to contribute a few dollars to the cause. But if you are going to formally call it a 'raffle' or 'auction', the terms ought to be clear upfront.

I have a message from Shauna that she would for me to share with you......

In 2009 after our first child was born I began with health issues. I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid. I had no issues with that...I took the meds, followed what the Dr said and I was good. In 2010 I began having trouble again and after tons of testing it was determined I had Autoimmune Hepatitis. So...my body was now attacking my thyroid AND my liver. I read everything I could, made some major changes to my life. Cleaned up my diet, went natural on cleaning products, and both autoimmune diseases were under control. It was "easy" to fight this. I was ok. I had this. Fast forward to 2013. I was running a half marathon, because exercise helps me fight the diseases, and boom...pain hit for 13.1 miles. I finished that day but was hospitalized that night. Next diagnosis, Celiac disease. Again, no problem...I got this, that's what I thought. I make a few more tweaks to my diet and I thought I would be good. At this point I was pretty sure I was in the clear. I read a lot about how autoimmune diseases tended to come in multiples, and I was pretty sure I had my final trifecta of what I would struggle with the rest of my life. Eat clean, exercise, see my Dr's...I felt I could do all of that. In May of this year I started with funny symptoms, nothing that would indicate anything really. I've seen my Dr for a number of minor things but nothing showed up, until last week. I've been running a fever and felt pretty crappy for a little over a month. Through the blood work they determined that my liver disease was flared up, which for the first time in 6 years that could be expected. When the Dr continued though with his further thoughts on testing for lupus, and lymphoma, I felt the life being sucked out of me. His explanations made sense as to why he would think to test that way but the thought of it all is surreal. At this time, we are obviously praying that it is neither, but the reality that my blood work is showing something is heartbreaking. I have two little boys, an amazing husband, and I have my dream job as the director of a non-profit. At a time when my life is coming together it feels like it is also falling apart. Those were my initial thoughts. I've cried, probably more tears than I have in a very, very long time. But, I've also thought, I'm a fighter, I can do this. I have fought other diseases, I can do this. I never thought that a group of people I don't know would be fighting with me and providing support in the way you have. Jeremy showed me the thread last night and it was overwhelming. I couldn't read all the way through, more because my emotions got the best of me. Your support, kind words, encouragement, and everything is coming at a time when we most need it. Our wedding anniversary (8years this year) is Tuesday. As many of you know it is also the anniversary of Jeremy's best friend Phil's death. As we approach the day again this year we are now awaiting the results of tests that will once again alter the course of our lives. From the very bottom of our hearts I wanted to send out a thank you. I wish I could hug each and every one of you. You all are too far and spread apart for me to do that so I hope my virtual {{hugs}} will be ok. I hope this thank you will be ok as well...I'm not sure how to express how deeply touched I am by your kindness. Thank You. And as I said in my Facebook post from the other day, no matter what I plan to fight back and "Live Life." Period. I hope everyone else out there chooses to do the same.

Jeremy, Shauna...you gotta helluva team here with you two, fighting for your health, happiness, well being, wishing you folks the best. Good folks are what they are...good folks. All these responses show you guys, myself, everyone, that the world just ain't all about the crap that we get fed in the news media. Whether most of us ever meet in person is irrelevant...it's all about what's inside of a decent human being. And there's one helluva group here that fall into that category. And I'm damn proud, myself, to be associated with such company.
I have a message from Shauna that she would for me to share with you......

In 2009 after our first child was born I began with health issues. I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid. I had no issues with that...I took the meds, followed what the Dr said and I was good. In 2010 I began having trouble again and after tons of testing it was determined I had Autoimmune Hepatitis. So...my body was now attacking my thyroid AND my liver. I read everything I could, made some major changes to my life. Cleaned up my diet, went natural on cleaning products, and both autoimmune diseases were under control. It was "easy" to fight this. I was ok. I had this. Fast forward to 2013. I was running a half marathon, because exercise helps me fight the diseases, and boom...pain hit for 13.1 miles. I finished that day but was hospitalized that night. Next diagnosis, Celiac disease. Again, no problem...I got this, that's what I thought. I make a few more tweaks to my diet and I thought I would be good. At this point I was pretty sure I was in the clear. I read a lot about how autoimmune diseases tended to come in multiples, and I was pretty sure I had my final trifecta of what I would struggle with the rest of my life. Eat clean, exercise, see my Dr's...I felt I could do all of that. In May of this year I started with funny symptoms, nothing that would indicate anything really. I've seen my Dr for a number of minor things but nothing showed up, until last week. I've been running a fever and felt pretty crappy for a little over a month. Through the blood work they determined that my liver disease was flared up, which for the first time in 6 years that could be expected. When the Dr continued though with his further thoughts on testing for lupus, and lymphoma, I felt the life being sucked out of me. His explanations made sense as to why he would think to test that way but the thought of it all is surreal. At this time, we are obviously praying that it is neither, but the reality that my blood work is showing something is heartbreaking. I have two little boys, an amazing husband, and I have my dream job as the director of a non-profit. At a time when my life is coming together it feels like it is also falling apart. Those were my initial thoughts. I've cried, probably more tears than I have in a very, very long time. But, I've also thought, I'm a fighter, I can do this. I have fought other diseases, I can do this. I never thought that a group of people I don't know would be fighting with me and providing support in the way you have. Jeremy showed me the thread last night and it was overwhelming. I couldn't read all the way through, more because my emotions got the best of me. Your support, kind words, encouragement, and everything is coming at a time when we most need it. Our wedding anniversary (8years this year) is Tuesday. As many of you know it is also the anniversary of Jeremy's best friend Phil's death. As we approach the day again this year we are now awaiting the results of tests that will once again alter the course of our lives. From the very bottom of our hearts I wanted to send out a thank you. I wish I could hug each and every one of you. You all are too far and spread apart for me to do that so I hope my virtual {{hugs}} will be ok. I hope this thank you will be ok as well...I'm not sure how to express how deeply touched I am by your kindness. Thank You. And as I said in my Facebook post from the other day, no matter what I plan to fight back and "Live Life." Period. I hope everyone else out there chooses to do the same.

God bless you young lady.