Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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My favorite snake story, as told to me by my Okie neighbor, Gator. Gator once worked as a plumber's assistant, and was in the crawl space under a house, pushing his tray of tools before him on the way to some piping. Just as he came through a gap in a stem wall he said "the biggest bull snake you've ever seen" came past a few inches in front of his nose--carrying a live rat in its mouth. Gator said he came out of there backwards, the fastest he'd ever moved, scraped hell out of his head on floor joists. He said he'd never been in a crawl space since, and would not go in the future.
:laugh: 👍 good one!
My grandparents lived at the base of the mountains and had a large population in copperheads and rattlers. Grandpa kept a hoe inside the kitchen door because they would come up on the warm porch at night. Also to carry with you if you had to go to the outhouse at night.
during the summer months up at ranch i go on snake safri around 8 ish pm. with mr Brutus, shovel, raised in hand at the ready. once spotted, suddenly there are two pieces to the situation. one summer eve i encountered 4 within 20 mins! one right after another... i won all events!
I chainsawed a V in a log so I'd have a good place to put "short" cutoffs.


I rip out thick blanks out of them, to have around to make toys for my grandson, at 3-1/2 yrs. old, he is car/truck crazy, so he has a whole fleet of cars and trucks that I made for him, here's one of them,


He lives a long way from me, but he gets a new one every time I go see him.

wooden cars - nice work! enjoyed seeing!! ~ :)
Hey guys, would appreciate your advice here.

I need to deliver some feedback to somebody that I know. They are a good person with a good heart, but their method of delivery is not very good. Basically need to tell them that you can’t browbeat people into voluntary work.

In the past when I’ve offered feedback to this individual, they usually try to turn it back to me about the things that I haven’t done properly. I really don’t have time for that at this point and they know they can approach me at any time if they do have feedback on the way I manage things. I should mention that I never received feedback unless I offer it to them first.

I’m normally a face-to-face or at least a phone call person but I’m thinking I’m going to send them an email so they can sit on it and it won’t put them on the offensive immediately because they are surprised if I bring it up in person. This person tends to get “excited” if confronted.

Does this make sense? I usually like to be approached individually, either by phone or in person but at the same point I don’t try to turn things around if somebody offers me feedback.

One more thing to add… This person is not a subordinate at work… This is someone that I serve with on other organizations
There is some wisdom in delivering things in a way that allows the person to chew on it for a bit before responding. Some people will initially respond in a way they regret later but can't bring themselves to back that train up and make necessary adjustments to their knee jerk response!
Not my preferred method either but it is the better option at times.
Managed to get the seat in today not completely happy with it . But it was made by PUI interiors and they made it right by sending me 3 yards to fix it . I’m going to have my upholstery guy redo the back and try to tighten the bottom needs new cording for the hog clips C8156C40-495C-4FA5-BC6C-EFF36EA15935.jpeg6B620FF8-9591-4CA2-BBE0-6AD13529A375.jpeg
Looking forward to it being over. Did 3 returns already today and have another one coming in later this evening.

My 8 lb can of H-380 arrived yesterday! :)

If it is not raining this afternoon, I may try to get to the range to test some new loads. The only bullet to shoot sub 1" so far is the Barnes 210 TTSX (with both H380 and IMR4350). I tweaked both loads by 1/2 grain to see if they get better or worse.

The only powder to produce OK results (under 1.5") with the 225 grain bullets is IMR4350. I tweaked the load with a couple of them to try also. Would love to find a lower cost bullet that shoots OK to practice with. The TTSX bullets are over a dollar a pop, the Speer are less than 1/2 that. (I have Barnes, Hornady and Speer 225 grain bullets). I also have 2 - 200 grain bullets, but neither of them seem to shoot well.

Thank goodness my Daughter helped me out a lot this year, or I would not have any time to "play"! Luckily, she enjoys doing it, and makes some extra money that reduces the financial pressures of raising 3 kids with sports and dance expense.
If you can find them Sierra tipped game kings shoot real close to the ttsx in my 338wm. They were a cheaper, but it was 2 or 3 years since I bought bullets for the 338...
They don't have the radius that a smaller round blade has, like using a flat saw to finish up after a round one.
I sharpen chains for a buddies dad, they do concrete cutting on a pretty large scale, Greg(my buddy) told his dad to toss this into the last batch lol.
View attachment 1076340
If it's anything like the pioneer/partner concrete saw we used for cutting curbs at the township, you'll stretch the chain out of adjustment, or rip the drivers off before you wear down the diamond abrasive all the way. The saw I got the not pleasure of using was a big 90cc chop saw set up with a real heavy duty chain saw bar that mad a watery mess everywhere. Cut 4 curbs for Ada ramps at an Intersection. Tell you what it was quite a workout.
Hey guys, would appreciate your advice here.

I need to deliver some feedback to somebody that I know. They are a good person with a good heart, but their method of delivery is not very good. Basically need to tell them that you can’t browbeat people into voluntary work.

In the past when I’ve offered feedback to this individual, they usually try to turn it back to me about the things that I haven’t done properly. I really don’t have time for that at this point and they know they can approach me at any time if they do have feedback on the way I manage things. I should mention that I never received feedback unless I offer it to them first.

I’m normally a face-to-face or at least a phone call person but I’m thinking I’m going to send them an email so they can sit on it and it won’t put them on the offensive immediately because they are surprised if I bring it up in person. This person tends to get “excited” if confronted.

Does this make sense? I usually like to be approached individually, either by phone or in person but at the same point I don’t try to turn things around if somebody offers me feedback.

One more thing to add… This person is not a subordinate at work… This is someone that I serve with on other organizations
I'm pretty direct and have been told I come across pretty corse/gruff so I doubt this is the right advice, I'd just tell them like it is and if the don't like it, they can shimmy up a cactus and rotate. I'm not beyond eating some humble pie myself, amd would just prefer someone to tell me whatever issues they have with me. May be pissed in the moment, but I'll get over it, and if I see fit change accordingly.
Can't remember if I mentioned it, yesterday my boy stayed home with me. Was kinda a pain in the butt, but it turned out to be a pretty good day for us. Bummed around the house in the morning, took the tdi for some data logging, then made lunch. Went out and started ro cut more rounds at the wood pile. Ended up having to stop, cause he wouldn't stay out of the way. Changed over to splitting. Decided to let him run the splitter lever. Dang bugger almost took my hand off. Swatted him a bit harder then I wanted to, but he got the message. Don't touch that lever till I tell him to. Got 2 trailer loads split (about half a cord bit more perhaps. ) finished restocking what was left of last year's wood then started stacking this year's wood in the shed.
Back at work today, had evac training on my ride. That's about a joke, but can't say much else about it. Got home and piddled around for a bit, then went and picked the kids up. Just found out it's gonna be $200 for 3 days a week daycare for my daughter over summer break. That jacked me up pretty bad. That's about $78.00 more per week then her normal in school fee. Wasn't at all happy about that, amd nearly melted down on the director. A lot of teachers use this daycare for their own kids, so over summer they get pulled out. This (of course) affects the income of the daycare, so they decided this year they are bumping up their rates for 'summer camp" for the older kids. We're already just over $1200 a month for daycare. This will put us up over $1500 a month. Which is totally absurd. Talked about my wife quitting again, but we still need another income besides mine. Just gonna have to suck it up I guess.
Split a bunch more wood this afternoon into evening. I have tomorrow evening yet then I'm back on the late shift for the weekend. Always something....
If you can find them Sierra tipped game kings shoot real close to the ttsx in my 338wm. They were a cheaper, but it was 2 or 3 years since I bought bullets for the 338...
I still think I may be able to get the 225 gr Hornady SST to do that, but if I can't I'll give the Sierra's a try. Thanks for the advice. I'm a little surprised how finicky this gun seems to be with bullets and powders, but at least the bullet I wanted to use the most shoots well. My 220 Swift likes the Sierra 53 gr Hp match bullets.
I had a Red 1975 GL1000 with Vetter Windjammer fairing and bags . Like and ass I sold it in the 90s . Had it stored in my garage and someone saw it and stopped and made an offer and I took it. Looked like this one View attachment 1073481
Ten years ago I sold a 75 Red Goldwing for $3k with a white Vetter fairing with white side bags. It was in pretty nice shape and ran well. I also had a 76 in red that matched the 75.