Do I need more than just a rope to climb?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Aug 21, 2021
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I have never climbed anything with a rope. But I have been learning about knots and I wonder if it is possible to climb (a small) tree with out spending money. I have a rope. Whats the very least I need to have to experience a climb?
To climb traditional, all you will need is a carabiner and some kind of saddle or harness. A a positioning lanyard is also ideal both for keeping you close to the trunk and working around limbs, but as a secondary tie-in for safety.
Wear a helmet and make sure your knots are set and dressed correctly.

YouTube is a great resource full of valuable info
I would recommend having someone who is experienced in climbing helping you out the first time.
Yeah, you can run a closed loop system on a Blake's hitch with just a saddle, carabiner and rope... it's more technique over gear... but I would highly recommend you find a climbing buddy with experience.

The other concern I have was your comment about it being a "small tree". I know an ex climber living the rest of his life in a wheelchair after a fall from six feet. Height doesn't matter, technique does.
I have never climbed anything with a rope. But I have been learning about knots and I wonder if it is possible to climb (a small) tree with out spending money. I have a rope. Whats the very least I need to have to experience a climb?
Way back in the olden days, before kids grew up with their face glued to screens, we used to climb trees all the time using nothing but what the gods gave us. It's safer to use the "proper" gear, of course, but folks have been climbing trees for thousands of years without it.
Way back in the olden days, before kids grew up with their face glued to screens, we used to climb trees all the time using nothing but what the gods gave us. It's safer to use the "proper" gear, of course, but folks have been climbing trees for thousands of years without it.
At what point in that rambling post did you give you give the OP any constructive advice?
At what point in that rambling post did you give you give the OP any constructive advice?
He asked if it was possible to climb a small tree without spending money. I reminded him, (or perhaps it was new information) that people have been doing just that for a very long time. I suppose I could have just said, "yes, it's possible to climb a tree without spending money", but that would have been less interesting. 😉
He asked if it was possible to climb a small tree without spending money. I reminded him, (or perhaps it was new information) that people have been doing just that for a very long time. I suppose I could have just said, "yes, it's possible to climb a tree without spending money", but that would have been less interesting. 😉
He's looking for advice on rope climbing, read the original post
He's looking for advice on rope climbing, read the original post
I did. He mentioned a rope in the post but then asked.
Whats the very least I need to have to experience a climb?
The answer to that is nothing. You don't need any equipment to "experience a climb" of a small tree. Pick one with branches and climb it. I have a really hard time believing that there are any experienced climbers here who have never climbed a tree without equipment. Rope climbing is a fine thing to learn, but it shouldn't be the method a person uses the first time they climb a tree.
Way back in the olden days, before kids grew up with their face glued to screens, we used to climb trees all the time using nothing but what the gods gave us. It's safer to use the "proper" gear, of course, but folks have been climbing trees for thousands of years without it.
in the tree.jpg
Ok, lets not fight, someone may fall out of the tree.
I get your points. Yes, I climbed trees as a youngster with no rope. But you had to start with a limb less than 5 feet off the ground.
I guess this is more of what I was referring to...

Ok, lets not fight, someone may fall out of the tree.
I get your points. Yes, I climbed trees as a youngster with no rope. But you had to start with a limb less than 5 feet off the ground.
I guess this is more of what I was referring to...
As shown in those videos, yes, it's possible to just use one rope. Adding a length of 1" webbing (for a Swiss seat), a carabiner and a 4-5' length of smaller diameter rope would make things significantly more streamlined and efficient for those folks.
At 67 years old, I suspect that there is more going on than just a desire to do a few recreational climbs.

Not many guys that old can hump up a rope on their arm strength. I've been doing this for many years, but couldn't still use the techniques in the two videos with just a basic rope. I've got in too many regular meals and not enough exercise.

Sofasurfer! Are you planning to do some work in that tree, or are you planning to show your grandkids how to not kill themselves, despite your offspring's instructions to not let them fall out of the trees?
I'm not an arborist and I'm not an athlete. I'm just a guy that learns about things that cross his path. Doesn't matter if I can do it. Only matters that I learn about it and if that includes trying it then I'm the better for it. One thing leads to another and before I know it sometimes I head down a new path in life. I too have spent WAY too many years getting soft and I'm in the process of reversing that trend. I'm not worried about being criticized so I just say thanks for the information.
Most of us here have no interest in being critical. Hang around here a while, and you will discover there are a lot of people that have strange ideas about climbing trees and doing tree work with chainsaws. Some of those ideas are fundamentally unsafe, and we are just trying to intercept the bad ideas and encourage the good practices.

I'm about the same as yourself, as I like to learn how to do stuff.

If you are really planning to try climbing a tree, abandon that rope only approach, and see if you can borrow a light climbing harness and some ascending and descending equipment. Along with some help/advice. There are probably recreational climbers around your area that would like to share their time with you, just to have some company.

There are lots of local chapters, I think.

EDIT: try this link.
Actually, and amazingly, I have a harness that I acquired probably 20 years ago. Have it tucked away somewhere. I have looked at it but did not have any clue how to use it or what I would use it for. But, see my point? you never know how an interest or a speck of information can steer you down a different path. When I acquired it all I knew was it was a good thing that I would never come across again and I knew it was an expensive item. I'll see if I can dig it out and get some pics for the thread.
BTW, thanks for the link. Looks good.