Central Ohio GTG

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Looking forward to meeting some new faces and some old ones again. (that wasn't a jab Al :D) :laugh:

Kevin hope you get better and can make it.
(suck it up and get in the truck lol j/k)

Hey I seen that Erick.:cheers:

Whats it like down that way? Its freaking bad out up here, had to use 4x4 all the way in to work for 15 miles of highway driving:mad: .
Well,I will be some where in that area on Saturday,Waverly.We have a family get together on that day,the inlaws and the outlaws,so to speak.

Now that hairy face thing. I started out with hair all the same color,it changed but it does look like in time it will be all the same color again,kind of bleached out . If I were shorter they would call me pappa smurf.

It doesn't make any sense,my face is getting longer. The damned hair is falling off my head but growing on my ears. Do you call that crop rotation or something.???
The current forcast for tomorrow is cloudy with a 20-30% chance of "few showers". Temps will be 35F at 8 AM and a high of 37F. It may be a little sloopy, but nothing to keep a buch of chainsaw fantics from having a good time. I'm going home from work to touch up a few work chains and get things ready. What time are you guys showing up? Should I shoot for 9 or what?
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wkpoor, I lost all my files on the driving location address and phone # to call if needed. Please resend if I fill up to it in the morning. Feel pretty decent right now, but we will see later on.
Haven't touched the saws or chains since I last used them, so I will have to just bring everything, bars, chains, and hit the suckers when I get there, if I show up. :cheers:
I hope you all have fun...

I will have to come to one of those gtg when one is in michigan. Is it like a work party?? Or you race??? I would feel stupid trying to race. I have never did it. I can work though.. I love to work a get a good sweat on. hehe

A fellow up in Luther modded my saw, he said they was having a gtg earlier this year and invited me up . But I never did go.. I am going to have to see what all of the fuss is about... Have a great time fella's!!!
A fellow up in Luther modded my saw, he said they was having a gtg earlier this year and invited me up . But I never did go.. I am going to have to see what all of the fuss is about... Have a great time fella's!!!

Luther Days has a big Lumberjack event there around the 4th of July. Big Dave Neiger puts that show together and is a good time for all. Fife Lake is the next day after that for its Chainsaw racing and Lumberjack event and is ran by the Helsels family.
You just cant beat it, 2 days in a row of cutting and chopping. :cheers:
Just to pop in here and let you guys know its on for sure! Some were wondering. Weather ain't perfect but for this time of year we will have to take it. Forecast says 30% in the early morn improving after that. High temp of 40 now so it won't be too cold. There will be a sign on a telephone pole at the entrance to my driveway. Drive is long. Pull down to the shop across from the house and I'll figure out how to line up the trucks. I'm still wanting to go after a couple more logs out back. After I get the fire going if anyone shows early we can make that part of it. If felling trees is something your interested in I could hold off tell people get here.
I will be in my winter work and hunting small blazer, so the 9 saws from 33cc-122cc can be nice and warm too. :)
I just hope to make it there and back without failures, but after taking a road trip with Al, I now know anything is possible. :cry:

I hope to get there by 10AM. :cheers:

Brad bring that box of snot rags, just jking, I am bringing them with me. :cheers:

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HA HA glad to see your gonna make it.:clap:

Now if pipeliner would quit lurking (I've seen ya down there) and commit to come run that new MS361..... you know you wanna. :D
I just hope to make it there and back without failures, but after taking a road trip with Al, I now know anything is possible. :cry:

I hope to get there by 10AM. :cheers:

Brad bring that box of snot rags, just jking, I am bringing them with me. :cheers:

Ha,Ha ,Ha.Remember what I told you. If it will make across town,it will make cross country.

Sucks I once drove a ton and a half truck from Marion to Lima that the clutch would not disengage.That was interesting,to say the least.

Driving a rattle trap is not a big deal.Lots of tools,oil,water,duct tape and last but not least,bailing wire.:hmm3grin2orange:
Btw, weather.com is calling for 10% chance for precip with 33 for a low and 44 for a high. Looking good, will have to wear the thermals and carhartts.


How quickly the weather changes. Now it's 70% chance of rain and high of 38. "Periods of light rain" according to weather.com now. Looks like the previous GTG just colder. Well, I'm leaving the house, see you guys in a few hours.

Had an awesome time just like at the Indiana GTG but with more attendance. I got to run some good saws and mine made a much better showing than at the Ohio GTG this spring. I still have some chain issues on the long bar (the full skip semi chisel just won't cut very fast, even with 035 rakers) but I'm pretty satisfied with how the 18" bar cut.

The velocity stack with K&N filter was an interesting mod on the 361. It would be interesting to open up the muffler a little more on that one and see how it runs.

Kevin's 357xp was a screamer as usual and was as fast as my 372 in the ~15" wood that we ran it in.

Was good to see old faces again and meet the new guys.

Thanks to our host and his most gracious better half that fed the crowd (didn't catch her name, sorry).

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I agree Ian, met some new people today and had some fun trying some things I haven't did with the 084 before in the wood. :jawdrop:

It was pretty fun cutting cookies for timed cuts in that 15" ash also. :cheers:

Got to see some different approaches to making stock saws perform better and a 075 brought back to life at the gtg after 2 years of storage, who knows where, but from the look of the dirt on it. :clap:

Thanks to Bill for taking the gtg project over and making it happen and I would say it was first class all the way. :clap:
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I got home about a half hour ago. The saws are all cleaned up and put away. It'll be a little while before I get all the pictures done up. I shoot RAW files so have to edit everything. Thanks Bill for hosting a great GTG. It was a pleasure to meet some new faces. Now if I can just get/keep the names and faces together. It was fun bringing that old 075 back to life. It looked like it had sat for 20 years, not 2. We dumped the old fuel, put new in the tank, dribbled a little down the carb and she came right to life. I think the most fun was cutting a 15" log with a 60" bar on an 066. We then proceeded to drop it on the log length wise. Let me just say this, if you wasn't there, you don't know what curlies are!!! I'm off to edit some pictures.
It was an awesome GTG to say the least! Thanks to Bill and his wife for a wonderful time and good food. It was good to see everyone again and meet a few new people. Im already looking forward to the next one!! Thanks again.