No More Shipped Husky's From Bailey's

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Your right I don't. The guy that wanted the tank housing though is our truck mechanic. I figured for him yeah lets get it fixed. I came on here and popped the website and got the number for him. He called, got the run around, left a call back number as he was asked by the voice machine. That number he left was our shop phone. We have message service too. No call back, no messages. He said screw it. The saw is still sitting in the back room, wanna a cheap Husky, needs a tank housing though,LOL

Tommie, What model?? and what part y'all needin maybe I have one in the bone pile u could have....

Sometimes people aren't intelligible on answering machines, or the machine glitches. Seems like a big hooplah over nothing to me. If you want the best stuff, you gotta work for it a little. :)

LOL, Space your gonna be a great lawyer. Ya know, if the gloves don't fit you must aquit, any excuse will do. Fact is plain and simple, the call got overlooked by whoever was suppose to call back. Tant no big deal. Happens all the time everywhere. Just goes to show it happens with the best of em, even Baileys. Call the shop Space and test me. Leave your name and number and see if I will call you back, I won't!!!LOLOL
LOL, Space your gonna be a great lawyer. Ya know, if the gloves don't fit you must aquit, any excuse will do. Fact is plain and simple, the call got overlooked by whoever was suppose to call back. Tant no big deal. Happens all the time everywhere. Just goes to show it happens with the best of em, even Baileys. Call the shop Space and test me. Leave your name and number and see if I will call you back, I won't!!!LOLOL

Sorry, I run orange and white. What happened to Spike60, did you get an answer machine there too. Perhaps this high tech phone business is not your calling! LOL

Awwwwwwwwwww so wrong Piss. I talked to Spike on the phone about my 346 and brought up the tank issue on the 50. He said if he had one in the junk pile he would send it with my saw free of charge. He didn't have one though, but he did answer the phone,LOL
Tommie, What model?? and what part y'all needin maybe I have one in the bone pile u could have....


Whatcha talking bout man, them Dolmars don't need anything man. Its a old Husky that belongs to one of the guys at work. He done said to hell with it. Its parked for sale.
Whatcha talking bout man, them Dolmars don't need anything man. Its a old Husky that belongs to one of the guys at work. He done said to hell with it. Its parked for sale.

Some huskys end up in da bone pile lol will a tank from a 55 work???

Awwwwwwwwwww so wrong Piss. I talked to Spike on the phone about my 346 and brought up the tank issue on the 50. He said if he had one in the junk pile he would send it with my saw free of charge. He didn't have one though, but he did answer the phone,LOL

So why didn't you just PM Gregg. You seem to spend a lot of time on the computer, and this telephone thing is really not working for you, unless you need a 346 I guess.
Some huskys end up in da bone pile lol will a tank from a 55 work???


I got no clue. The old guy that owns it just wants to be rid of it now, he's not gonna fool with it anymore. I may buy it myself, not a bad little saw, needs a tank housing though,LOL
So why didn't you just PM Gregg. You seem to spend a lot of time on the computer, and this telephone thing is really not working for you, unless you need a 346 I guess.

I wasn't worried about it Piss, its not my saw. Its not orange and white. I got him the number and let him do what he wanted. He called and thats that. I tried with Spike but he didn't have any. The old guy that owns it said to heck with it. Long and short is like I told Space, it happens even to the best of em. This call deal happens with everyone proving when it comes to service no one is perfect.
Sorry if we dropped ball. The tank you're looking for is 501 76 13 02 $113.29. I don't have anything used but, the tanks from 50's, 51's, 55's, and 254's will interchange.
Sorry if we dropped ball. The tank you're looking for is 501 76 13 02 $113.29. I don't have anything used but, the tanks from 50's, 51's, 55's, and 254's will interchange.
I don't think you dropped the ball your service is 10 okay 20 times better than my local Stihl dealer! Even though you are not a Stihl dealer!:popcorn:
I got no clue. The old guy that owns it just wants to be rid of it now, he's not gonna fool with it anymore. I may buy it myself, not a bad little saw, needs a tank housing though,LOL

I have a blown up 55 CHEAP.... missing starter and airbox parts as well

Sorry if we dropped ball. The tank you're looking for is 501 76 13 02 $113.29. I don't have anything used but, the tanks from 50's, 51's, 55's, and 254's will interchange.

Its no big deal Grand. I was just showing things happen even with the very best of em. No one is perfect 100% of the time. We do the best we can and thats that. I was just pointing out the missed call back as an example. No doubt I myself have missed a few calls as well. There's a story at every service center no matter whether its Baileys, Stihl , Dolmar or any other type of service business.

I'll tell the old guy that owns this saw what that housing costs. I think he'll go whattttttttttttttttttttttttt,LOL. Seriously he's lost interest in it. Hell I may buy it myself, not a bad little saw, runs ok.