How to insert a picture in a post?

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Think I have the hang of it

This 088 runs well, but has 2 broken av mounts and the oilerspring needs replaced, but it screams!

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My operator friend has first call on it, if he refuses it Its yours... Im selling it to him for 600 delivered. P/C look great. Just not been taken the best care of.
OK let me try. Anybody have a firewood hauler like this one?

It Works! I had to post with the attached photo but no photo that would open automatically. Then once it was posted on the site I went back and found the URL for the attached photo by opening it, I clicked on the displayed address and copied it, then edited my post to include the photo and pasted the URL.
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Sorry, I was giving you a hard time!!!

You are missing something, see how this one has the "link" at the botom of the post?

code syntax

im doing it the way yoes are saing to

If you look at the code behind your 'red X' (meaning the image is not addressed properly), you will see that you have


It appears you are hosting your image on, you should be able to view your image with a Web browser, and then cut and paste that url (text in address bar) to the box that appears when clicking on the yellow mountain icon, when posting a message or reply.

I see you got it later, good job !!
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I'm still not getting this right.I edited this pic from full size to 800 x 524 on photobucket and now it's to small.Before i edit the photo's on photobucket,they're to large for the screen.Anyone using phtobucket that can explain this to me.I'm copying and pasting it to the reply box from my album.
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