2021 garden season

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At my last place, I had 2-330gal totes I loaded in the back of my dump trailer. I would take the totes to the creek and use my harbor freight 2in water pump to fill the totes with water.I had a couple of those tripod style water springlers set up in the garden and would hook them up to the water pump and just let the pump run until one tote was empty and then change out the pump to the other tote and let it run until both tanks where empty. I would do this every other day and it was enough water to make the ground muddy. The garden was 60x100 and 2 springler' set just right would soak the entire garden spot. Most of the time I would just leave the trailer hooked to the truck so when it was time for a refill, I just cranked up and headed for the creek.
auto watering great! have done it before. these days i like to hand water. my garden is small enuff it's ez. can or hose. gives me time with plants to look them over, ck on their progress. tend to them some...
it is always interesting to me to see a northern garden... see carrots and also peppers growing at the same time, for example. down here (zone 9) we get 2 distinct grow seasons. spring and fall. spring for tomatoes and peppers, and fall for carrots and spuds. but we also have x-overs... like fall tomatoes, too. but i cannot grow carrots here in july/august! ;) peas in fall, but purple hulls in summer! and Feb can be hard on everything if it dips past 25/27f or so. we cover, but its always a pita! :yes:
4.5 acres of gardens kinda limits how I can water stuff! ----not everything gets water all the time ----gotta watch the onions and new planted plants the most!
Got over 8 gallons of cherries and made over 24 quarts of jam from them. Tastes as good as the strawberry jam I made. ----
Hope for some peaches this year, ---- love peach jam too! lol!
Been busy trying to help other people and my work kinda got behind, so now trying to do as much as I can. Being weak all the time dont help matters any. Prostate cancer surgery does leave you weak and wet all the time, but I never give up---just keep pushin on!


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4.5 acres of gardens kinda limits how I can water stuff! ----not everything gets water all the time ----gotta watch the onions and new planted plants the most!
Got over 8 gallons of cherries and made over 24 quarts of jam from them. Tastes as good as the strawberry jam I made. ----
Hope for some peaches this year, ---- love peach jam too! lol!
Been busy trying to help other people and my work kinda got behind, so now trying to do as much as I can. Being weak all the time dont help matters any. Prostate cancer surgery does leave you weak and wet all the time, but I never give up---just keep pushin on!
4.5 acres - gardens. wow. impressive to consider such.
finally got around to picking my small bok choy patch. gave some to neighbor. stir fry bok choy w/sauce on menu today...

for a tiny seed, akin to cabbage, etc... it is a very hardy plant. near bullet-proof. dont always eat what i grow, but usually find a spot in fall garden for a couple of plants. very attractive plant, imo. many varieties
First time growing turnips, one short row, maybe 8 foot long. Picked greens for a while but the heat had them starting to bolt, so I harvested all of it but a couple. Roots are good but I liked the greens best. I will definitely plant more in the fall and earlier next spring than I did this year.
View attachment 915567View attachment 915568First time growing turnips, one short row, maybe 8 foot long. Picked greens for a while but the heat had them starting to bolt, so I harvested all of it but a couple. Roots are good but I liked the greens best. I will definitely plant more in the fall and earlier next spring than I did this year.


You might like the cultivar 'seven tops'.

It doesn't grow a turnip bulb, just tops with a scraggly root system.

Known to be great for greens though.
Wow I have not been on here recently. Good to see everyone's garden's this year!

Things this year are a lot better than last year. I think I finally have the soil worked well enough after breaking the land out of sod last spring. Things came up much better this spring than last spring. At least on the half that I worked; the garden is big enough that I only rototill half of it every year. The other half I plant as a squash field.

We were dry for a bit this spring so I picked up a 2" transfer pump on sale to make watering from my IBC tote easier. Of course now that I bought it we have been getting more rainfall. I'm not going to complain about that though. But one thing I will complain about is my strawberries. I ordered new plants this year and out of 30 plants I might have 6 :(. Hopefully they start sending out runners soon.

I'll have to get some recent pics up here soon once I get it cleaned up again. I put straw down between the rows to keep weeds down and moisture in, and the straw I got this year has a lot of chaff in it. So I have a lot of volunteer oats between the rows that I'm working on pulling out.
View attachment 915567View attachment 915568First time growing turnips, one short row, maybe 8 foot long. Picked greens for a while but the heat had them starting to bolt, so I harvested all of it but a couple. Roots are good but I liked the greens best. I will definitely plant more in the fall and earlier next spring than I did this year.
good crop! turnips do pretty well down here. a family handed down recipe calls for stew meat, parsnips, rutabegas and... turnips! delish!! ~
well, found out what it was... growing out in compost pile. other day, noticed the big, round fruit gone! looked about... on the ground. somebody had gotten to it before me. but more or less still intact... so i cut it open

cantelope? nope... it was a honey dew melon. i had to try it out! so sliced out of center to sides, 4 slices out of the 2 halves. tasty, sweet and quite nice!

and was this color just before it vanished...
quite a home garden there! country setting perfect, imo! lots of corn... what do you do with all that produce? can it? sell it? give it away? or? sometimes i am overwhelmed a bit when several things come in all at once. we have a pantry full of tomatoes and cucumbers... and my 4 beam plot and kentucky poles are all flowering now...

cukes in the refer. tomatoes on the counter. i came across a tasty recipe for a BLT salad... tomatoes and mayo makes the dressing... and got so many cukes, had to look up a reference off a tv cooking show... cucumber salad.

'bon appetite!'


that Big Beef tomato in middle... going for grilled cheese burgers... one slice 'll do it! :)
I'm finally getting the oat problem under control so I grabbed some pics the other day. It's nowhere near what some of you other guys have, but its 1000% better than what I had last year.

The second planting of sweet corn came up a lot better than the first, I'm very happy with it. That and the potatoes are probably what I'm most happy with. That, and the fact that all my transplanted tomatoes and peppers survived this year.

And the strawberries are starting to send out runners!

The other half of the garden is the melon/squash area. I also need to give it a good tilling yet to open it up.

