And you're worried about squirrels in your bird feeder

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I'm surprised no one's commented on the black bear's climbing behavior on the the rope.

First: I want to congratulate the person who hung the bird feeder for doing a good job tying knots, they held the bear well.

Second: I'm very impressed with the bear's ability to climb that skinny little rope! And to chew on the rope while it was climbing! No fear!

Third: I love the move that the bear made in the third photo to get to the feeder. I'll have to try that sometime.

Fourth: What rope do you think that was? Pretty tough stuff to hold a bear and resist its teeth and claws.

Fifth: It's clear that a black bear can climb anything anytime anywhere.

Sixth: gotta love a brother tree climbing critter even if it has the potential to bite your head off.

You know I was thinking, if that bear can produce a clean urine test I think I could get him a job as a climber. Ground guys would move quickly when was around and wouldn't dare loiter around under his tree. I bet he'd never come to work with a hang over too.
keith c raymond said:
I had one of those once.It was a lot of fun at the public shoots at the Police range on Sundays.The old timers with the .38 targets didnt group well those days.....

Old Monkey said:
You know I was thinking, if that bear can produce a clean urine test I think I could get him a job as a climber. Ground guys would move quickly when was around and wouldn't dare loiter around under his tree. I bet he'd never come to work with a hang over too.

Depends on the time of year. Black bears get a little (or a lot of) buzz on when they load up their stomachs with overripe apples that have been fermenting. I guess it gets them in the mood for hibernation.

Agree that they'd make great tree workers. Might be tough to get them to make clean pruning cuts. They'd be excellent for setting lines!

Supervisor: "Ok Yogi, climb to the top of that poplar and put the rope right over the crotch I'm pointing at, got it?"
The bear: "Grunt, err, growl, grunt?"
Supervisor: "Don't worry big fella ther'll be a barrel of donuts and coffee for you when you get down."
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