Anyone else burning yet?

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I declare shoulder season open. Woke up to hear the furnace kick in last night. Chilly outside right now, predicting low 40s tonight and only 69 by noon tomorrow. Already got a few chunks of spruce and assorted locust uglies ready to light off in about another hour.

Harry K
Hasn't been cool enough at night for the SheWolf to want a fire. Not yet, anyhow. It's coming to that. The AC is still kicking in at night for a few minutes.

I have to get ready for burning soon... there's a pile of splitter scraps needs stowed in totes and set under the eave by the door. Gotta gather up a pile of old brush and tow it the yard for kindling and starter wood. If it don't rain this weekend I'll try to git 'er done.
I'm already on about my 5th morning fire to take the chill out of the house. We have had several nights in the upper 30's(f) low 40's(f). Been burning some really dry de-barked poplar.

Yep, good ole Northern Wisconsin weather. Haven't fired her up yet. I'm too stubborn.

Seemed liked 90's every day in July and now a couple mornings in August where I'm freezing my arse.
I did it! Lit one off for the heck of it! It isn't real cold, but it feels cold compared to the 90s recently and it is wet and drizzly out. Burning some pine branches and cones and some oddball oak chunks and splitter trash, along with quality delivered junk mail kindling..
We don't light the stove until it gets cold. It hasn't done that yet. We have been running the air conditioner though.
We don't light the stove until it gets cold. It hasn't done that yet. We have been running the air conditioner though.

Ha! Knocked the clammy out of the room pretty quick! Cozy, too! Probably woke up any wasps in the chimney as well...sort of like sitting around the fire outside, except I am not getting rained on! Burning the same semi junk stuff (half rotten fulla ants and like that) I would in the outside fire.
We don't light the stove until it gets cold. It hasn't done that yet. We have been running the air conditioner though.

That's no joke. My central air has run 24/7 for months. I am so sick of this heat, I would pay for a cool day!! I am one that HATES hot weather more than words can say. I stare at my woodstove praying I get to use it sooner than later.
That's no joke. My central air has run 24/7 for months. I am so sick of this heat, I would pay for a cool day!! I am one that HATES hot weather more than words can say. I stare at my woodstove praying I get to use it sooner than later.

Nice country up there. We've been into the Sterling Forest and Greenwood Lake areas. I don't recall it ever being "hot" when we were there. Anyway, I hope you're stocked up. We may be in for a helluva winter.
Sorry to hear, I had a fire last night, another this morning and planing one tonight also, calling for 37f tonight again. Of coarse I leave the windows open all day until it gets cold again in the house so I can build a fire lol.
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Not yet in CT, but the chimney is cleaned, the thimble looks good, and the wood stove is tuned and ready to go....
Nice country up there. We've been into the Sterling Forest and Greenwood Lake areas. I don't recall it ever being "hot" when we were there. Anyway, I hope you're stocked up. We may be in for a helluva winter.

Nice to visit, not to live. Taxes are absolutely criminal!! :dizzy:I hope we have a cold winter. I feel cheated from practically no winter last year! Yeah I am very well stocked as I used very little last year compared to a normal winter.
Cleaned my parents chimney today, and this evening they had it going. (they are 80+ young) :msp_smile:
Nice to visit, not to live. Taxes are absolutely criminal!! :dizzy:I hope we have a cold winter. I feel cheated from practically no winter last year! Yeah I am very well stocked as I used very little last year compared to a normal winter.

Gotcha on NY taxes. Been there, done that. Got the heck out around 12 years ago. It's still pretty country though.
It was 38[sup]o[/sup] just the other morning.
Now "they're" sayin' near 90[sup]o[/sup] for the next couple days.
And then not even making it out'a the 60's on Thursday.

That's pretty typical September/early October weather for us, and usually the swings in temperature are more extreme out here along the river than a couple miles from it. By September end we'll be seeing 80[sup]o[/sup] on one day, and 40[sup]o[/sup] the next... and overnight lows all over the place. By mid-October the weather will normally settle-in... but we've learned... we don't bother with "turnin'-on-the-heat" until after Halloween. Besides, October mostly has enough sun energy to warm the house just fine during the day. I can only remember one time ever starting a fire (for indoor heat) before Halloween, and that was just two nights before.

Heck, we ain't even closed the windows yet (even on that night it dropped below 40[sup]o[/sup])... and I won't take the window screens off and put the storms and plastic on until sometime in October. We pretty much live outdoors from Easter til Thanksgiving... only ran the A/C about 10-12 days this year, no sense in running it if ya' ain't indoors to feel it. On the really hot nights I slept out in the hammock til after midnight, and then moved into the bed after the house shed some heat. When it starts coolin' off we just move the chairs closer to the fire pit and put on a sweatshirt. If it wasn't for the kids I don't think we'd turn the TV on until sometime in November... I don't believe I've watched 5 hours of TV total since Easter, and that was "kids" shows with my 4-year-old on rainy days (honestly, if I wasn't married with kids I wouldn't even own a TV... no kiddin'). And if wasn't for laptop computers I can carry outdoors, the only time I'd post here would be on that rare day when I'm stuck in the office and bored at work.

So, nope, ain't burning yet... and ain't plannin' on it for another 6 weeks or so.
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Have had a few fires over recently - one going well tonight (SWMBO says "Is the door open"?) meands get off my rear and stoke up a fire!. Predicted down into the 20s tonight - that's an early first frost. These cool days are a relief after almost a month of way above average temps.

Got one more (of three) 6'x12' ricks of locust to stuff into the porch and one rick the same size still to put in the shed. Keeping one wagon of spruce on the porch for these early fires.

Harry K